Time travel is a really delicate thing, simply appearing in the past can alter history just as much as killing prominent figures like Hitler(who you may or may not know) I think i might have a way for you to get home. I'm Jakoby Gerhardt, the father of time travel. At least Jakoby Gerhardty is the name i store my name under, i don't trust people with my real name often. Anyways, you'll need a computer(Linux should still be a thing, its a base operating system with many possibilities and functions), and some dense, yet mold-able metal platings, and then a power source, go back to where you first arrived with a metal sheet and wave it through the air(sounds weird i know, but hear me out) then charge the metal plate with any shock, this will attract the tachyons you created and need as a power source. Lastly of course you'll need some sort of thruster, preferably a pocket warp set of 2-4 depending on how big you want your craft, 1 thruster could ferry maybe 5 people, 2 for ten, 3 for fifteen, et cetra that's approximately how many people you can take per trip. First mold the metals into the shape of your craft ensuring no openings anywhere, but for a door, which when sealed will have no openings. Open up the computer and slide the metal sheet(cut to size first) under the motherboard, it should attach, at least stick. Connect the thrusters to the back of the craft and to the computer console. Boot the computer and type 'startup'. affter the computer boots up type 'nano ~/.bash_profile' and from the nano driver type 'startup thrusters ' + the sections the thrusters are plugged into(TRIPLE CHECK THIS,ACTIVATING A THRUSTER SECTION WITH NO THRUSTERS AN CAUSE THE CONSOLE TO EXPLODE AND WITH TACHYONS THAT'LL DESTROY HALF A PLANET!!!). Type 'exit', press enter, then type 'clear' and then 'sync ~/.bash_profile' and it should hopefully work. This is under the assumption the console you've looted is one designed for a CDML pod and not a K300 pod, if all you have are K300 pods you're out of luck, cause then you need a VTOL sync which can only be done with DNA analysis from the proper executives. Safe Travels(through time!)!