Jade Helm 15


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Anyone else heard about Operation Jade Helm ( Master the Human Domain )?


Any information y'all can find out please post.

Supposed to start on July 15th, 2015 and run through Sept. 11th, 2015. You can find numerous YouTube video's with people talking about this multi-state military "training" exercise. Yes, mostly made by conspiracy theorists, however, how do you feel about such an exercise?

Texas cities scheduled to host military exercises this summer are: Bastrop/Smithville, Big Spring, Caddo Lake, Caldwell, Christoval, College Station, Dell City, Eldorado, Goliad, Junction, Leakey, Menard, Mountain Home, San Angelo, San Antonio and Victoria. Don't know where in the other states involved.

An Army document explaining the exercise said Texas was selected "because Texans are historically supportive of efforts to prepare our soldiers, airmen, marines and sailors to fight enemis of the United States."

It also said the Army plans "to work with civilians to gain their trust and an understanding of the issues."

Jade Helm will also be conducted simultaneously across six other southwestern states. Apparently additional states have been added into this exercise.

And there's lots of folks just like the guy in the following video that got me to wondering ..what will happen if folks do decide to fight?



Washington Post calls it a legit training exercise on a scale not seen before, involving every branch of the military. Either they're training to repel an invasion on our soil (ISIS?) or they're getting ready to counter an attempted revolution/civil war. Either one is not good. ['not good' meaning dark dark implications]

The military's pissed saying everyone is panicking over nothing. But seriously, the fact that so many people have so little trust in the government/military is telling in itself.

As a side note, I noticed they aren't doing any training in the north east or the DC area. I'm sure it's nothing.

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What will the recourse be if the 'practicing' troops get fired upon by scared citizens? And don't know about you, but having soldiers roaming around my property isn't something would allow without protest. Trespassing on private property is very much frowned upon here in the Texas countryside, and am sure that there will be quite a few folks just like the guy in the video --- and that's scary all by itself. As you pointed out, trust levels are very low and something I can guarantee is that there will be a lot of wary, armed Texans watching this thing very closely. In other words, this is like having a smoke while sitting on a leaky keg of gun powder. Ya hope it don't blow up, but.....

I think we may be getting a little carried away with the notion the military is practicing for an assault against the American population.

They are obliviously preparing to defend against the coming alien confrontation. NASA did just say we will hear from the aliens soon. What do they know and when did they know it! :alien: :alien:

On a more serious side, now would not be an opportune time for the government to try to subdue the population. We have a very large number of veterans in the population now, having just ended 14 years of conflicts. These are highly trained individuals, capable of easily operating military equipment seized in battle, including commandeered aircraft.

On the realist side,

The Officer's military oath; I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.

The enlisted oath; I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The National guard substitutes "Governor of the state of..." for "President...".

The articles of the UCMJ, 90,91,92 stipulate "Lawful Orders". You actually CAN NOT obey "unlawful" orders. "I was only following orders" is not a defense in court. The Supreme Court ruled against this defense during the War with France in a case involving the US Navy and a ship's Captain for following a Presidential Order.

Only in Hollywood does the military attack the civilian population. I do not believe any "seasoned" military personnel would follow an order to subdue...by Force... the citizens of The United States. "We" are the "Constitution" they swear to protect... that I swore to protect.


I agree there could be a problem if someone fires on a military patrol on exercise, though I doubt they will be caring live ammunition. I sincerely hope the military won't be trespassing on "private" property. The government "owns" a lot of Texas anyway. Patrolling in towns has been done before. If they do trespass, there will be, and there "should" be claims filled in court. The guy in the video you posted is the type that scares me. Shoot first and ask questions later may sound good sometimes but it rarely works out for the best.

An attack by one or the other, be it a misunderstanding or a deliberate provocation, the outcome of violence is still violence. There's already one documented clash between Texas militia and border patrol.See here:http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-border-patrol-shooting-20140830-story.html

View attachment 498

Sadly, Kent State is history, not Hollywood.Wikipedia:The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre)[2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the US city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[5][6]Some of the students who were shot had been protesting the Cambodian Campaign, which President Richard Nixon announced during a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance.[7][8]Soldiers are human beings. No oath can prevent mistakes or errors in judgment, or pure chaos during an exchange. The heart of the problem is growing social unrest in America is setting the stage for an historic "powder keg incident" (think Boston Massacre). The reaction to the training exercises is the red flag that society is fixing to blow.View attachment 498

Kent State

I suppose I see this differently than some others. On May 4, 1970 I was attending a Military Academy. I do not side with the Ohio National Guardsmen, their actions were the result of inadequate training, poor leadership, and possible animus for the protesters among some of the Guardsmen in the group that took the deadly action. The resulting controversies, political, civil, and legal, shed light on the inadequate preparation among all involved. I remember well that period in the US. It is unfortunate students died as a result of either, their own actions or someone else's that day but, when someone engages in a protest and it turns violent, dire consequences are inevitable.

I do point out though, these incidents, Kent State; carried out by a National Guard unit, Jackson State; carried out by uniformed Police, were not the actions of, as I stated originally, "seasoned" US military personnel. At that time, the National Guard were considered weekend warriors, made up mostly of draft dodgers who didn't want to serve in the actual military. I don't carry that attitude today. I've grown, I hope, wiser and less arrogant.

I have seen, far to many times, what could be and should be a peaceful and perfectly valid protest, turned into something ugly and dangerous for ALL involved because of a few malcontents that want violence; that only know hate; that disappear in the chaos they instigated like the disgusting cowards they are...Ferguson, etc.

An attack by one or the other, be it a misunderstanding or a deliberate provocation, the outcome of violence is still violence.

There's already one documented clash between Texas militia and border patrol.
Texas "militia" and "Border Patrol"... different animals than US military personnel.

Sadly, Kent State is history, not Hollywood.
Ah, but did you see how Hollywood presented the story?

Soldiers are human beings. No oath can prevent mistakes or errors in judgment, or pure chaos during an exchange.
Agreed; which is why so much training is carried out, especially among Officers and Non-Coms.

The heart of the problem is growing social unrest in America is setting the stage for an historic "powder keg incident" (think Boston Massacre).
Again, completely different situation. The British Military was the enforcement arm of the Monarchy for hundreds of years. The US military is not used within the US borders. Posse Comitatus Act.(In an expected response... The National Guard is not under the act. I know about the Insurrection Act. Most responses to these Acts are knee-jerk reactions to misunderstood provisions; these have been amended; parts repealed; and there are still ongoing adjustments to the Acts depending on who is in power at any given time.)

The reaction to the training exercises is the red flag that society is fixing to blow.
The same things were being said in the 90's when the military was training for urban combat. Conspiracy theorists said they were preparing to attack US cities. Actually, the training was in preparation for combat action in Iraq and again in the early 00's for Afghanistan and Iraq.The military has been training in the US at military bases and in some cities for decades. At one time nearly all military training was on military reserves, not under public scrutiny.
Things may be different than I remember but usually, in a training exercise like this, the military personnel are not carrying live ammunition. An Officer or NCO may be and a designated individual may carry more ammunition for the others.

Will some idiot(s) instigate a situation? I won't say it isn't possible and may even be likely, but I hope not.

Anyone else heard about Operation Jade Helm ( Master the Human Domain )?
I hope that it's just B.S. because if the military closes in on its citizens that support it, the entire society could fall prey to an especially bad typ of alien consortium.These are like space pirates and are mentioned in the book The Fieldguide To Extraterrestrials by Patrick Huyghee.This is a hodge podge of anything from alien hairy dwarves to humanoids that you wouldn't want to ever meet up with.This equals at least four confederated worlds, to where you can buy sell, trade humans as anything from slaves, to genetic fixins, to food.
What I am concerned about, is if issues goes into a nuclear way, these types of aliens could bring in huge spaceships with cutting beams that can get at survivors in the underground arc systems.These aliens while at first appearing rag tag, are indeed very formidable and could drastically hurt this society.I sure hope that issues dont come to this.Read South American soldier takes fishing vacation, in the book in the link.Thanks Pinter


Not the little blue aliens with the almond eyes and "jelly fish" ships or the cat people in their giant supermall/library cylinder shaped arks. They're the good guys ;-)

If we're going for fringe theories, then I'm going with the massive terrorist false-flag event of September 11, 2015. From July and into September the elite of the US military will be training for this under the guise of Jade Helm. One week later, the government will unlease a series of coordinated large scale explosions, and report a clash between elite forces (conveniently on hand) with unnamed insurgents. No witnesses as this occurs on private property being used for JH training. Soon after the orchestrated pandemonium, martial law is declared and the right to habeas corpus is suspended. An announcement comes from the POTUS at exactly 11:09 am that military intelligence revealed it was not a Muslim extremist attack, but in fact an Israeli (I knew you'd like that) secret opp to frame Iranian special forces. The POTUS promises a response in the form of Operation Swift Justice. Etc. Etc. WW3 etc.

// I'm taking my tin foil hat off now //

That was fun.

For starters, are people aware this entire conspiracy BS was kicked-off by Alex Jones? I am going to say, up front, so anyone that might be offended can avoid reading any further... If someone can believe "anything" that comes from the proven ignorance of Alex Jones, then should that person's intelligence to be in question also? If some find that offensive, the truth can be offensive.

If anyone is left (and I know there are intelligent people here, I've seen their posts):

This is a TRAINING exercise under the U.S. Army Special Operations Command (SOC). There are supposed to be (about) 1200 Special Op personnel including, Green Berets, some Navy SEALS, and Air Force AFSOC in the Texas operation. Now, I was Navy so maybe I have a little bias toward the SEALS being the best but, even if it were 1200 SEALS, they aren't going to take over Texas. Someone would have to be at the top of the gullible dupe chain and be someone who BELIEVES all of the BS Hollywood puts out in movies about Martial Law, to actually think 1200 SEALS, or 1200 anything, could take over Texas with, approx. 1.6 million veterans and 18.6 million citizens 18 and over and one of the strongest, "Don't f--- with me" attitudes in the country and a whole-lot-a guns and the know-how to use them. DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS isn't just a road sign.

Now that's just Texas. If the citizens of the rest of the US saw this conspiracy theory actually become a real event, there would be more angry "armed" citizens,(this would include the intelligent liberals) than even OUR military could hope to subdue.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Second Amendment to the Constitution of The United States

This is in the Constitution for exactly the reason the conspiracy theorists fear and is exactly why the above conspiracy theory has no f-n chance of succeeding. If you do want to fear something... fear the attempts by the left wing liberals that want to take your guns away. They are too blind to see, they are walking right into the scenario, where the Government could take away all the rights of the citizens... even theirs.

Then, there is also the fact that the President has no authority to call for "preemptive" martial law. The Supreme Court, I believe, would stop any attempt at that. Congress would also have some say in this and, need I mention the Governors of the states involved.

ex parte milligan, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 2, 18 L. Ed. 281 (1866). Milligan firmly established the right of the U.S. Supreme Court to review the propriety of martial law declarations.

Again, if Alex Jones has any credibility with anyone, after all the conspiracy theories he has been behind that did not develop, they have to be the elite among the ignorant. If you are offended by the word ignorant, imagine how offended the others are that have to hear the ignorance of people like Jones and his followers. Look up the definition of ignorance before you attack me. It's not the same as being called stupid. A person can avoid ignorance simply by learning and understanding. I know, the first reaction will be to tell me I am the ignorant one because I can't see what the government is trying to do. I assure you, I do see what the government is trying to do and while I will never encourage insurrection, I will encourage people to vote to remove those that are not an advocate of the people, and the government will only take away my gun when (cliche to follow) they pry it from my cold dead fingers.

For starters, are people aware this entire conspiracy BS was kicked-off by Alex Jones? I am going to say, up front, so anyone that might be offended can avoid reading any further... If someone can believe "anything" that comes from the proven ignorance of Alex Jones, then should that person's intelligence to be in question also? If some find that offensive, the truth can be offensive.If anyone is left (and I know there are intelligent people here, I've seen their posts):This is a TRAINING exercise under the U.S. Army Special Operations Command (SOC). There are supposed to be (about) 1200 Special Op personnel including, Green Berets, some Navy SEALS, and Air Force AFSOC in the Texas operation. Now, I was Navy so maybe I have a little bias toward the SEALS being the best but, even if it were 1200 SEALS, they aren't going to take over Texas. Someone would have to be at the top of the gullible dupe chain and be someone who BELIEVES all of the BS Hollywood puts out in movies about Martial Law, to actually think 1200 SEALS, or 1200 anything, could take over Texas with, approx. 1.6 million veterans and 18.6 million citizens 18 and over and one of the strongest, "Don't f--- with me" attitudes in the country and a whole-lot-a guns and the know-how to use them. DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS isn't just a road sign.
Now that's just Texas. If the citizens of the rest of the US saw this conspiracy theory actually become a real event, there would be more angry "armed" citizens,(this would include the intelligent liberals) than even OUR military could hope to subdue.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Second Amendment to the Constitution of The United States

This is in the Constitution for exactly the reason the conspiracy theorists fear and is exactly why the above conspiracy theory has no f-n chance of succeeding. If you do want to fear something... fear the attempts by the left wing liberals that want to take your guns away. They are too blind to see, they are walking right into the scenario, where the Government could take away all the rights of the citizens... even theirs.

Then, there is also the fact that the President has no authority to call for "preemptive" martial law. The Supreme Court, I believe, would stop any attempt at that. Congress would also have some say in this and, need I mention the Governors of the states involved.

ex parte milligan, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 2, 18 L. Ed. 281 (1866). Milligan firmly established the right of the U.S. Supreme Court to review the propriety of martial law declarations.

Again, if Alex Jones has any credibility with anyone, after all the conspiracy theories he has been behind that did not develop, they have to be the elite among the ignorant. If you are offended by the word ignorant, imagine how offended the others are that have to hear the ignorance of people like Jones and his followers. Look up the definition of ignorance before you attack me. It's not the same as being called stupid. A person can avoid ignorance simply by learning and understanding. I know, the first reaction will be to tell me I am the ignorant one because I can't see what the government is trying to do. I assure you, I do see what the government is trying to do and while I will never encourage insurrection, I will encourage people to vote to remove those that are not an advocate of the people, and the government will only take away my gun when (cliche to follow) they pry it from my cold dead fingers.
That's exactly what I meant by "Yikes!" :D
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The fear shown is a statement in of itself though.

Confidence in the goverment is slipping, and this is not just a US problem. Many 'western' societies are feeling this too. And really it comes down to a wholly inefficient system that marginalised the many to hold up an out dated ideal.

The shift is already gaining momentum, towards personal freedom in any form the person feels, bound together by collective moral standards for life and choice.

Turbulent times ahead, I feel.

Whew , it's getting wild around these parts Nothing like the Waco police making one of the largest Motorcycle Clubs angry. Gee Whiz, glad the military is going to be around conducting 'exercises'.

The best way to stop ideas from spreading is to call the people who are spreading them conspiracy theorists. There are countless documents showing that western countries, particularly USA is concerned about civil unrest. This military exercise supposedly is targeted towards anti terrorism, but it also is the same training being used for civil unrest. As the divide between rich and poor gets greater in USA the chances for civil unrest increase. So there is some grains of truth in the Jade Helm conspiracy.

How are the Texans taking this jade helm business?
The percentage of people that seem to be OK with the training exercise is much greater than those who are not. I would say most Texans as a whole are "very" supportive of our men and women in the military. And the military people did ask the county commissioners for permission to conduct the training, as were the private land owners.Gov. Abbott did call out the State Guard to keep an eye on the participants of the Jade Helm exercise.
However, that was probably a psychological maneuver being done to calm the nervous people down, like the folks in the militias who have decided to conduct their own exercises at the same time as Jade Helm.

But then again, strange event that was there in Waco. The response from the Bandidos? That puts a wrinkle in the ranch....
