Jack the Ripper : The Victims


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Ripper victims are :

  1. Mary Ann Nichols
  2. Annie Chapman
  3. Elizabeth Stride
  4. Catherine Eddowes
  5. Mary Jane Kelly

There may have possibly been more victims. If possible let's look to see if there are others who may have been victims of Jack the Ripper.

For now, Mary Ann Nichols is considered to be the first victim.

View attachment 159

Mary Ann Nichols

Birth Date: August 26, 1845

Attacked and killed: August 31, 1888

Age: (43)

Location: in front of a gated stable entrance in Buck’s Row ( currently Durward Street), Whitechapel, about 150 yards from the London Hospital and 100 yards from Blackwall Buildings.

Complexion: Dark Eyes colour: Grey Hair colour: Light brown Height: 5’ 2"

Occupation: Domestic servant / prostitute

Clothes at the time of murder/discovery: A black Straw bonnet trimmed with black velvet, a reddish brown ulster with seven large brass buttons bearing the pattern of a woman on horseback accompanied by a man; a brown linsey frock (apparently new); a white flannel chest cloth; black ribbed wool stockings; two petticoats, one gray wool, one flannel, both stenciled on bands “Lambeth Workhouse”; brown stays (short); flannel drawers; men’s elastic (spring) sided boots with the uppers cut and steel tips on the heels.

Resting place: City of London Cemetery & Crematorium.

(source for information : Victorian Whitechapel )


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Kerr, this is really cool. Do you have any other information about victims to show us?
Intended this to be a group effort. For the members of the group to contribute to an investigation of our own. I have my sources, however, other members may find different sources to provide a different perspective OR bring to light something over-looked by previous investigations.
