I’ve been travelling through time for about 21 years


Temporal Novice
Hello! I've been travelling through Time for quite a while (as I've mentioned in the title), and I've experienced many interested events, which, most of them, have been quite mind opening. Now, just a few minutes ago, I decided to write something here. Before I do 'start', I just want to point out some things:

  • I do not type very well;
  • I am not very keen on English language (expect more than just ortography mistakes);
  • I am a very common person.

Okay, so, I will not go into details of my full birthdate or anything like that, mostly because I don't like to share too much private information, if any. Moving on, I've been traveling from past to the future and perhaps, could I consider the present? Not so much. Sometimes, I have visions of the past. Sometimes, they are triggered by alike events, other times I voluntarily seek them, the latter varying in reasons. I do, also, have visions of the future (which might be of the interest of a few people in here), and, like the visions of the past, they can also be either involutary or voluntary.

To my knowledge, I might receive curiosity about both of these kinds of visionss, but, I must say, not all of them will be certain. Mostly because of my lack of knowledge or rememberance, for the past ones, and, lack of enlarged vision for the future's. Therefore, I apologize in advance. Back to the topic!

Now, I do not seek to confuse anyone. Everyone is, or, has already formed their idea of time travel. You might think that your idea is flawless, you might be wrong. These are, perhaps, the kind of things that we are definetly not taught in school: to be curious, to be open minded, to learn more - but I guess it's okay to learn a few stuffs from someone else, as long as we accept it (just to be sure that I'm not saying we shouldn't learn anything from anyone, at all). Oh, and speaking of such, I have been in school! Yes, of course, I studied in 'normal' public school until 9th grade, but failing to complete it due to faulty classes, and bad marks - so, I decided to drop out before even the exams began, since I was gonna fail anyways. After I dropped out of school, a new time was beginning, and I knew it was the right call, at that time at least. And this new time, opened doors that I longed to reach since a very young age. As I moved to this new time, I couldn't see that much about many subjects, yet. I was just about to start a potent strat of growth, and in this work, one of which is time, I realized the importance of taking the time to sit, and think for a bit: who am I? what do I really want to do? who do I want to become?

Perhaps, this is what has been driving me unconsciously through the years. I, supose, that every time I learn something new, I seem to grow a bit more and I can see a bit more of what's around me - penetrate deep with my vision, discerning the material forms and natures, into the more deep, spiritual ones. To be able to reach to a conclusion: we are all travelling through time - we are all time traveleres, time travel exists since the beggining of time itself.

NOTE #1: This can be thought as a troll(post) or weird, but PLEASE, the message here is real. Please give it a thought! Don't just act based on what you FEEL at the moment! If you think about ignoring this, give it a second thought.** PLEASE**.

NOTE #2: I am sorry if I offend or annoy someone. But I feel open to discuss my words. Don't be afraid of hurting me, I am open for dicussion, so I know what might be coming there and I feel prepared.

You said your open for discussion, could you specify the types of visions you have? Maybe even give an example?

Hope you can get back to me on this -

your a liar. you can not in any way under any circumstances prove your claims. but i can prove your lies. win in seconds.

You said your open for discussion, could you specify the types of visions you have? Maybe even give an example?Hope you can get back to me on this -
The visions, are usually of events. Sometimes of people.Example: Having a vision of an Earthquake or a Tsunami

The visions are not entirely direct. I don't see how exactly it can happen, I simply see that it may happen. The stronger the vision, the more probabilities that it's going to happen.

As a word about the vision itself, I may see myself running away from a tidal wave, various big waves, etc..

Perhaps, a better example, would be a vision that I had recently before the floods happening here on my country. I saw my house flooded and I felt some sorrow - this implies that there's gonna be some "water" flood problem, either by rain, or anything else. And it could be from minor to catastrophic. The vision itself, however, manifested as a dream (this is the most usual way). And it was quite vivid. The rest you can understand.

Was it a day at a time?
I supose, you're meaning that I began to travel through time since X day? Hmm, I think we could say that. Maybe since the day I was born, or even before! Who knows!

So when did you first travel tell me about your experience ? To what time did you go ?
I might have not been clear enough... I did not move from one day to another as you travel from country to country, or city to city. When I said that I've been travelling through time, I really meant that. I haven't stopped yet, and I don't know when I will.This is not a very typical time travel story.

That is one of the reasons why I'm open to discuss this.

Is it safe to presume that you are often not aware that you are time travelling ? Until now ,all you've described was having psychic visions, if you mean that these visions are the visual presentation of a possible world line and that you somehow have an ability to shift back in time to an earlier event ,so you only remember the future you lived as a vision or a dream? I hope I understood it right, it's certainly a different take on all the time travel ideas we usually read on this forum .

Okay, we're getting somewhere!

Yes, those are all psychic visions. I was waiting for someone to realize that.

If I could explain it in a simple way, I could say that having these 'psychic visions' is like travelling back and forth in time. You dream with possible or evident outcomes that can happen, and then return to whatever you were in the first place. And if you have an enough clear mind, these visions may even show up while you are not sleeping.

However, there is still a part of this 'time' experience that I'm trying to explain too. It really has to do with Time.

Everyone experiences this 'time', but not in a sense of 'sensation', but in a sense of continuation. Movement; rhythm; melody.

I want you to answer to this question if it's possible for you.

  1. Can you travel backwards in time and answer in this exact b4 I sent it?
  2. Can you tell me a reason why you tell us that you are a time traveler?you might cause a time paradox if so.
  3. Now that you sended you are a 2016 what is your age why you came at 2016 you wanna inform us about something or just to play the hero on forums?
  4. If you really was a time traveler there are two basic probabilities.(a. you wouldn't be speaking to anyone about it cause you might cause a time paradox, and B. you would be telling everything to some company or to someone you trust or even to everyone every single detail .) why didn't you?
  5. What's your purpose?Wanna play the lotto?I don't care about your visions you said two thinks that happen frequently be more specific don't just say stupid thinks.

Just to know I kinda believe in time travel but not in you!



Very well, I will answer these questions.

  1. It should be possible to do that, yes - but I'm not that kind of time traveler;
  2. My intentions on implying that I am a time traveler, is because I have yet to see what I'm trying to explain. I seek to teach something important about Time, that has to be understood well before many people start using it.
  3. I didn't enter here in 2016, don't take me wrong. When I said that I've been travelling through time for about 21 years, I really meant 21-22 years ago from now. PS: You can say that you are a time traveler, if you know what you're doing. Plus, if it's even part of whatever 'mission' you might have.
  4. But, it is totally fine to say that I am. It makes no difference. I did not come from the future, nor the past, yet I am there and yet not at the same time.
  5. As I mentioned earlier, I intend to share some knowledge about the Rules of Time. I think this might be quite important. Playing the lotto while bending time, is not on my plans. About the specifics, I supose that you mean specific dates? I am not very experienced yet to be able to do that however... I have a feeling (or a vision) I know it will happen and the stronger the feeling, the sooner it will happen or more catastrophic it'll be or even both.

It's fine if you don't believe in me. Trust comes with time.

As a reminder, I'm not exactly here to speak about my visions of the future/past. I'm here to talk about Time. Please try to understand the message I bring. I've already showed the answers and all...

I find the inference that you are existing corporeal between 2 temporal frames laughable.c'mon man, even a real time traveler would have seen right through that one x_x . Does this mean that you some extra-dimensional Jellyfish floating between frames?

I find the issue of you only traveling in 21 to 22 year intervals suspect at the best. Time travel allows some larger than couple of decades. I read it and it does not make much sense

3.I didn't enter here in 2016, don't take me wrong. When I said that I've been travelling through time for about 21 years, I really meant 21-22 years ago from now.

I have been traveling through time to, it is a days at a time,, it seems that when I can say when closed my eyes at night I lose about 8 to 9 hours and it is the next day, but that does make me a time traveler ;P

You answer to everything yet you gave me no answer...

Just to be clear.. I'm not an Idiot It's that I don't believe it's

that you seem too........ to be a time traveler :p and anyway

I wouldn't believe a guy who gives such an incomplete answer.

I hope that you understand that I can only provide what you are able to understand. I know that you are not an idiot

, but I do feel that you could use little more research your theory

His point is that we are all moving through time and so we are all time travellers, meaning that without lying he can claim to be one.

It's a parlour trick, like a tv psychic. He leads us to conclusions, then claims that's what he was guiding us towards.

So far, I see no wisdom ...
