Its interesting that John was right....


Temporal Novice
Some interesting things have come to pass....

unfortunately i have lost the article, but what I read made me think of John Titor.
A lady was found to be incubating CJD. They found "Mad Cow" prions in her spleen....
It was not debilitating her nor was her brain "melting", she was just carrying it....
Technically she HAS CJD but it isn't "effectual" that is to say it is not fukkin her up.....yet.
They skirted the possibility that there are many others like her.....
personally i believe a bunch of people out there are gonna be in for a SUPERSIZED surprise...

I wonder if you've heard about the "very Exciting" possibility of eliminating the IRS that has been bandied about lately....
the "president" is behind it.....
as is some shmo in washington who has the power and gumption to make it happen....
i believe that john mentioned the dissolution of the IRS at some point...

and.....I found this .....
"Titor does state that "something" will happen on April 27, 2004 that's important. I would assume that will be in America, but I could be wrong."

Did something happen on that day?


While folks were reading and worrying over discussions concerning numerology and the SEARS TOWER in Chicago,....
... Bush, the U.S. Senate, and House of Representatives passed the re-instatement of the PATRIOT ACT with all additions and amendments included.

The American general public at large, ... for the most part, ... has NO IDEA what was done to their constitutional / civil rights on that day.

What happened was not "extraordinary" from OUR point of view, such as a devastating attack would be.
It was however extraordinary, and an item worthy of note from the future's point of view.
I remember learning in school the dates of important political events....such as the signing of the declaration and whatnot.

this date would be worthy of note from the view point of a visitor from the future who would have been schooled in geopolitical events such as the reinstating of the Patriot Act, in essence maintaining the unparalleled level of power it prescribes to the executive branch of the united states government at this time.

What does this all mean?
sure why not?
true time traveler?
sure why not?
point is......

if we were watching a movie in which the main characters were living in a country such as germany right before WWII we would probably have a thought of "man why don't they just get OUT of there?!"
why cant they see whats happening!? answer because we can see more than they can. Just look around you folks. See more. EXPLORE......YOUR.....WORLD.

does paying attention to the events potentially leading up to a civil war actually bring about the same?
dear god i do not know.
what you put your focus upon your reality becomes.
well what is the other option?
do u have any proof about that lady with the mad cow in her, or that john said anything was gona happen on april 27, 2004 i dont remember him saying anything about it.