Could it POSSIBLY be that the policies of the Bush Admin, just MAYBE, are having their intended effect, and the world is becoming a better place as a result of "Peace Thru Strength"?
I know that Dems and people with Dem-leanings would not ever want to give Bush even one ounce of credit, but I guarantee you that part of the Bush Admin strategy in Iraq was also to send a CRYSTAL CLEAR signal to terrorists in the Middle East. They knew Arafat and his murderous terrorists were watching, and they wanted to make the message as clear as possible. The Iraq war, combined with continued American and Israeli cooperation in marginalizing Arafat is part of what lead to these conditions being possible, once Arafat was out of the picture.
Face it...everyone knows it, but few are afraid to tell the truth: Arafat was NEVER about peace, and for all the years he was supposedly the legitimate president of the Palestinian people, he was a bigger obstruction to peace than he was a proponent....and what, in terms of results, did he EVER deliver to "his people"? (Recall Arafat was actually born an Egyptian!)