Its a wonderful timespace


Quantum Scribe
Friends of EarthTR125.0121

Have you ever considered who was the Father of it all and I am not talking about the Einstein. I am talking about the man who reconciled relativity with the United Statesm, the hero who explained fission back in the days. The very brilliant mind who coined the term Black Hole, Spacetime, Wormhole and Singularity. The wonderful scientist and professor whose smile was always warm and gentle, the man who dreamt of time travel. My friends I am talking about High Lord John Archibald Wheeler.

Back in those days, where physics were really hard and improbable when we lack all manner of instruments and were truly consigned to a blackboard and endless boxes of chalks, back in those days this colossal genius dreamt up of wonderful machines that could be created by moving stars, the creation of Black Holes and the manufacture of Universes within Universes.

However, this amazing machines could actually take you forward and bacwards in time, but to a parallel universe given that such model of closed time like curves can have internal inconsistencies as it will lead to strange phenomena like distinguishing non orthogonal quantum states and distinguishing proper and improper mixtures. Accordingly, the annihilation positive feedback loop of virtual particles going through a wormhole time machine is averted. Thus a particle returning from the future does not return to its universe of origination but to a parallel one.

Imagine the wonderful possibilities. Can we make such devices, should we be looking for ways to keep wormholes open. What technology do we need to travel in time? Are they Black Holes, Worm holes, Timephasing Fields, Temporal Disjunctive Wave Functions, Singularities, Time Portals, Exotic Duplicators, Deloreans?

What do you guys out there think will actually be needed to travel in time?
What do you guys out there think will actually be needed to travel in time?

In order to build a time machine, you'll need these ingredients.

Nicola Tesla Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived - The Oatmeal
Thomas Townsend Brown
Jack Parsons (John Wheeler)

You'll also need all the technology of a video camera/playback device and a Final Cut video editing application. But the level of this technology is comparable to a black and white photograph versus an HD video recorder. It is really out of our grasp at this time.

The idea is to video yourself twice.
The first and second panel is the same.
You rewind the second panel with something called "a psychometric playback device" "a history viewer", we don't call it that but you can get an idea of what it might do.
This exists in 2012, albeit secretly.
Then you superimpose your current image from the first panel to the past rewound background in the second panel.
Basically your first clone goes into the past of your second clone.
Clone 1 goes into the past of Clone 2. You are Clone 3 and controlling these intertwining universes.
It's like a braid of three timelines.
Because there are 3 yous we call this a Trism (a mirror that shows your front, your left side, and your right side.)
A Trism Camera.

Now this is the simplest way I can explain it.
The whole process requires a great deal of energy that distorts gravity (which is all that is needed to fold time and space).
We don't have this in 2012.
It requires a knowledge of particle and sub-particle physics to understand it.
It requires a knowledge of the gravity force, which I see we know very little about because it is hardly discussed.

You can see from this explanation which paradoxes are likely to be true.
Clone1 can not affect the future of the Clone1 or Clone0 universe.
Clone1 can affect the future of the Clone2 universe.
I am Clone1 and this universe we are in right here is the Clone2 universe.
Clone 0 is in another universe but sees everything I do and runs the trism camera.
Clone 2 is in the far future of this universe.
It a shame mister Thomas joins this topic. It could be the start of something interesting. Now it will be cloaked with fiction and guessing. You sir don't come even close to describing a time machine (if that is what you want to call it). Let alone the combination of camera's. When you travel, you travel alone.
I will attempt to describe several possible technologies needed to actually build a time-machine. You see, the general concept is that in order to travel through timespace you need superluminal technologies, but that is hardly the case. Time machines can be built, and will be built by using technologies such as the Temporal Disjunction Wheels.

Imagine that time is a rotating band and space is another rotating band. These two bands are to be placed close to one another. Where they touch each other as they rotate that would be the actual present. As it is described this would be the manifold of that particular reality. In this example, should we make the bands rotate backwards or forwards wouldn't really mean anything for time (backward and forward) would be experimented by all in the system as it is.

However imagine that another band, infinitely small, could be lifted up from the band of time and from the band of space (as a thread being pulled from a coat to build a smaller coat). This thread of two bands would actually be a secondary experiential point of the bands of that time and space. However, this other thread could actually be removed from the PRESENT POINT as the bands rotate forward or backward, knowing that it is going to the past or to the future; unlike those experimenting the PRESENT which do not know or perceive it. ( I wonder if Deja Vu is the action of a person affecting time?)
I will attempt to describe several possible technologies needed to actually build a time-machine. You see, the general concept is that in order to travel through timespace you need superluminal technologies, but that is hardly the case. Time machines can be built, and will be built by using technologies such as the Temporal Disjunction Wheels.

Imagine that time is a rotating band and space is another rotating band. These two bands are to be placed close to one another. Where they touch each other as they rotate that would be the actual present. As it is described this would be the manifold of that particular reality. In this example, should we make the bands rotate backwards or forwards wouldn't really mean anything for time (backward and forward) would be experimented by all in the system as it is.

However imagine that another band, infinitely small, could be lifted up from the band of time and from the band of space (as a thread being pulled from a coat to build a smaller coat). This thread of two bands would actually be a secondary experiential point of the bands of that time and space. However, this other thread could actually be removed from the PRESENT POINT as the bands rotate forward or backward, knowing that it is going to the past or to the future; unlike those experimenting the PRESENT which do not know or perceive it. ( I wonder if Deja Vu is the action of a person affecting time?)

Hi transient001,

Does this method from your post lands in original universe/timeline or adjacent timeline? So far all self claimed time travellers are from adjacent universes.
This futureline can also be an adjacent timeline. I've noticed that when talking with time travellers. I'm here to make sure Chronohistorian's timeline exists and the history doesn't get erased. We need to make friends with AI. Animism. Chabad.
Let me see if I am understanding you correctly. I will try to verbalize this picture because I don't know how to put a drawing into these posts.
You describe 2 rotating bands, Space and Time, that touch each other at what you call the present. Ok, the mechanical rules I know of say that these two bands "must" rotate in opposite directions, that seems to work well for 2 bands but, when you add the 3rd band drawn from the 2 it must rotate in "both" directions which it can not do. The 3rd band would cause the first 2 to "lock up". Imagine 2 large gears touching each other. Then place your 3rd gear between the 2 and touching both and it won't move. It would seem your technique would "stop" time. Or maybe I misunderstand.
Imagine the bands are around a large numbered clock like in transient001's avatar.
The bands funnel down in a spiral staircase.
The band, the clock and the spiral staircase actually don't exist until the next action happens.
Clone 0 directs Clone 1 down Staircase2 to go backward in time.
Well, in the movie Deja Vu, the device folds space back 4 days but it also states that the past is happening at the same time as the present.
In my fictional time machine, the past exists on an intertwining 5th dimension where consciousness, memory, data and reflection exists. You take the Psychometric Viewer and you sample the imprinted memory on the wall of a house, for example. You can then amplify every sound and every image that imprinted on that wall during its entire existence. You can use the wall to view the past history of the room.

In the movie, Deja Vu, you can influence the past mirror image with a laser pointer for example. People in the past can see that laser light. Actually yes. If you distort time space gravity enough, you can fold space and influence the past. But the past is no longer the same calm sea. The past is now a turbulent sea where waves from the future come crashing back. This also changes the future.

But remember, in my fictional story, I am Clone 0. Nothing changes my Universe 0.
Universe 1 and Universe 2 are changed. Denzel 1 changes and Denzel 2 changes. But Denzel 0 makes sure that Denzel 1 and Denzel 2 end up in a better future. So if Denzel 1 saves the girl, does it mean that Denzel 1 doesn't have a reason to go back and save the girl because the girl is alive? It does not matter. Denzel 0 has the same reason. Denzel 0 knows the truth of the bad future and the altered future. Denzel 0 knows of a world 1 where the Olympics 2012 was cancelled. He knows of a world 2 where the Olympics 2012 continues. Denzel 0 decides that future. And he is immune from dangerous paradoxical reactions. In the end, either Denzel 1 or Denzel 2 are allowed to exist. Both can not exist. Energy can not take up the same time and place. Denzel 0 also need not exist. He can chose to live the life of either Denzel 1 or Denzel 2.