Item No. 64


Epochal Historian
It could be where Rainman is not that smart to listen to my advice?

Here is what I said.

There were supposed to be no variance in the instruction given from the angelic hierarchies to the helper species, at all.

If these irregulatries did exist, then the word, as perceived by the holy book, could not be considered as ledgerable?

CAT answer to what I had said about the Betty Luica case, sighting that the helpers had abducted the wrong man, instead of the right one and this being orders from the angelic set was, :I don't like the picture that your trying to paint"?!

She also called me a bum and a gigolo, some sort of parasite.

The problem exist as discovered in the Andreasson Affair of a six mile long crystaline structure housed breath the oceans of the world.

This crystaline structure, as told by Luca, is thought to be the office of God.

The problem was the mistake and this was exemplified by my saying, that once populations had risen to a certain level, that biological instructions needed as necessary communications, would have become clouded.

This is why the very strong push on my part, to colonize space, in order to release this pressure.

The problem arises that if you channeling intonage, from this complex and it is perceived to be in error, then there is a problem with what the Cabalist are doing and the para-magical structure, known as Plato's cave allegory.
Just does not work, if its from a link and this link is in error.

It was known on other boards, that there were many complaints about the Cabalist, such as, "Who do these people think that they are, that they can come in here and threaten people who have been members of this board"?

They said it, I did not.But this is apparently something that others have perceived of them.

I did one thing and this was to take this irregularity, of the missed instructions as said in the angelic hierarchies, to T-12.
Of course this was again the wrong man being abducted to be taken into the blow sea impressments center and the gem robots saying, to a witness overhearing it, "I think we've got the wrong man"!?

T-12s answer was and he made double sure of this, that these being, the gem robot helpers to the angles were called VonNewman Probes.

The only VonNewman that I know of, is the VonNewman, in the Montauk Project.

This fields the question to the forefront once again, who own that six mile stretch of cyrtastaline rock, as mentioned in the Andreessen Affairs book.These are either angelic subhelper gem-bot, or Von Newman Probes, but they cant be both.

And yes for the Cabalist,. I would certainly want to know the answer to this question, very much so, as the magic I might be intoning, could not necessarily be the kind your thinking of?

I don't know?
Note: Not God, but the Fallen ones,

The Anunnaki of Course, but we must wait of the "discovery" of these ruins in the Atlantic Ocean... near Europa!

