It is All About Faith & Faith is Believing in That Which Cannot be Proved


Temporal Novice
Time machines, UFO’s and religion is all a matter of faith and the definition of faith is believing in that which cannot be proved; we can believe whatever we want to believe but without empirical proof it is all just a matter of faith.

On the other hand UFO’s are just that, unidentified flying objects, they are unidentifiable and could be anything yet many people prefer to believe they are from other worlds but that cannot be proved.

I believe the earth has been visited by extraterrestrials that our ancient ancestors, because of the extraterrestrial visitor’s omnipotence, took them as gods and the bible is an allegorical account of that visit.

I believe in a creator and those extraterrestrial visitors were the creators; they created Homo-sapiens by mixing part of their DNA with that of Homo-erectus to create modern humans but that is just my theory, none of it can be proved.

To time travel amongst the stars we would, at the very least, have to travel at the speed of light which in imperial notation is 186,282 miles per second and at this place in time we do not have that capability and even if we did it would take decades to travel to other planets and the fact is it would be physically impossible for humans to travel at such a speed.

It would be safe to say we have to travel double the speed of light to travel amongst the stars so we must accept the reality that we can only study our universe and hope for extraordinary advancement in technology.

I still believe earth has been visited, and probably still is being visited, by advanced extraterrestrials who are intellectually and technologically thousand and probably millions of years ahead of us; they could be an advanced species of humankind and able to teleport themselves around the universe?

Anything is possible?
We consider ourselves technologically advanced when in all probability modern man has only been in existence for 10,000 years and our technology is only a couple of hundred years old.

Perhaps we were created and there is a creator; I believe that is a real possibility, I adduce the probability that our ancient ancestors took omnipotent extraterrestrial visitors as Gods.
Even in this day and age would we not take omnipotent extraterrestrials as supernatural god-like beings?

Imagine anything you want and know that it is possible because anything is possible.
A multiverse, the vacuum of space filled with parallel universes and each universe slightly different to the other, containing parallel earths, again slightly different to this world, with different outcomes to particular occurrences in each parallel world; that is what science is theorizing now?
Perhaps there is a world where you married a different person, or never married, had no children or had different children, a world that still has dinosaurs or a world in which the Vietnamese are the dominant power; so many different outcomes that anything would be possible.
I believe life is eternal and in all probability we reincarnate to a different parallel world and universe; universe with different physical laws in which there is a world where you can travel at the fictional ‘warp-speed’ and travel interstellar.

In each new incarnation we do have contact with soul-mates and we will have accrued wisdom, no afflictions or frailties and with the increase in wisdom we reincarnate to different levels of mental maturity and perspicacity (shrewdness).

We are not the same person as now because we are reborn into a new body, a transport for the soul, and experience different influences that create a new personality but with each new incarnation we accrue more wisdom that brings with it a new more passive temperament and this is an ongoing development until we reach our full potential and then we will be omnipotent and worthy of a place amongst our extraterrestrial creators and then we will travel amongst the stars.
but with each new incarnation we accrue more wisdom that brings with it a new more passive temperament and this is an ongoing development until we reach our full potential

You have a lot more faith in the eternally arguing Ape's that we human's are than I- my friend...
I look at the Chimpanzee's at the Zoo- and I see very little difference.:(
You have a lot more faith in the eternally arguing Ape's that we human's are than I- my friend...
I look at the Chimpanzee's at the Zoo- and I see very little difference.:(
Thank you for your reply Dave, we all have opinions and we are all entitled to them; I can't prove anything I write about but I do like theorizing so I write.:)
Hi Troll, you are spot-on, I have the Meet Christian Singles, I hate old women just as they hate old men, too many wrinkles so the add is wasted on me; I am not religious and don't subscribe to any man written dogma, tto many foibles but I do believe in the future and life eternal.
Cheers Troll, stay warm and comfortaable in your cave.
Religion was created by man as a control mechanism and those days are gone; we now think and act for ourselves.
I follow no religious dogma because it is all a creation of man and man has his foibles; he cannot be relied on.
Oh, I dunno. Suppose you are in an airplane which is going down. People are starting to pray for God to save them. I don't understand that. Because, if God is in charge and he has decided that it is time for you to pop your clogs then that's it. You are going to die. God really doesn't care in the sense that we do, if he is up there at all. So I would rather put my faith in the pilot, who really is trying to save the plane.
God or the Pilot.... Makes no difference really, it is all a matter of faith; the pilot would probably be praying to his God?
Read Dr Robert Lanza and his Biocentric Universe hypothesis.
This theory puts a new scope on inter-stellar travel?

Being able to see is something we hardly ever think about yet it is an integral part of who we are. To be unable to see is considered a handicap; however, blind people learn to use other senses to understand the world and what is going on around them. If blindness came about after adolescence, the period between puberty and adulthood, they will have the memory of sight. They will still remember what ‘things’ look like; however, if born blind it would be an unimaginable world of light or dark and for some not even that.

Being able to see is quite amazing in that we see that which is created in our brain. When we see something, say a palm tree it is not in our head, it is light and shade passing through the lens of the eye to a bunch of special nerve cells in the retina. There it is turned into tiny electrical impulses that are sent along the optic nerve to the optical cortex, in the brain, which creates the vision.

What we actually see is what our brain creates.

Those tiny electrical impulses must be very special, allowing the brain to convert them into the beauty we see around us, which raises the question, do we all see the same vision when we look at something and are things still there when we are not looking at them; after all it is our brain creating the vision?
Dr Robert Lanza wrote a book about a theory he describes as, Biocentrism which says life and consciousness create time, space and the universe itself.

Our very being accepts the universe and everything around us because we deem them to exist; we see the universe and all that is around us. The further we peer into space, the more we realize that the nature of the universe cannot be understood fully by inspecting spiral galaxies or watching distant supernovas. It lies deeper. It involves our very selves.
Quote from Dr Lanza Website:This insight snapped into focus one day while one of us was walking through the woods. Looking up, he saw a huge golden orb web spider tethered to the overhead boughs. There the creature sat on a single thread, reaching out across its web to detect the vibrations of a trapped insect struggling to escape. The spider surveyed its universe, but everything beyond that gossamer pinwheel was incomprehensible.

The human observer seemed as far-off to the spider as telescopic objects seem to us. Yet there was something kindred: We humans, too, lie at the heart of a great web of 'space and time' whose threads are connected according to laws that dwell in our minds: End Quote

It is a fascinating subject that expands our thinking and consciousness and requires more than a cursory perusal; when someone tells us the universe exists because of us and not the other way around we need to sit up and take notice. We need hypothesis and theory to build knowledge and Biocentrism certainly offers that; I hope you find it interesting.
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God or the Pilot.... Makes no difference really, it is all a matter of faith; the pilot would probably be praying to his God?
Read Dr Robert Lanza and his Biocentric Universe hypothesis.

You are right it may make no point was though that the praying is pointless, if God has decided the plane is going down and your time is up. You are going to pop your clogs whether you have faith or not; God doesn't care.
This theory puts a new scope on inter-stellar travel?

Being able to see is something we hardly ever think about yet it is an integral part of who we are. To be unable to see is considered a handicap; however, blind people learn to use other senses to understand the world and what is going on around them. If blindness came about after adolescence, the period between puberty and adulthood, they will have the memory of sight. They will still remember what ‘things’ look like; however, if born blind it would be an unimaginable world of light or dark and for some not even that.

Being able to see is quite amazing in that we see that which is created in our brain. When we see something, say a palm tree it is not in our head, it is light and shade passing through the lens of the eye to a bunch of special nerve cells in the retina. There it is turned into tiny electrical impulses that are sent along the optic nerve to the optical cortex, in the brain, which creates the vision.

What we actually see is what our brain creates.

Those tiny electrical impulses must be very special, allowing the brain to convert them into the beauty we see around us, which raises the question, do we all see the same vision when we look at something and are things still there when we are not looking at them; after all it is our brain creating the vision?
Dr Robert Lanza wrote a book about a theory he describes as, Biocentrism which says life and consciousness create time, space and the universe itself.

Our very being accepts the universe and everything around us because we deem them to exist; we see the universe and all that is around us. The further we peer into space, the more we realize that the nature of the universe cannot be understood fully by inspecting spiral galaxies or watching distant supernovas. It lies deeper. It involves our very selves.
Quote from Dr Lanza Website:This insight snapped into focus one day while one of us was walking through the woods. Looking up, he saw a huge golden orb web spider tethered to the overhead boughs. There the creature sat on a single thread, reaching out across its web to detect the vibrations of a trapped insect struggling to escape. The spider surveyed its universe, but everything beyond that gossamer pinwheel was incomprehensible.

The human observer seemed as far-off to the spider as telescopic objects seem to us. Yet there was something kindred: We humans, too, lie at the heart of a great web of 'space and time' whose threads are connected according to laws that dwell in our minds: End Quote

It is a fascinating subject that expands our thinking and consciousness and requires more than a cursory perusal; when someone tells us the universe exists because of us and not the other way around we need to sit up and take notice. We need hypothesis and theory to build knowledge and Biocentrism certainly offers that; I hope you find it interesting.
Click to read more

Not sure there is anything new in what you have just said. Anybody who has thought about it knows that human senses are rather limited. Colin Wilson in his book "The Occult" speculates that our brain's perception of colours has improved since ancient times; we can differentiate subtle gradations of colour now while the ancients only a few thousand years ago could not, judging by words used to describe colours in ancient writings.
Lanza's theory is new in that he theorises everything we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is a creation of
our brain; that sounds quite logical to me. However, it raises the old question of, "When a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound?" The answer to that can only be, "Only if there is someone there to hear it?"
Biocentrism's is far more than what I have posted above. It also talks about the 'Many World Interpretation' that theorises a 'Multiverse' and parallel worlds..... It is only a theory but if true it would cancel many paradoxes such as the, 'Grandfather Paradox' that denies the probability of travelling back in time. According to the grandfather paradox if someone travelled to the past and killed his grandfather then he, the time traveller, wouldn't exist; therefore he could not travel back in time to kill poor old Pop. If the 'Many World Interpretation' is true the time traveller could travel to many different world's, even some in which he was never born?
Lanza's theory is new in that he theorises everything we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is a creation of
our brain; that sounds quite logical to me. However, it raises the old question of, "When a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound?" The answer to that can only be, "Only if there is someone there to hear it?"
Biocentrism's is far more than what I have posted above. It also talks about the 'Many World Interpretation' that theorises a 'Multiverse' and parallel worlds..... It is only a theory but if true it would cancel many paradoxes such as the, 'Grandfather Paradox' that denies the probability of travelling back in time. According to the grandfather paradox if someone travelled to the past and killed his grandfather then he, the time traveller, wouldn't exist; therefore he could not travel back in time to kill poor old Pop. If the 'Many World Interpretation' is true the time traveller could travel to many different world's, even some in which he was never born?

Thanks I am familiar with the Many World's Interpretation (Everett), and the Copenhagen Interpretation and the Penrose Interpretation. That's all they are at the moment.
The MWI doesn't cancel the Grandfather Paradox (and other paradoxes) so much as just obviates them. If the MWI is true then the simple act of going back into the past means the traveller can never get back to his/her "original" timeline as it would have developed. The future is an infinite set of quantum possibilities . For that reason although it allows unlimited freedom of action it is not as attractive from a human story point of view. But, who knows?
Lanza seems to be theorizing a variant of Idealism. It is a very attractive concept I must admit but not provable one way or the other at the moment. Lanza would naturally want to put biology first as a premier science, as he is a biologist. Anyway thanks for the heads up on the book Tony. You obviously enjoyed it! I might see if I can pick up a cheap copy on Amazon.
It seems you are quite a fan of Biocentrism. You last posted over a year ago, Aug. 2, 2012, with the same introduction of Biocentrism 3 times, and then again today.

Biocentrism is nothing more than another New Age, it's all about me, there is no God, I have no fear of judgment for my actions so, I'm happy, philosophy. While the idea is nothing new, philosophers have considered this as far back as Aristotle and Plato, this is an attempt to justify it scientifically and place it at the top of the scientific tree. As a student of biology, one might think I would be in favor of this approach but, no. There may someday be a new discipline that takes the lead and moves scientific knowledge into a new era but, biology is where it belongs in science. Studying life, here on this planet, what it is, what is means in the scheme of things, and what might it may ultimately lead to. There is plenty to do in this, without trying to take on the whole Universe.

Neurophenomenology: neuro-phenomen-ology, the study of neurological phenomenon, is a far more interesting look at how the mind might actually be working;
Hubert Dreyfus's "Intelligence Without Representation"

(This is not meant as an endorsement of any of the philosophical disciplines Dreyfus is associated with. Only that it raises valid points for consideration. Philosophy does work side-by-side with science. What the philosopher dreams, the scientist investigates.)

Very simply, if this Biocentrism is correct, then everything you are aware of, your family, your friends, all of US posting here at TTI, even the memory of you, will cease to exist the moment you die... cease to exist ... Bummer for your friends and family and US. You should be sure to let them know... make sure they understand... that they only exist because you do. I know I feel worse now.:(

Or maybe, the Universe will get along just fine after you are gone, as it always has.
Now I feel much better.:D