It Has Been Brought To My Attention...


Super Moderator
...that not everyone here understands the INTENTION behind many (most?) of my postings here.

I can certainly see how this can be. It is not always easy to penetrate someone's outward personality and individuality so as to fully understand what INTENTION lies behind these masks.

I like to have fun and enjoy good comedic exchanges. But I assure you that I also have a very serious purpose in mind for the crap (or gems) that I post.

If some would feel better if I admitted I am a jerk, a$$hole, or bastard, so be it. I'll cop to any of these and more. But sometimes a real a$$hole can catch your attention, and make you think, moreso than the meek and humble guy who sits in the back of the room saying nothing.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it, eh?
Why is RMT different from RAY?
More than likely Ray is from the house of Altreds.

This is so, as for a while, the tool brand name Alltrades, has bothered me.