Rift Surfer
View attachment 495
This is a bold post because I am doing a whole lot of speculating and thinking outside of the box. Perhaps we can have a polite debate about this. Is zero infinite and/or are zero and infinity the same thing?0 is nothing, but it is considered a value in math. Is nothingness infinite?In Calculus, values in functions approach zero infinitely, but never quite make it. (Please correct me if I'm wrong. This is simply my understanding). So, zero and infinity are separate entities. But are they really? What is your opinion?View attachment 495

This is a bold post because I am doing a whole lot of speculating and thinking outside of the box. Perhaps we can have a polite debate about this. Is zero infinite and/or are zero and infinity the same thing?0 is nothing, but it is considered a value in math. Is nothingness infinite?In Calculus, values in functions approach zero infinitely, but never quite make it. (Please correct me if I'm wrong. This is simply my understanding). So, zero and infinity are separate entities. But are they really? What is your opinion?View attachment 495