Is zero infinite?


Rift Surfer
View attachment 495

This is a bold post because I am doing a whole lot of speculating and thinking outside of the box. Perhaps we can have a polite debate about this. Is zero infinite and/or are zero and infinity the same thing?0 is nothing, but it is considered a value in math. Is nothingness infinite?In Calculus, values in functions approach zero infinitely, but never quite make it. (Please correct me if I'm wrong. This is simply my understanding). So, zero and infinity are separate entities. But are they really? What is your opinion?View attachment 495

Zero is the mathematical concept of the absolute nothing. In physics absolute nothing would mean no particles at all. We have to see if such a place in the universe can exist - with absolute no particles. And if this situation may stay like this - particles free forever. I think, that quantum physics says particles can form from nothing, if I am not wrong.

I've always thought of them as mathematical opposites but, as you imply, they do seem to have some strangely similar properties.

einstein had it almost correct. Zero and infinity are apples and oranges.

The integer 0 has a very specific quantity. Its value is the integer precisely at the mid-point between the integers -1 and +1. Infinity is a quality, not a quantity. Its not a number. It signifies unbound or unlimited. In science an equation whose result blows up to with infinity is usually (not always) not a good thing.

Most of the time it means that a mistake has been made or that the equation is describing something that is unphysical, i.e., give a real wheel on a real axle a spin, place it in a vacuum and propose that it will spin forever is an example of an infinity that describes an unphysical perpetual motion.

haha! Sorry for replying so late.

Zero and inifnite are not the same thing. BUT THEY ALMOST ARE!

They are separated by an infinity small number. That's all.

I don't remember why, i just passed one day hours solving that and that's the answer i concluded thanks to the potentiation (^).

They're almost the same but not the same. As maths are made by humans, our expresions are not perfect. No, the thing is that infinity is imaginary. As 0 is too. Maths is our invention to predict anything. And, we can't count them. NUMBERS ARE UNCOUNTABLE. Unless, it was a multiplication with a countable thing. So, all numbers are imaginary, but when they're expressed correctly, they're still imaginary but now they're correct. Numbers are imaginary because you can't have a 4 or a 5. You can have 4 apples or 5 pears.

So, you can have infinite apples and 0 pears, but not infinity numbers or 0 numbers.

Imagine it. 0 nothing? You can think of having 0 nothing! You can think to have infinite nothing and they're still cero. And, you can have infinite a thing and it's the same as double infinite that thing.

Infinite always depends of the thing you're multiplying, and 0 is always cero. That's the difference. In practically, there's a big difference, so they're different.

But in maths, they're very close each other! That's because in maths, you don't study what is practically and what is real. You study maths logic. And, in maths logic, made by humans, can arise confusion.

Here's the difference: Is the same thing a white background with a black point and a black background with a white point?


it is the same, only if these were two separate universes.

If you multiplyed the white bg to pears and the black point to apples, it would look the same if you did the same, exchanging white and black.

So, we can say infinite and cero are THE ABSOLUTE CONTRARY.

If we were talking about a negative inifinite, there would be no difference, in my language they say it "law of symbols", but idk how to say it in english. I'm talking about this: -*-=+; +*+=+; -*+=-.

Negative infinite and cero would also be the absolute contrary because cero is always - and +.

Yeah I agree with everyone else, they seem the same but are different. I don't really get the whole infinity thing since everything has an end but Zero can end up becoming anything and everything.

I don't thiink they aren't the same thing else they would have the same meaning right? Also, if you take 0 and infinite , and you see them under a numerical concept you will understand immediatly that you are facing two differents things: 0 is null while infinite is a really high high number.

Zero is a relatively modern invention. Go research about the history of the digit or number zero. It is a simple invention like the concept of zero that changes mathematics. Numbers themselves are artificial constructs.

I make the statement I have 5 apples. This made the assumption that all 5 apples are identical and have the same characteristics. Obviously no two apples are identical. Therefore the statement is false.

Infinity is a paradox. Mathematically it is number divided by zero. A paradox indicates lack of understand or knowledge. Therefore is zero infinity ? Possibly :)

View attachment 375This is a bold post because I am doing a whole lot of speculating and thinking outside of the box. Perhaps we can have a polite debate about this. Is zero infinite and/or are zero and infinity the same thing?0 is nothing, but it is considered a value in math. Is nothingness infinite?
In Calculus, values in functions approach zero infinitely, but never quite make it. (Please correct me if I'm wrong. This is simply my understanding). So, zero and infinity are separate entities. But are they really?

What is your opinion?
I taken in context of time, then the answer would be yes under very short time scales, which would only realized in the QCD regime
"0" is almost like the opposite infinity. If you think about it, you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10......... up to infinity. Its opposite because you can count down

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1 0.99 0.98 and so on down to zero, an infinite amount down to zero so yes zero is equivalent to zero
