Is time travel really possible????


Temporal Novice
I have a couple questions... Is time travel really possible? Because to me going into the past seems impossibe but going into the future might be possible. Someone told me if you travel to a very far away place from the earth at near the speed of light then come back 2 years later, 2 years may of passed for you but thousands of years has passed on earth, but if you do that even just for 1 day, you wouldn't be able to see yourself in the future, right? Also that wouldn't work either, wouldn't it be the same on earth if, 2 years passed for you so wouldn't 2 years pass for earth too? Its like my friend going to the mall for an hour, its an hour for him and an hour for me. So I dont really see how traveling near the speed of light could slow time for you. Here are some other questions: If you go faster than the speed of light does time really go backwards or do you just go really fast?
Is it possible to travel into the future and see yourself? If so, how?
How did the Time Machine in the Movie "The Time Machine" work?
Has anyone tried to attempt to travel in time or begin experiments on time travel?
And If time travel is possible, wouldn't people already be traveling in time?
Re: Viciously whipped sallied

Time Travel Message Board Index

Light is an overtensor pumped
June 23 2003 at 12:04 PM barkie (no login)
from IP address 000.00000 0000

Response to Can you...


Light has, or exist of force and pressure.

Laser light is an over-tensored, pumped phenomenon in lasers.

If you can divest a field using laser light, then you can create a sphere in order to tranplace matter in the sphere, to other dimensions.

Read on how lasers work.
Re: Very much possible indeed

Friend Einstein821 of EarthTR125.0121

Well time travel by simply employing the speed of light as the sole temporal travel variable, provided you had already solved the problem of infinite mass, can only take you forward into the future. This due to the slowing effect of time as an object nears the speed of light. The effect of time passing faster for local observers on Earth when another observer is travelling at the speed of light outside of the normal universal refferential points is due to the relativistic effects explained by Einstein during the first decades of the 20th century of EarthTR125.0121.
Time on a lightspeed travelling capsule would slow, only for the capsule and it´s occupants, while back on the normal universal refferential points would keep passing as they should. Should the capsule actually match the speed of light time would altogether stop for it´s occupants while time on the NURP would keep passing. As a matter of fact, time outside the capsule would seem to go ever faster. The problem with this type of temporal travel is that there would be no way to travel back in time. That seems to be the case, however, should that capsule approach several neutron stars or a black hole the capsule could actually glide on the outer event horizon of the gravitational pull effectively using the resulting temporal zones of the singularity as a temporal launch pad towards the past or towards the future. Employing such a device is rather risky, since the singularity in itself would create several zones of severe temporal distortions that could actually rip the tiny space capsule apart.
There are many proposed ways to travel in time, most require the utilization of a device of a machanical nature, but there are some that simply employ more subtler techniques. For example by accessing the Prime Temporal Point an individual can not only travel backward or foward in time but also into alternate and parallel universes. It is much more effecient, less energy is consumed and the individual faces very little chances of ever suffering from the quantum signature difference of each temporal reality.
Until later becomes now.
Re: Very much possible indeed

No you don't understand concerning light as an over-tensored phenomenon.

The sphere in itself does not have to accelerate traversally, however resonate in micromovements within its own sphere of definition.

A nano-movment is only an atoms length or more, however if this movement is near the speed of light and involves particles or electrons, this alone is enough to transcend space and or time?
Re: Very much possible indeed

Here is my opinion on time travel. If it is possible...then it will be possible in the future. Other than waiting until we discover it for ourselves in our own time, why not make a date to inform ourselfs of time travel when it is possible. Example: Say we as humans do not discover time travel until the year 2079. Why not from todays date on make a pact with ourselves that we will return on the date Jan 1st 2004 to inform the past (being our present) that time travel is possible. Make this pact to return to the date Jan 1st 2004 known to all divisions of science deticated to time travel... When the date Jan 1st 2004 finally arives, we will know if time travel is a possibility based on wether or not we receive visitors from our future. I hope I made that point clear...let me know what you think..

Time travel is not possible, simply because "time" does not exist, only the measurement of the natural world we view and exist in. For a person or object to travel in "time" would require carrying back or forward in "time" all the matter in the Universe at any given point which one wishes to be in. This is of course not possible. One cannot travel in "time" in a vacuum. Another problem with "time travel" is position. If one travels one year in the past, hypothetically speaking, the traveler's position would be somewhere, where the Earth was not, because the Earth would be in a different location in relaltion to the traveler. This means the Earth's rotation, Solar orbit, Solar Systems movement within the Galaxy, The Galaxy's rotation and movement, if any within the Universe, and indeed the movement of the Universe itself, if any, would all have to be taken into effect if one is to attempt "time travel". In otherwords, the traveler would have to know exactly where the Earth was in space one year in the past before he could begin his journey. An obviously impossible task, since science does not know some of these parameters. Also, how fast does "time" travel? One knows how fast a car goes and how long it will take to get from point A to point B, but that is movement, not "time". Time, as we think of it, is based on the Earth orbiting the Sun, nothing more. It would be imparative, if one were to travel through "time" to know how fast it is moving. How fast do you go to go back in "time"? If "time" did exist and "time travel" was possible, it would be one of the best ways for people to get "lost in space".
ok you must have no friends...because u wasted your time joining a TIME TRAVELING forum...when you completely disagree with all of the forum's ideas. wow..i'm impressed buddy...get a life....