Is Time travel illegal.


Chrono Cadet
Evidence in movies and TV:
- Alcatraz deals with time travel criminals.
- Continuum (Canada on Showcase great new series.)
Criminals travel back in time after death sentence.
- Star Trek don't watch it anymore but there was an episode in which temporal law was broken can't remember which.
- Looper deals with criminals again time travel on the black market.

Terminator Sara Connor chronicles the producer said that time travel can't be used in the plot too much because it was not right.

Any way you look at it whoever does it get major karma and in trouble with the government.

So the reason why you don't see many time traveler is because it is illegal.

Look at China that band all shows content in movies and TV dealing with time travel.

So it is probably a crime in the future so it should be true now since time is irrelevant.

This may be a joke but I heard John Titor was in prison because of it in the future.

Any comments.
The way the oppressive world is, in our glorious socialist (communist) led 21st century Western World- almost everything we do, say or think is illegal- or will be very soon.
Thanks, guys- you sure know how to make people unhappy- still, as long as you have control and power, that's all that matters! :(

Perhaps observed under the watchful guidance of an institution like the United Nations or something. Imagine the peril of having people (everyone) trying to fix reality to their own agendas, traveling back to change things. It would really be a very big problem.
I can change things for the better now and hope to help create more jobs and a better lifestyle for everyone but also I go through people to make sure I am going the right direction. I want to create more jobs for people and I believe I can do that within a few years. Or at least help them start their own business. The best time to live is here and now. Oh and John showed me the way to do my business.
It's more a question of ethics. Because what you do in the past, directly effects the human's future. The real question would be, are you willing to take responsibility for screwing with someones perfect life to achieve your goal (that is if they find out of course). That probably also goes to show why it might be outlawed, or tightly monitored.
I'm monitored more closely but no one believes me. I can change the future in the present. I've seen this happen.
Ethics...a word without a meaning in this age. Humanity needs to develop ethical values in order to travel in time and many other things. If we were as ethically advanced as we are supposed to hunger, war, religion, sickness and poverty would have been eradicated from the face of this blue world along time ago.
I'm monitored more closely but no one believes me. I can change the future in the present. I've seen this happen.
The future isn't a predetermined fate, it is changed with every action made. If the future were already decided upon, the choices we make would have no meaning. We all make the future, but changing the future is something that only a varied few of us are able to do.
I have predetermined fates that I already know what would happen if I chose certain choices. Sometimes it's best to choose the unknown because if you already know what's going to happen then why choose it unless it can be fun too. =) They still have meaning but you would know them already. I know a lot of mine already, but I'm choosing differently to explore new options. i want to make sure not to break any laws also if I choose to go the time travel route and can actually accomplish that. It will just take dedication.
Are we confusing ethics with morals? Morality deals with a community's code of conduct respecting right and wrong. Ethics only deals with an accepted code of conduct within a specific community (community in the general sense not just a neighborhood, town, etc.). The moral distinction of right and wrong isn't necessarily a part of the definition of ethics. It is possible to act ethically even though the action is immoral and possibly illegal.

Example: The McCoy family code of honor (ethics) requires that should a member of another family in some way injure a McCoy a member of the offending family must suffer equal or greater injury.

A Hatfield kills a McCoy. A McCoy retalliates and kills a Hatfield. The retalliation is required under the family code of honor (ethical) but is in violation of the greater Big Sandy River community's religious standards of conduct (immoral) and in violation of West Virginia and/or Kentucky criminal law (illegal).

The medium is the message. by a famous Canadian Marshall McLuhan basically mean the content that is on TV and movies can be used as data.
Well that is my interpretation of it.

So when I say time travel is a crime the content on TV say it is so maybe we should take a little closer look since the plots were well thought out and the content was made as authentic (plausible as possible) indicates strongly that it is a crime in the future.

These are not my conclusion or ideas but a media theorist named Marshall McLuhan and the content shown on TV and movies.

It's in TV shows, so that means it might really be illegal?? Really? On Tv little furry orange guys come from a planet made out of dishware and eat cats. So that might be real too?

It is not illegal now. We know that much. Would it be in the future? You wouldn't know that unless you went (or someone else did and came back and told you about it). We know it was not illegal in the past. So if you travelled backwards, you wouldn't be doing anything illegal.

I highly doubt most real time travellers would be going around announcing what they're doing or being obvious about it, so how would anyone know about it to arrest them? And since the majority of the population does not believe in time travel, I don't think it's going to become illegal. I don't think the law would care if you went back in time to say ..change something you did that you regret, as some people have used as an example for why they'd like to go back. That's not likely to upset the grand scheme of things. If you were going to do something big...something the government might not be too happy with, then you'd likely be in big trouble. But most likely not in a "you are under arrest and going to jail" scenario. I don't think doing something that would destroy or change the world would be allowed. Meaning not that the law wouldn't allow it, but just that, it would not be possible for you to do that. If that was your motive, I think something would stop you. I believe many things are possible in the universe, but I don't think it would allow itself to be destroyed.

In a possible future where everyone believed in time travel (which isn't likely anytime in the near future), there probably wouldn't be any reason or desire to time travel in the sense that you went about changing things, because everyone would know about it/know how to do it. It would then probably exist more as an amusement. Maybe something along the lines of a theme park ride or virtual reality. Or maybe instead of: "Let's go to Florida on our next family vacation", "Let's go see the Pyramids being built!"

I'm not opposed to references from movies/televisions/books/etc. to help explain some things in layman's terms to those of us who don't have degrees in physics. But time travel being illegal because it was in some storylines? That just seems a bit far-fetched to me. But that's just my humble opinion.

If it were made illegal (which I doubt), it would seem that someone could probably just go back and change the events leading up to that law being passed and make it so that it is legal. Of course that would be doing something "big", I knows how that would work.
P.S. I've been watching Continuum. So far I haven't seen anything in the storyline about time travel being illegal. Then again, I didn't know it was a Canadian show. Most of the Canadian shows we get in the states are current, but maybe that one is a season behind here or something (as some of the BBC shows occasionally are by the time they get here). NO SPOILERS!!