is this respected as TT?


Temporal Novice
Ok... While a machine was not utilized for an experience I truly had, it did lead me here to get caught up so to speak on Time Travel theories. I don't believe this belongs in TT claims because it's actually a common experience with people of a certain frequency. I want to know if the serious people in this community can see this practice as a viable scientific practice in the future. Well, I one day was half meditating and half following a nervous feeling in my stomach. I couldn't think of a current reason as to why I should be nervous so I sank my awareness INTO it. As if dreaming, but aware that I was remembering, an experience of fear that occured when I was playing in the woods at 6 or 7 years old popped up. I saw myself getting threatened by some older kid who found out I burned his magazines while playing with fire. As he was yelling at me, my grown up self started consoling my little self by telling it over and over that 'everything will be fine, this guy isn't going to hurt you, I love you' ect...I was so strongly protecting this younger me that I forgot it was a memory and I moved inside my young body, flooding it with strength. Why did I write this in a time travel forum? Because while I came out of this experience, I remembered what I was doing in the woods in the first place all those years ago, I was playing with my imaginary friend, or as I saw it back then, my gaurdian angel! I've always been sensitive to entities and vibes. Just before that guy found me and yelled at me, I was smiling and saying, "You're here". The older and stronger me was my own gaurdian angel. If that is not time travel, what is?
If this was an episode of Star Trek and Spock was doing it, nearly everyone would nod thier heads, take a bite of pizza and say, 'good episode'. So the point of this is not for you to delve into my world wondering if I experienced this or not. The point is, energy follows thought. Example, that girl is pretty, I'm going to slip her a Roofy. Ha Ha. Wake up. With the growing acceptance of the real results of yoga, TM and the like, wouldn't it be logical to assume that we will one day, perhaps in mass groups, sit around and focus all our awareness on a historical event or on the other hand, focus on an answer of the future to a situation of today? If your mind can loop itself around the multi-deminsionality of time, surely it can do the same for awareness. And once again, is this Time Travel?
How's this for my first post? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif CUT BACK ON THE DRUGS SON /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
While you made me laugh, I have to say I'm serious. I haven't done drugs in so long I can honestly say I miss them. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
If that is not time travel, what is?

Our spirit is not confined by the parameters of time. So I would agree with you that this event was indeed travelling back in time. Do you remember the feeling entering yourself at the time the event was occuring when you were a child?
Is this website for real conversations about time travel theory or not? I keep reading and reading...and all I find is crackpots like OVR talking about how he's from the future. LMFAO. Good one. With all of the advances you supposedly have gone through, you haven't learned about MS Office and spell check yet? I can't even entertain your story on another post as good. Not to mention that all the whois reports come back to AOL. Ooooooh....big time secretiveness. Why wouldn't you be using an anonymous proxy when all we would have to do is know someone whom works for AOL and check to see the name logged into that IP at that time?

I suppose when you have a topic like this, it's going to pull the inbreeds from their trailer homes in hopes that the tabloids will slip em a few bucks under the table...but my lord...these are just preposterous.
Thank-you for your kind words. Your contributions to this forum are wonderful and flow with happyness and joy. It causes everyone who reads your words to forget all about the anger and hatred in the world today.

It was very astute of you to have noticed that my story was a story. Your powers of observation are incredible. If you got a good laugh out of the story, then it served its purpose.

It is good to know that there are blessed spirits like you around to make such a positive addition to humanity.
God Bless You and have a great day, too.
OK....story is a story. However, how are we to know who the crackpot is, and who the guy just telling a joke is? There are so many far-fetched stories on the internet now-a-days, that things need to be more clearly placed into categories of fiction and fiction being passed as factual.

There are so many "claims", that websites such as have been formed in an attempt to prove or debunk internet hoaxes. I for one am actually interested in theoretical sciences, and would like to not have to thumb through posts that have no connection with the real world.

I'm not just trying to slam you. Just you have one of the more recent posts regarding the "Titor style" myth.
Hey, dark side of the moon. The heading of this forum ask "Have you ever dreamt of traveling through time?". Well yeah I have. I don't know too much about physics or mechanics but I have practiced meditation and the techniques of lucid dreaming. I believe a collaboration of the sciences will enable us with the ability to travel in our physical bodies to other realities much quicker. A guy named Darwin wrote a couple of books on what I'm hinting at here...Answering your question Ovrlrdlegion, and thanks for taking me serious, I felt complete empathy. And it moved back and forth quickly. Years ago when I got scared, I cliched up and having never let go of the fear, I stayed 'wound up'. My muscles were affected and I learned a lesson so my mind was too. Having not let go of the fear aspect, in my opinion, trapped time in this density. My entire being vibrated at a different frequency than before. There's a saying, Learn the lesson, forget the experience. This is what could be interesting. Let's say the same way a receptor site in the mind is created, not unlike a knot in our muscle really, time has stored contractions from past experience. We know that memory echoes pass through generations of people and land gets scarred, animals change habits ect... To choose the point one wants to go to is as simple as dialing into the frequency of those contractions by empathy. Vibration on a freaky sensitive level. How in our physical bodies do we achieve that completeness? I know to do it in our monkey suits isn't mandatory, but it would be alot more fun.
However, how are we to know who the crackpot is, and who the guy just telling a joke is?

We know. As you knew.
However, who is to say that those things I wrote about wouldnt happen?
And perhaps a time traveller would do exactly as I described. Utilizing a satelite placed there by his/her institution to be utilized by said traveller(s) for transmitting data to their time period.

You mentioned by using the WhoIs program and it kept going to AOL, and if one had a friend in AOL willing to divulge information as to the identity behind the I.P. address, it would reveal the identity of the so-called traveller.

I guess you missed the part about how the equipment utilized by Mr. 3033 was using other peoples I.P. addresses, and any tracing would only end up with the identity of an innocent person being found.

Also, if a time traveller wanted to blend in, do think his/her vessel would look like a time-travelling machine from the future? Or perhaps something more common to our time period? If it was constructed to look like a Cessna 172 or a Citation, it would hardly warrant a second glance.

Are you implying that the United States and other countries are not trying to become independent from oil as fuel?
Do you really believe the U.S. and the other fuel consuming countries would hold as much an interest in the Middle-East if there wasnt anything they needed from those countires?
What would the outcome be if the oil was no longer a commodity in demand?
And can you positively deny or supply proof that the Earth will not reverse poles?

Perhaps some plant will be discovered that can render radioactivity harmless, or are you assuming this is absolutely impossible?
As we speak, genetic scientists are researching the manipulation of dna, so what part of that is not possible regarding criminal behavior?
As far as spelling errors, would a time traveller really have a grasp of spelling if the language changed somewhat in 1,000 years?
And would the said traveller also run everything written through MS Office before posting it?

Since you found it necessary to call me a crackpot and trailer trash, lets here your theory about what you think a time traveller would do, and/or what would he/she post if they were to do so?
How in our physical bodies do we achieve that completeness?

Everything in existense is based on vibration and frequency. This is where I believe success will ultimately come from in time travelling. Once the manipulation of the vibration and frequency is attained, I think we will be able to shift into other time frames.
Is it possible to do so without a machine and complete a shift via spirit?
Well, apparently many in the past believed it to be possible. I believe it is possible myself, as a student in the esoteric Arts. Just how much influence can be exerted in such a mode of travelling..(?)
As I recall, Hitler had a vision or something similar telling him to stop using the rockets against England, or not to send his troops and equipment across the english channel. Was one of those, I dont remember which, but it had an impact on the outcome of the war. So who knows, maybe it was a time traveller stopping Hitler from actually achieving world domination.
I believe you may have done it. Just as those who can control the energy fields within, it may be possible to alter the vibrational rates and adjust the frequencies as well.
I was invited to attend a group meeting where the people claimed to be telekinetic. I dont know if they were spoofing, but, I was astounded at what I saw them do.
After witnessing that, I believe anything with the mind is possible.
I was astounded at what I saw them do.

Ovr - What exactly did you see them do?
We've all heard a bunch of stories but I have never witnessed any outstanding display of mind power outside of the norm. I'm curious as to what you saw with your own eyes and how it changed your beliefs.

Ovr - What exactly did you see them do?

They allowed me to join them with a promise not to tell anyone what I witnessed that night. I don't want to break that promise. However, if you have seen that film "Phenomenon" with John Travolta, it wasn't too far off from that movie, as far as movement of objects.

... how it changed your beliefs.

The episode didnt really change my beliefs, but just confirmed portions that I had already suspected to be possible. My personal experiences with the Esoteric and the required Rituals I had engaged within were responsible for change. However, it is a life long process. I wandered for a long time before discovering the Tree of Life. This brought direction into my yearning to know more about " who I am ".

I know, yes, KNOW , there are powers and forces out there ( and within ) that a majority of humanity doesn't perceive consciously.

The ironic thing about all of this is that everyone has the ability to experience wonderous "adventures" if they were but willing to apply themselves. Astral Travelling is easily learned and easily done if the individual is of a mind to be able to do it. Especially now, with all the support and information available.
...take this "spiritual" garbage elsewhere

O.K. Matcoons, which particular part is "garbage"?
Frequency? or Vibration?
Or are you making the assertion that it isnt scientific to consider the depth of the power of the mind?
Or perhaps it isn't scientific to research the connections of many ancient texts and modern science?

Please enlighten me as to what is garbage and what is scientific in your opinion!

Is it possible to do so without resorting to insults? Can you express yourself in scientific terms as to which portions presented do not meet your ideals of scientific inquiry?

Perhaps if you read the God? Thread, you may save us both time since this was the subject covered in depth by Rainman and myself.
I'm not a very spiritual person myself

I believe you to be a very spiritual person Roel. I enjoyed the God? thread immensley. Your debate style is very spirited and forced me to look deeper into my system of inquiry and beliefs. I uncovered much more than I would have otherwise. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have been interested in the possibilities of the mind for some time now.

I know you're -propably- not supposed to say anything about this, but:
Did the people at this meeting mention how (and when) they uncovered the capabilities they demonstrated (for as far as one can assume these to be true)?

thank in advance.
I know you're -propably- not supposed to say anything about this, but:
Did the people at this meeting mention how (and when) they uncovered the capabilities they demonstrated (for as far as one can assume these to be true)?

No, they didn't. I was too astonished to ask. I also was watching very carefully for trickery, of which I am sure there were a few that were spoofing. It was more of a support group kind of gathering.
They didnt spent alot of time displaying their capabilities, but discussed their station in their daily lives and how their gifts have effected their interactions with others, family, friends, etc.
More of an emotional support group than anything.
I have seen people bend spoons and stuff and had it revealed later that it was a trick. But, all of those tricksters had their hands on the objects. Most of these folks did not even physically touch stuff and still caused some reaction in the objects.
It could have been a set-up, but, it sure looked real to me. I am pretty good at spotting the fake stuff.
I used to do ghost hunting, but gave it up after an experience I described in another post somewhere. We had alot of equipment we used and I brought some of it with me.

Alot of ghost stories turned out to be fake and even some elaborate schemes would be exposed if we looked long enough for how it was done. I couldn't see anything that allowed most of them to fake it. It was a house on a concrete slab floor, so nothing could be underneath the floor, unless very, very low profile.
No unusual energy readings were detected in the room, so I don't think any magnetic apparatuses were used. The electrical meter didnt change its rate of movement. Some objects were not even made of metal, so a hidden electro/magnet wouldnt work on those anyway. No evidence of any air ducting to cause sudden drafts or bursts of air were seen either.
No hidden strings or signs of strings could be found. This is what has given away a few ghostly actions. A string or rope is used to make an object slide across a room. The rope or string becomes detached from the object, and is pulled through a crack or small hole in the floor or wall so it is gone. But, the rope or string will leave behind a mark where it rubbed against the crack or hole it was pulled through. I saw no evidence of that having occurred.
So I believe they were the real deal.