is this as absurd as I think it is?

Jimmy Mayo

Temporal Novice
Seems like a horrible scam on people that are truly interested in tt but I should be honest and I have to admit that I haven't fully read into this.

TIME MACHINE 1212 - Time-travel experiment NOW! Will trips through time ever be possible? - Experiment


When a "physicist" posts his or her CV on a business website and it reads,

Personal description:
Name: Physicist (Diploma) Walter Gith
Birth year:1956
Carrier: 10 years management work within a big German industry giant. Since 2000 manager and proprietor of a software company in Australia, financially independent, book author.
Address: Queensland, Australia

and the engineer posts his CV as

Personal description:
Name: Uwe Aloé
Birth year:1954
Profession: Qualified engineer, self-employed
Marital status: married, 2 grown-up sons
Lives in: Dresden, Germany

I'm going to be a somewhat more than skeptical.

A physicist who worked for a "big German industry giant"? A bit vague. If he held a legitimate position as a scientist there's no reason not to list his past employers names, how long he worked for them and what position(s) he held if he's asking for money (and he is: $55.00 US for the experiment "packet" and don't forget to purchase your $30.00 US "Time Machine 1212" polo shirt and your $16.00 US "Time Machine 1212" baseball cap). "Diploma" in physics? An AS degree in general physics? BS? MS? PhD? A legitimate business would list its physicist owner/partner's complete educational background - school, year of graduation, specific degree and major, scientific papers published, the journal(s) they were published in. Proprietor of a software company? What company? If he thought it important enough to mention then its important enough to mention the name of his company. He's asking people to invest in one company but doesn't give sufficient information for potential investors to see how well he runs his other company.

All of this is legitimate information that any potential investor should be able to learn from the CV.

"Qualified Engineer" in Europe is the same as Professional Engineer in the US. He has a BA or BS in engineering and has met the quals and passed the QE exam. OK. But there's not a word in his CV that gives even a hint of what sort of engineer or his professional experience.

I wouldn't invest in this even if the CV's were up to snuff. It's the Internet. 'Nuff said. But I would seriously discourage anyone else from even considering investing. Go to Vegas and take a chance instead. In Vegas at least you know that maybe you'll get some of your money back - and maybe even make a profit. With this one there's not a chance.

Oh, and one other thing. The hats and shirts:

All profits from fan collection sales is going towards our charitable time travel project!
(Red text is from their site)

They're even stating that they are non-profit "charity". To whom do they make their charitable donations? Wanna guess? Would it surprise you if you discovered that they have other "non-profits" that they have formed and the charitable donations will go to them? Who gets to decide what is profit and what is expense? Wanna guess? Would you be surprised if part of the expense is their salary and that the bottom line net income from hats and shirts sales will be listed as a net loss (assuming that they would even allow you to examine the books - further assuming that they have any books of accounting)? Would it surprise you that if they actually do control other non-profits that they funnel all of the revenues of Time Machine 1212 through them and, after washing them through the string of non-profit business', the funds will be entirely eaten up by their salaries leaving nothing - and no experiment soon followed by Time Travel 1212 vanishing?

This is last week's dead fish stinking up the joint. It reminds me of "Doctor" David Anderson's alt-sci, New Age Crap and TT sites and his string of non-profits, all of which, save one, have disappeared.
This is what a real physicist's CV should look like:

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Robert G Brown, PhD

Contact information

Duke University Department of Physics [Snip address, phone and email for privacy]

Areas of Research

Theretical Condensed Matter Physics​
Atomic, molecular, and optical physics​
Research Categories

Theretical Condensed Matter Physics

Professional Service

  • Chair, Physics Computing Committee, Duke University, 2010 - present
  • American Journal of Physics, 2007 - present
  • Premajor Advisor, Premajor Advising, August 14, 2000 - present
  • member, Physics Computing Committee, January 1, 2000 - September 1, 2010

  1. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Monte Carlo study of the helicity modulus of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet, in Condensed Matter Theories 13,14 (1998), Plenum, New York .
  2. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Critical Exponents of the Classical Heisenberg Model, in Condensed Matter Theories 12, edited by John. W. Clark and P. V. Panat (1997), pp. p. 345, Nova Science Publishers, New York .
  3. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, The Dynamic Critical Exponents of the 3d, O (3) Classical Heisenberg Model, in Condensed Matter Theory 10, edited by Artur Polls (1996), Nova Science Publishers .
  4. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Quantum Statistical Microdynamics and critical phenomena, in Condensed Matter Theories 6, edited by S. Fontoni and S. Rosati (1991), Plenum, New York .
  5. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Multipolar integral equation theory and generalized multiple scattering theory, in Condensed Matter Theories 4, edited by J. H. Keller (1989), Plenum, New York .
  6. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Local dynamics, correlation, and phase transitions: N-body versus nonlinear quantum optics, in Condensed Matter Theories 3, edited by J. S. Arponen, R. F. Bishop and M. Manninen (1988), Plenum, New York .
  7. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Convergence properties of an exact band theory, in Condensed Matter Theories 1, edited by F. B. Malik (1986), Plenum, New York .
Papers Published
  1. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, The critical behavior for the helicity modulus for the classical Heisenberg model, Physical Review B, vol. 74 no. 22 (Winter, 2006) .
  2. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Critical exponents of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet - Reply, Physical Review Letters, vol. 78 no. 11 (March, 1997), pp. 2266 -- 2267 .
  3. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Dynamic critical exponents and sample independence times for the classical Heisenberg model, Physical Review B, vol. 54 no. 22 (December, 1996), pp. 15860 -- 15874 .
  4. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, High-precision evaluation of the static exponents of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet, Physical Review Letters, vol. 76 no. 8 (February, 1996), pp. 1352 -- 1355 .
  5. R.G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Critical scaling of the dynamic critical exponents of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet, Phys. Rev., vol. B54 (1996), pp. 15860 .
  6. R. G. Brown, Softwares hard questions, Scientific American, vol. 272 no. 1 (January, 1995), pp. 8 -- 8 .
  7. R.G. Brown, The 2d/3D classical Heisenberg ferromagnet(1992)(Presented at the March, 1992 Simulation Methods Workshop at the Center for Simulational Studies in Athens, GA; published in the workshop proceedings. (Springer-Verlag)..) .
  8. R.G. Brown, Multipolar Expansions for Multiple Scattering Theory(1991)(Presented at the 1991 Materials Research Society Fall Symposium (session V) in Boston, MA; published in the symposium proceedings.) .
  9. A. K. Ciftci and R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Elementary integral of bessel-functions, Physical Review B, vol. 41 no. 5 (February, 1990), pp. 3242 -- 3243 .
  10. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, N-atom optical bloch equations - a microscopic theory of quantum optics, Physical Review A, vol. 40 no. 6 (September, 1989), pp. 3080 -- 3105 .
  11. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Energy-band equation for a general periodic potential - comment, Physical Review B, vol. 39 no. 14 (May, 1989), pp. 10415 -- 10419 .
  12. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Multipolar expansions for the empty-lattice problem, Physical Review B, vol. 39 no. 6 (February, 1989), pp. 3543 -- 3550 .
  13. R. G. Brown, Generalized non-muffin-tin multiple-scattering theory, Journal Of Physics B-atomic Molecular And Optical Physics, vol. 21 no. 11 (June, 1988), pp. L309 -- L316 .
  14. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Numerical test of high-precision multiple-scattering band theory, Physical Review B, vol. 33 no. 12 (June, 1986), pp. 7937 -- 7940 .
  15. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Non-muffin-tin band theories of the multiple-scattering type - response, Physical Review B, vol. 32 no. 2 (1985), pp. 1343 -- 1346 .
  16. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, A generalized non-muffin-tin theory of band-structure, International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry (1984), pp. 87 -- 104 .
  17. M. Ciftan and R. G. Brown and E. Saibel, Stress activated raman-scattering and microcrack detection, International Journal Of Engineering Science, vol. 21 no. 11 (1983), pp. 1285 -- 1293 .
  18. R. G. Brown and M. Ciftan, Generalized non-muffin-tin band theory, Phys. Rev., vol. B27 (1983), pp. 4564 .
Papers In Preparation
  1. R.G. Brown, Finite size scaling of the helicity modulus of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet, Physical Review Letters (2005) .
  1. R.G. Brown, Monthly column in Cluster World Magazine(June, 2005)(A list of column titles and topics follows. The column itself was initially called "Cluster Kickstart", which explains the focus on topics for the beginner. In January, 2005 the column's name was changed to "Cluster Edge" and topics are more free ranging..) .
  2. R.G. Brown, A Modest Proposal, Monthly column in Cluster World Magazine (May, 2005)(What if we made a benchmark daemon a built-in component of standard Linux? Tools with a library interface could optimize in many useful ways, and automagic resource aware cluster schedulers would finally become possible.) .
  3. R.G. Brown, A New Year, a New Column, Monthly column in Cluster World Magazine (January, 2005)(Random thoughts about clusters, column names, and Linux versus Windows in my home cluster/LAN.) .
  4. R.G. Brown, Packets 'n' Protocols II, Monthly column in Cluster World Magazine (October, 2004)(Wrap your data in TCP, pop it into an IP datagram, and insert it into an ethernet envelope...continued and with UDP thrown in for good measure.) .
  5. R.G. Brown, Packets 'n' Protocols, Monthly column in Cluster World Magazine (September, 2004)(Wrap your data in TCP, pop it into an IP datagram, and insert it into an ethernet envelope.) .
  6. R.G. Brown, Head Node: A True Clustory, Monthly column in Cluster World Magazine (September, 2004)(Top 500 or Gordon Bell? Cost-benefit, not raw performance, is what cluster computing is all about..) .
  7. [Snip 40 papers for brevity]

I picked Dr. Brown's CV because he was the physicist that I contacted several years ago asking him to comment on the Titor Saga here on TTI. He was kind enough to give me extensive, and critical, comments. His comments are here somewhere.
That was evident from the beginning. Just wondered if anyone had heard or seen of anything like this. I guess I just wanted confirmation that this whole thing was complete garbage.
That was evident from the beginning. Just wondered if anyone had heard or seen of anything like this. I guess I just wanted confirmation that this whole thing was complete garbage.


We've seen two or three "time travel" investment scam sites over the past dozen years. They're no different than any other investment scam - gimme your money and I'll make you rich, famous, happy, whatever. There are threads from five or more years ago where we discussed them - I just didn't take the time to look them up.
It's such s shame that a) people would do this and b) that anyone would ever fall for it. I guess a sucker is born every day though. On to the next thread!