Is This a CIA, Navy Seal Time Traveling Disclosure?


Quantum Scribe
I came across this video on Youtube earlier. It basically conveys the story of somebody called Sean Day (or Steve Callahan, according to an url), who claims to be a time-traveller, working with the CIA. From what I can gather through really quick and not-so-thorough reasearch, Sean Day was a Navy Seal, who was killed in action. "He" is now some sort of disembodied force of energy, who has the ability to time-travel (kinda reminds me of the movie, Source Code). He makes a future prediction about the date 15th feb being significant (although he does not specify which year). He has access to an apparent quantum computer system. His predictions include the usual tales of woe, economic collapse etc. He says that a number of high profile billionaires (including Warren Buffet) are dumping a massive amount of US stocks, and dumping them quickly.

An interesting aspect of this tale, is that another "Sean Day"(Navy Seal) was recently committed to a New York psychiatric ward by New York City police after brandishing a gun. Police did not believe that he was a Navy Seal. It apparently turns out the guy was in fact an elite Navy SEAL.

"During the arrest, police claim Day was babbling incoherently and repeatedly claimed that he was an elite Navy SEAL with “top- secret clearance,” but was unable to provide any documentation for police."

NYC Police Throw Navy SEAL Into Psych Ward for Claiming…He’s a SEAL |

So, from what I can ascertain, a disembodied spirit, who calls himself Sean Day, claims to be a "dead" time-traveller. He describes death, and birth as an illusion in the Youtube video...... Could it be, that the spirit of the Sean Day (arrested by NYC Police Officers), has "somehow" travelled from the future, and can somehow communicate with the use of a quantum computer?

Note: I have an open mind about time-travel, but at this moment in time, still only believe that sometime in the future, a one way ticket forward maybe be possible, unless proved otherwise.

I came across this video on Youtube earlier. It basically conveys the story of somebody called Sean Day (or Steve Callahan, according to an url), who claims to be a time-traveller, working with the CIA. From what I can gather through really quick and not-so-thorough reasearch, Sean Day was a Navy Seal, who was killed in action. [snip for brevity]

Absolutely. He's a time traveler.

In fact, all US Navy SEALS are ghosts of the past brought forward by the Navy's time machine. A little known fact is that American Civil War hero Adm David Farragut ("Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!") is the commanding officer of the Navy Special Warfare Command.

Geez - I thought everyone knew this.

Now, speaking of time travel and because you have an open mind.

Would you like to ride in a time machine? You would? Excellent. Invest $21.00 per Share Certificate today and your money will grow exponentially over the next ten centuries to the time when time travel is actually first invented and...
Absolutely. He's a time traveler.

In fact, all US Navy SEALS are ghosts of the past brought forward by the Navy's time machine. A little known fact is that American Civil War hero Adm David Farragut ("Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!") is the commanding officer of the Navy Special Warfare Command.

Geez - I thought everyone knew this.

Now, speaking of time travel and because you have an open mind.

Would you like to ride in a time machine? You would? Excellent. Invest $21.00 per Share Certificate today and your money will grow exponentially over the next ten centuries to the time when time travel is actually first invented and...

So I take it from your derisory laced response, you do not believe this
So I take it from your derisory laced response, you do not believe this

I guess you didn't know. Darby is a time traveler. But he's stuck here in this time period, for reasons he's never divulged. I can only surmise that he doesn't understand how a time machine works. Which is probably why he frequents time travel boards in hopes of finding someone that does have a time machine.
I guess you didn't know. Darby is a time traveler. But he's stuck here in this time period, for reasons he's never divulged. I can only surmise that he doesn't understand how a time machine works. Which is probably why he frequents time travel boards in hopes of finding someone that does have a time machine.

So what you're saying is that all of Darby's efforts into debunking time-travel claims is a cleverly orchestrated ruse, to conceal the fact that he is a stranded traveller of time? Well I!
So what you're saying is that all of Darby's efforts into debunking time-travel claims is a cleverly orchestrated ruse, to conceal the fact that he is a stranded traveller of time? Well I!

If you'll notice, I worded my post in a way that makes it appear that Darby could be a bona fide time traveler. Truth be told, I'm stuck in this time period as well. And I suppose you could say we are all time travelers moving through time together.
So I take it from your derisory laced response, you do not believe this

Is that anything like multiplication?

I digress...

Of course all Navy SEALS are time travelers. If one is a time traveler why would the DoD frack around with only one? Just go back to the Civil War, as they did, and pick up dead veterans. A soldier (sailor, Marine) is just that. Return from the past, retrain, redeploy; wash, rinse, repeat. If they die in battle no problem. Pick them up "yesterday" and bring the live one forward as his/her own replacement. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than spending $5 million to train a new SEAL. And no funerals are necessary.

Our entire military are dead Revulutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War veteran time travelers. Our entire intelligence apparatus, not just the CIA, is 100% populated by dead Civil War/Reconstruction Era Secret Service agents. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Am I right here or am I right? If, based on the premise of the video, there is a single illogical statement in either this or my previous post point it (them) out.

Now, about those Share Certificates. Only $21.00 each...
If you'll notice, I worded my post in a way that makes it appear that Darby could be a bona fide time traveler. Truth be told, I'm stuck in this time period as well. And I suppose you could say we are all time travelers moving through time together.

Lol; execellent. Very true indeed, we are all moving through time together.
Lol; execellent. Very true indeed, we are all moving through time together.

Actually, according to special relativity we are not all moving through time together. A central postulate of SR is the fall of absolute simultaniety. The postulate is well layed out in the Lorentz Transformations and has been thoroughly verified through experimentation for 100 years.
Is that anything like multiplication?

I digress...

Of course all Navy SEALS are time travelers. If one is a time traveler why would the DoD frack around with only one? Just go back to the Civil War, as they did, and pick up dead veterans. A soldier (sailor, Marine) is just that. Return from the past, retrain, redeploy; wash, rinse, repeat. If they die in battle no problem. Pick them up "yesterday" and bring the live one forward as his/her own replacement. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than spending $5 million to train a new SEAL. And no funerals are necessary.

Our entire military are dead Revulutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War veteran time travelers. Our entire intelligence apparatus, not just the CIA, is 100% populated by dead Civil War/Reconstruction Era Secret Service agents. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Am I right here or am I right? If, based on the premise of the video, there is a single illogical statement in either this or my previous post point it (them) out.

Now, about those Share Certificates. Only $21.00 each...

"Am I right here or am I right? If, based on the premise of the video, there is a single illogical statement in either this or my previous post point it (them) out"

Maybe I misunderstood the premise of the video. I understood it to be telling a ridiculous story of the spirit of a dead Navy Seal, travelling back from the future (via some form of quantum computer).

"Return from the past, retrain, redeploy; wash, rinse, repeat."

This, I don't understand?

Ah, now I understand. The video is telling a story of a time traveller, who is a spirit, with no body. The story of the arrested Navy Seal is in no way connected to the video (as far as I am aware). I was the one to make the speculation about the 2 being connected. I was wondering why you were mentioning saving money on funerals etc...
Actually, according to special relativity we are not all moving through time together. A central postulate of SR is the fall of absolute simultaniety. The postulate is well layed out in the Lorentz Transformations and has been thoroughly verified through experimentation for 100 years.

Actually together doesn't necessarily imply simultaneity. I chose that word specifically to imply a group phenomena. Individually we all could be experiencing the flow of time at entirely different rates.
"Return from the past, retrain, redeploy; wash, rinse, repeat."

This, I don't understand?

It means, if you can bring one person from the past to be (SEALS) then there's nothing to stop you from bringing them all to be (SEALS), over and over, i.e. washing the dishes (mopping floors, doing the laundry) is a never ending chore; wash, rinse, repeat.

Now enough of my attempt at humor.

Is the video credible? No. He's got a guy who knows a guy who verifies that this guy actually is a SEAL, who has announced that he's (apparently) on deteched service working for the CIA. We know, of course, idenfitying a CIA officer without authority is a felony. Scooter Libby was disbarred and went to prison for publicly identifying a CIA officer who regularly announced herself that she was a CIA officer. It wasn't even a secret and Libby was convicted of a felony and sent to prison.

And (in serious but hushed tones), he says let's not have any more drama in this story.

So, carefully listen to the video. Dissect it. Listen for content. Compare it to just about any time travel claim you see here. Is there any real difference? Answer your question for yourself: is it real or is it Memorex?
To Darby,

"Is the video credible? No."

I quite agree. I don't believe time-travel is possible, but like I mentioned in my op, have an open mind about the subject. What caught my attention about this video is the comment that the person purporting to be Sean Day made, about dying on powerlines, whilst sky diving. It was the concept of a person's "soul/consciousness" time-traveling that I found fascinating.

The film Source Code and Tv show Lost, broached the subject of time-travel/time displacement of the mind/soul, but the difference being in both those instances, the mind/consciousness/spirit was propelled/transmitted into a host human body. The above Youtube video is conveying a tale about a form of "consciousness" communicating through a computer. This "Sean-Day-Consciousness" communicated a variety of psuedo-buddhist concepts as well as a really non-sensical notion of Aliens, living inside of us, i.e. aliens are bacteria.

Being brought up with a Buddhist background, I am always aware that the world is always in change; there is nothing in this life that remains in a constant, permanent state. But there is another buddhist notion that I've always struggled with, the notion that absolutely nothing in life has any inherent or ulitimate existence, including the soul (the absence of self). A simple example can be found in a bicycle; the bicycle has no inherent or ultimate existence because when you take apart the wheels, the frame, the handlebars, the chain etc in the end there is no "bicycle?" According to Mahayana Buddhism and other Buddhist schools of thought, this notion applies to everything in life. So bearing that in mind, the idea of the "soul" traveling through time after death, would indicate that the soul does indeed have its own inherent and ultimate existence that has enabled it to travel.

"So, carefully listen to the video. Dissect it. Listen for content. Compare it to just about any time travel claim you see here. Is there any real difference? Answer your question for yourself:"

I copied and pasted the title for this thread, from the Youtube video. I didn't really post the video to question its tenability as such, but rather to generate a metaphysical discussion of the soul/spirit and the idea of "it" traveling through time. On reflection, a different heading would have been more appropriate.
To Darby,

I don't believe time-travel is possible.

And this is the place where you should keep and open mind.

Relativistic time travel to the future is real and the only theoretical impediment is strictly one of engineering. You need to go really, really fast (while avoiding obsticles like grains of sand, bread, apples, very small rocks...anything that has a tangible mass. Ducks are right out.). There are other considerations dealing with physics that come into play but in theory it is possible. This phenomenon is well documented to be true.

Time travel to the past is a much more difficult problem, is entirely theoretical, there are no current theories that allow for it in this universe as we know it to be. But knowledge changes and theoretical can become applied physics and engineering. General Relativity suggests, given certain solutions, that it is possible.

Keeping an open mind, BTW, does not mean giving equal weight to all ideas that get shot across your bow. We see all sorts of "theories" posted on the forum. 99.9% are plain silliness. A few are completely wrong but the poser is given credit for thinking a problem through and coming up with an idea. None, however, are actually theories. A scientific theory is far, far beyond an opinion, guess or stab in the dark. I won't once again go into the scientific definition of "theory" - suffice it to say that it has been discussed at length and many times on this forum.
Relativistic time travel to the future is real and the only theoretical impediment is strictly one of engineering. You need to go really, really fast (while avoiding obsticles like grains of sand, bread, apples, very small rocks...anything that has a tangible mass. Ducks are right out.). There are other considerations dealing with physics that come into play but in theory it is possible. This phenomenon is well documented to be true.

Creating a gravitational red shift by swinging a room around in circle in space will do the job, rather than shooting it out like a bullet. Every object inside this heavy gravitational field room will experience time dilation.

But if you have one of the separated quantum entangled pair of photon in the room for spooky action by distance effect, let's say photon B is in the future from the photon A because of the time dilation. Now you send data through the quantum entangled photon B from the future, "in theory" you should receive the data in photon A via quantum spooky action by distance effect in the past related to photon B, or in the same way, send data from photon A in the past to photon B in the future.
Creating a gravitational red shift by swinging a room around in circle in space will do the job, rather than shooting it out like a bullet. Every object inside this heavy gravitational field room will experience time dilation.

But if you have one of the separated quantum entangled pair of photon in the room for spooky action by distance effect, let's say photon B is in the future from the photon A because of the time dilation. Now you send data through the quantum entangled photon B from the future, "in theory" you should receive the data in photon A via quantum spooky action by distance effect in the past related to photon B, or in the same way, send data from photon A in the past to photon B in the future.

And here’s a example of a poster who has thought a problem through and come up with a good result.

Special Relativity only concerns inertial frames – motions of uniform translation, i.e. moving in a “straight line” with no accelerating forces. In that scenario all motions being considered are truly relative. No observer can unambigously state which body under observation is “really” moving and which is at rest.

But let’s take servantx’s case. We can change the apparatus somewhat without altering the scenario. Instead of tethering something and swinging it around we have a huge spinning disk. Susan is seated near the outer edge facing toward the center of the disk. Sam is seated half way toward the edge facing Susan. The disk is so large that though spinning they won’t feel strong accelerating forces.

They each have powerful telescopes to observe each other. Each has a large clock facing the other so they can be read with the telescopes.

What will they observe? Can, in this scenario, they fall back on Special Relativity and conclude that all motions are relative?
And here’s a example of a poster who has thought a problem through and come up with a good result.

Special Relativity only concerns inertial frames – motions of uniform translation, i.e. moving in a “straight line” with no accelerating forces. In that scenario all motions being considered are truly relative. No observer can unambigously state which body under observation is “really” moving and which is at rest.

What will they observe? Can, in this scenario, they fall back on Special Relativity and conclude that all motions are relative?

Does Einstein's theories account for those numerous instances of reported Time Slips? Over here in the UK, in the city of Liverpool (in a place called Bold St.), there have been 2 relatively recent cases of Time Slips, that had been widely reported in the local and national press. These 2 accounts are very convincing. I would be interested how any scientific principle (in lay man terms) could be applied to these anecdotal claims of "Time-Slips". If Time-Slips do occur, it would suggest that time is curved, rather than linear; that time is fluid rather than fixed? Or do these claims of spontaneous and seemingly random Time-Slip occurences, defy any scientific explanation whatsoever?

If this has been discussed elsewhere before, could you point me in the right direction of those discussions.
Absolutely. He's a time traveler.
Would you like to ride in a time machine? You would? Excellent. Invest $21.00 per Share Certificate today and your money will grow exponentially over the next ten centuries to the time when time travel is actually first invented and...

You wouldn't be taking us for a ride, would you Darby?