Is there any device that has not been concidered.


Chrono Cadet
I have been reading quite a bit about time travel, and it seems there are only 5 types of theories.
1. A tesseract (wrinkle, or tear, in time)
2. Black Hole (including worm holes)
3. Faster than light travel (which is adamently deemed as imposible, yet there is no evidance to support it's impossibility.)
4. Suppernatural event (including ghosts, magic, and visions of the past.)
5. Anti-time particles which travel backwards through time.

Only the first directly relates to time, and none have any real evidance (discounting theories) to support them. I wonder is there anything I've missed. Or at least any evidance (not theories) that I am discounting, or looking over. Of course there is a 6th theory.

6. Susspended animation, or long sleep. (of course many do not regard this as true time travel because it is not free and can only provide for travel into the future, with no means of return.)
<font color="blue"> No one has even considered an artificial means of time travel. [/COLOR]
<font color="#00ff00"> Consider The Terminator and it's method of time travel. In the center of a pit lies a trio of counter-revolving rings. Someone or something steps in there. The altered gravity fields allow for the subject to remain in the center of the rings. You enter your spatial and temporal coordinates into the control computer, which then determines what the amount and configuration of energy is required to get them there. The rings start their motion, and end up moving so fast that the whole contraption looks like an atom. Everyone else in the chamber is behind lead shields. Once you dump the energy to create the portal in, the other end is created in the past for long enough the send the person or machine back in time. Then there is a white flash, and on the future end of things, the being is gone. In the past, the being is free to wreak havoc or whatever their mission is. How's that? [/COLOR]

I think we are all loosing the perspective here. Yes we tend to believe that time, as it is very well defined by mathematics, it solely belongs to the field of physics. But it does not. A time traveller in order to achieve such a perilous endeavor it must know as well the very aspect of the mind/spirit. Both disciplines should be reconciled by modern theorists and then start from there. It is funny that while you all ponder about travelling with machines, devices and who knows what other contraptions, people all over the world are already timephasing not only within this TR's confines but beyond the temporal envelope. Try and contemplate about your selves, what it means to be a point, composed of millions and millions of light points, among the endeless myriad of yet other points of light. Calculate the frequency of your love, measure up the height of your lives and appraise the weight of yor liberty. That will give you all the knoledge neccesary to start upon the true path of temporal travel.

Until Love, Life and LIberty becomes one
So now the list is up to eight.

1. A tesseract (wrinkle, or tear, in time)
2. Black Hole, White hole, Worm hole
3. Faster than light travel
4. Suppernatural event (including ghosts, magic, and visions of the past.)
5. Anti-time particles which travel backwards through time.
6. Susspended animation, or long sleep.
7. Mind/Will Power
8. Temporal Displacement, due to Gravity

by the by, when I say device I do not mean machine. I mean methode, sorry for the confusion. I need to remember this is a science orianted page, and device is considered to mean machine anywhere but in regards to literature.
I found another methode, hiding in the far reaches of this message board.

9. Slowing down light, with extremely low temperatures (almost absolute zero)
Thank you. This keep bringing in new ideas, it is very helpful to me.
Re: Three more methods for the list

Friend John of EarthTR125.0121

There are three more "devices" by which a temporal traveller could engage into a temporal sojourn

One would be the Alpha-Omega Points Theory that led to the development of the Rosenfeld Drive
the other would then be the Kassimir Effect. And finally the timephasing technique employed by observers who can achieve sixteenth dimensionality and enter the Prime Temporal Point state.

Until later becomes now.
I think there are some great points here. As a theorist you must be able to transend time from your personal interpretation of reality before you will be able to make progess in more material situations. i think the slowing of light is a very important key. Don't forget that hard science already allows the existence of time reversal invarient radio waves and subatomic particles that exist beyond the imagined effects of "time". I believe we've made great progress already and as my research become more specific my advice becomes more ambiguious, just relax and clear your mind of questions and you will start seeing the picture. i know what i'm working on, it won't help to follow another person's lead. you have the answers. I think we are about to see some weird stuff.
Re: Three more methods for the list

Before I add them to the list I would like to know a little more about the Alpha-Omega Points Theory and the Kassimir Effect. But I am becoming very proud of this list which is up to 10 possibly 12 theories for time travel. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
1. A tesseract (wrinkle, or tear, in time)
2. Black Hole, White hole, Worm hole (or any other condensed matter warping space and or time.)
3. Faster than light travel
4. Suppernatural event (including ghosts, magic, and visions of the past.)
5. Anti-time particles (which travel backwards through time.)
6. Susspended animation (or long sleep.)
7. Mind/Will Power
8. Temporal Displacement (due to Gravity)
9.Slowing down light, with extremely low temperatures (almost absolute zero)
10.Prime Temporal Point state (acheiving a dimension past time, theorized to be the fourth dimension)
Re: Three more methods for the list

ultraterminator said&gt;No one has even considered an artificial means of time travel.

Consider The Terminator and it's method of time travel. In the center of a pit lies a trio of counter-revolving rings. Someone or something steps in there. The altered gravity fields allow for the subject to remain in the center of the rings.

You enter your spatial and temporal coordinates into the control computer, which then determines what the amount and configuration of energy is required to get them there.

The rings start their motion, and end up moving so fast that the whole contraption looks like an atom. Everyone else in the chamber is behind lead shields.

Once you dump the energy to create the portal in, the other end is created in the past for long enough the send the person or machine back in time. Then there is a white flash, and on the future end of things, the being is gone. In the past, the being is free to wreak havoc or whatever their mission is.

How's that?

Reprinted for the sake of readability
And what about using the "parallel universe" option?
*though I cannot provide an actual device or mechanism for it*
changing the past within this universe would, based on our perception of time, impossible. Unless the change itself never was any change, but was always a part of the original timestream.

To avoid the paradox, it might be considdered an option to "clone" a universe (or "split" the existing one). But, somehow (the other suggestions?), making sure the other universe isn't affected by the paradox of moving backwards in time within the same universe. It might be possible to have travelers from one end. making changes in another, but nevertheless not within the universe from which the traveling object (molecule, atom, maybe even energy itself) originated.
Re: Is there any device that has not been concider

To understand a possible device you have to understand the relation of time in
our physical realm as compaired to infinity.

I propose a new fundamental understanding of time and space.

All physical objects in our universe are finite in dimension embeded into
a universe of infinite space and time.

Objects of finite units of space and time are in a state of constant
motion in other words in a state of forever motion or at least until
the end of our universe.

What does this mean?

If my proposal is true then.(as I see it)

Each unit of space and time has a max and min "length".
embeded into a infinite field of space and time.

If true this would effectively explain basically not only how of the
universe but "why" as well. Since elementary particles would be considered
a geometric construction in 3 dimensions of fundamental units of space time
construction- blocks of finite length. I have been beating my brains on how
to create a math model of this for many years with no success yet.

To visulise this, understand our universe and the elementary particles
that make it up are of one size, this size is finite in a infinite field.
Imagine that you had a universe inside a ant's eye ball, Imagine our universe
is embedded in a head of pin. If you can imagine this then you can understand
fundamentally what I am saying. Our universe is the only one of our "size" at
this space time, as far as I can tell.

If you understand this then fundamentally to build a time machine you
must find a machine to "create" a time that is larger or smaller than
our time. How is a big problem.

Generally I think a set of rings that are set up to create a field between them
may do it. To artifically bathe the device and center object with a different
space time field than normal.

I think this may be could be done, the trick is not letting the inner ring
and outer ring become sycronised in space time. Then you would be able to create
a field that has a different space time than what is normally possible in our
space time. Rings are just one concept, any way to create this field is the
main thing.

To understand further, you must consider that there is a max and min of
space time. A min possible speed as opposed to a max possible
speed. The speed of light is well known. There should be a corrasponding min
possible CONSTANT speed in our space time. Following this there should be
a min and max acceration as well. Note though such calculations are difficult
and only understandable in knowing that we are embedded in a infinite field
and our space time must interface with this infinite field in order to exist
in a stable way. The way "it" does this is by constant motion of our space
time in all objects, including inside the elementary particles. The elementary
particles are built up in a geometric way using space time as building blocks.
For instance particles of light are max velocity in one direction , to create
a 3 dimensional object the other two dimensions must be filled somehow. Using
radial coorodinates the other two dimensions are made into a circle perpendicular
to the axis of motion of the particle of light. Speed min is along the circle
and the radial dimension varies between max and min depending on the particle
of light, this gives the variance of energy levels of each particle of light.

Simular geometric creations can be done for other particals. I must confess
that even though I have put a lot of thought to this I don't know the exact
rules of particle creation or even exactly how to build them correctly.

My theory though gives some sense of why only so many particles and
the anti particles and even why the short time length of existance
of most particles. Anti particles are just the same as normal particles
but rotating in a different direction. The proton is a different geometic
stable creation that leaves out a dimension that matchs the make up
of the electron, fundamentally a nutron is a proton and electron together
in terms of its geometic creation. It depends on how the 3 deminsions
are filled up buy the building blocks of space time.

Of course to accept my ideas you have to consider a modification of
special and general theory of relativity. It is simple, there are
3 dimensions of space and 3 dimensions of time. Normally you consider
a 3 dimensional object so there is no conflict with realitivity. The troubles
start with very small objects, getting into their internal structures and so on.

How to build a actual time machine? Set a object pulsing at one space time,
and set another pulsing at a space time. In other words take a electric
currenty and set it osculating at 20 cycles per second. Then set another
at 20 cycles per second. The trick is seperating them so that the fields
meet each other at some fraction of min space/time in the center of the two.
This would be very difficult as they would want to match up with each other
and a very slight movement of eather one would get them to be in sinc
in terms of space/time. On very small objects it should be more achievable
to create this situation, hince quantum mechanics.

Re: Is there any device that has not been concider

Understanding quantum mechanics.

The fundmental idea is easy the mathematics I havn't figured out yet.

Simply if you have two objects at around the size of min length. These two
objects are in a infinite field, but they are finite in size. Lets say they
are much bigger than we know they are, so that the min length is one meter.
(This could be the case if our universe is embedded in a much larger
universe and we can somehow could "see" their particles in action, time
could be slowed down for that universe by making the min time per max
space to be huge as compaired to our universe)

When a particle is emmitted from a gun into a target its action would be
random in a satisical way due to the fact its size of space is on the order
of magnitude of the point of interaction. To understand this imagine a object
that is made up of many fundamental particals. Lets say two big objects like
billard balls, these objects are themselves many times the size of the
fundamental smallest length. But if the partical is much smaller it
could hit on any portion of the smallest length in a random way with
random results. Also the object is cycleing between its own frequency
which also can produce random events.

enough of this madness!!
