Quantum Scribe
An odd name for a post on time travel, you might think. But bear with me......all will be revealed.
One of the first people to question whether our senses actually tell us how the world really is was the philosopher Kant. He quite rightly perceived that the 'blue' of the sky is really not a property of nature itself.....but entirely a creation of our own brains.
It is something a lot of people have trouble conceptualising. 'What do you mean the sky isn't really blue ?'....they will say. One has to then explain that what people ACTUALLY 'see' is not 'out there' at all...but is a rather clever projection created by brain cells in the back of their head ! Our conscious expereince ( by definition...there exists a logical and mathematical proof ) does not exist 'out there'. Sure..there are waves and frequenceies of light...but 'blue' does not exist out there.....your brain makes it up.
And in fact that goes for ALL our senses. None of what we 'experience' actually exists out there in the form in which we experience it. But the brain is so clever at 'projecting' our consciousness 'out there' that we somehow fall under the illusion that that experience is what is really there.
We really don't live in the external world at all. We live in a completely made up world of experience that is AFFECTED by the external world but which is not a direct experience of it at all. Our experience is not the real is a purely internal model that 'represents' the real world.
Once one starts to grasp is not long before one starts to question whether time itself is another of those things that the brain has invented in order to represent a reality we can never directly experience. In exactly the same way as 'light' does exist out there in the form of waves of energy but 'blue' is our own creation............I suspect 'time' has a basis in something real, but our perception of it is entirely our own creation.
Just as the blue of the sky does not actually exist 'out there' is to me quite likely that neither does our experience of time.
( If anyone wants a logical proof that the sky is not really blue, I can provide it )
One of the first people to question whether our senses actually tell us how the world really is was the philosopher Kant. He quite rightly perceived that the 'blue' of the sky is really not a property of nature itself.....but entirely a creation of our own brains.
It is something a lot of people have trouble conceptualising. 'What do you mean the sky isn't really blue ?'....they will say. One has to then explain that what people ACTUALLY 'see' is not 'out there' at all...but is a rather clever projection created by brain cells in the back of their head ! Our conscious expereince ( by definition...there exists a logical and mathematical proof ) does not exist 'out there'. Sure..there are waves and frequenceies of light...but 'blue' does not exist out there.....your brain makes it up.
And in fact that goes for ALL our senses. None of what we 'experience' actually exists out there in the form in which we experience it. But the brain is so clever at 'projecting' our consciousness 'out there' that we somehow fall under the illusion that that experience is what is really there.
We really don't live in the external world at all. We live in a completely made up world of experience that is AFFECTED by the external world but which is not a direct experience of it at all. Our experience is not the real is a purely internal model that 'represents' the real world.
Once one starts to grasp is not long before one starts to question whether time itself is another of those things that the brain has invented in order to represent a reality we can never directly experience. In exactly the same way as 'light' does exist out there in the form of waves of energy but 'blue' is our own creation............I suspect 'time' has a basis in something real, but our perception of it is entirely our own creation.
Just as the blue of the sky does not actually exist 'out there' is to me quite likely that neither does our experience of time.
( If anyone wants a logical proof that the sky is not really blue, I can provide it )