Is The Sky Really Blue ?


Quantum Scribe
An odd name for a post on time travel, you might think. But bear with me......all will be revealed.

One of the first people to question whether our senses actually tell us how the world really is was the philosopher Kant. He quite rightly perceived that the 'blue' of the sky is really not a property of nature itself.....but entirely a creation of our own brains.

It is something a lot of people have trouble conceptualising. 'What do you mean the sky isn't really blue ?'....they will say. One has to then explain that what people ACTUALLY 'see' is not 'out there' at all...but is a rather clever projection created by brain cells in the back of their head ! Our conscious expereince ( by definition...there exists a logical and mathematical proof ) does not exist 'out there'. Sure..there are waves and frequenceies of light...but 'blue' does not exist out there.....your brain makes it up.

And in fact that goes for ALL our senses. None of what we 'experience' actually exists out there in the form in which we experience it. But the brain is so clever at 'projecting' our consciousness 'out there' that we somehow fall under the illusion that that experience is what is really there.

We really don't live in the external world at all. We live in a completely made up world of experience that is AFFECTED by the external world but which is not a direct experience of it at all. Our experience is not the real is a purely internal model that 'represents' the real world.

Once one starts to grasp is not long before one starts to question whether time itself is another of those things that the brain has invented in order to represent a reality we can never directly experience. In exactly the same way as 'light' does exist out there in the form of waves of energy but 'blue' is our own creation............I suspect 'time' has a basis in something real, but our perception of it is entirely our own creation.

Just as the blue of the sky does not actually exist 'out there' is to me quite likely that neither does our experience of time.

( If anyone wants a logical proof that the sky is not really blue, I can provide it )
" Our experience is not the real is a purely internal model that 'represents' the real world."

YES. our brain is a tool, a machine that interprets numbers, frequencies, energies. Our Mind is where we exist in conscious form. Yes my "blue" likely may look different than your "blue", but we both have a specific energy form (600-700nm?) enter a bio-sensor (cones in our retina) and get extrapolated into a sensation (blue). Time being similar makes a lot of sense to me.

I also believe, based on my personal experiences, that mankind is about to gain a sensation (th 6th sense, lets call it). Already, some people are able to sense extra energies. I started to be able to see UV waves in 1999. First noticed it at Berkeley (no I was not tripping) as extra colors on rainbows (UV looks brown to me, but certainly visible). UV sources in a lab environment are visible to me. A doctor told me that people see various ranges of colors just people hear varius ranges of sound. I am also aware, not in a good way, of certain electromagnetic freq's. 2.4 gHrtz, for example is a freq. that gives me a headache and I can feel it when it is close, almost instantly. That precludes me putting a cordless phone to my head. Point is, I have noticed being able to comprehend energy forms previously unknown to me in the past decade. I met others similar and my intuition tells me that it is only the beginning.

The mayan prophecy may just be explaining that the mystique of elusive time is nearing its end. And I do not think I am better than anyone else. I think we can all sense a little more these days, you just have to look. Take time to smell the roses, ya know?
I also believe, based on my personal experiences, that mankind is about to gain a sensation (th 6th sense, lets call it). Already, some people are able to sense extra energies. I started to be able to see UV waves in 1999. First noticed it at Berkeley (no I was not tripping) as extra colors on rainbows (UV looks brown to me, but certainly visible). UV sources in a lab environment are visible to me.

Many people in 'near death' experiences have described seeing colours, etc, that do not exist in ordinary life. Rather than seeing this as something supernatural, I believe that consciousness probably evolved in our dream state anyway ( where we could safely practice with it ). So it would not surprise me if 'new' sensory experiences first evolve in consciousness and then the physical mechanism is enhanced to enable it.
Makes sense to me. I think that very young children are more likely to sense extra facets of existence, but because we are conditioned by society and not trained to develop in-ordinary senses, the ability to use those senses gets lost, muted, or dulled.

It's like the monk that can sit in 30 degrees weather on a pile of snow, perfectly still, and yet be able to raise his body temperature. It's done with Mind and the monks have trained since birth to use those abilities.
I also believe, based on my personal experiences, that mankind is about to gain a sensation (th 6th sense, lets call it). Already, some people are able to sense extra energies. I started to be able to see UV waves in 1999.

What do you think started this for you? Was it something that you worked towards developing or did it just happen? Did you have a near death experience or a trauma? I find this very interesting as I have always wanted to develop some kind of ability myself. As far as being sensitive to frequency, did that start at the same time in 1999?
I think the sensitivity did start around the same time, but I do not know as in I did not have a computer, TV or phone between 1992 and 1999... well I did have a corded house phone from 1997-2002.

As far as how it happened. I don't know. The major change in my life then was state of mind, a sense of freedom with limitless potential. I was relaxed.

I have had some lets say life changing experiences that have seemed to glitched my consciousness and that may have something to do with it. I don't want to talk about that because I don;t want to get into a debate and argument with others on this website about my personal life experiences. Lets just keep it simple and say those glitches are related to my finding this website and occasionally reading some posts around here.

Back to you, though, I think our brains have the biological hardware to sense extra perception, however I think there are conscious filters set up to limit use. We as species are on verge of lifting those filters. It will be as Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

My best advice to you would be to start trying to be aware of your self and your surroundings. Keep in mind that your body is only the tip of yourself. Be aware of your surroundings. Make a conscious effort everyday to try to feel what is around you in time/space. It helps to start daily when you go to sleep, but the more you do it the more easily you feel it. I suggested similar to Pamela217? I think that is her screen name, about a year ago, as I sensed she had innate ability to understand life on a higher level (although I'm not sure she knew it). I don;t know if she has been practicing being aware, but I would assume that if she has over this past year, that by now she has noticed a change in her being . Ask her. Or maybe she'll chime in and answer for all.
Speaking of sensitivity......I once picked up police radio, on a set of headphones that were not plugged in....i.e not connected to anything, and no power.

I've seen on shows like Mythbusters that this ought not to be possible ( I think they tested the old stories about metal fillings picking up radio signals ).......but all I can say is - it happened !
YOU CAN PIck up RF in almost anything that conducts electricity. The item just needs to be a resonant harmonoic of the signal frequency. The closer/finer tuned the object is to the frquency, the stringer the signal and or smaller the object can be. Tesla did some work on this kind of stuff.

Paladius is correct. Google "crystal radio". A crystal radio receiver is really nothing more than a coil, a crystal/ceramic rod that can be moved through the coil to tune the frequency and some wires to connect to a speaker of some sort. No batteries or other internal power source. They work just fine. We used to make them in school or at home when I was a kid. In WWII crystal radios were what the resistance forces in occupied Europe used to tune into BBC. POWs did the same in POW camps. In the 50's they were packed as emergency gear in survival kits. The entire radio can be held in the palm of your hand.

You may even have heard about people who hear radio in their ears but there's no radio. There have been cases where the edges of a person's silver or gold fillings were shaped "just so" so that they picked up radio transmissions that resonated on the jaw bone, which transmitted the sound to the ears: highly conductive metal (silver or gold), crystal/ceramic (teeth), perfect shape to tune the RF - viola! A true "radio head". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
My best advice to you would be to start trying to be aware of your self and your surroundings. Keep in mind that your body is only the tip of yourself. Be aware of your surroundings. Make a conscious effort everyday to try to feel what is around you in time/space. It helps to start daily when you go to sleep, but the more you do it the more easily you feel it.

Thank you paladius! I will give this a try. I have thought about trying something like this (meditation, etc.) but I always felt like it would not change anything for me. I always thought that the extra perception is something some people are gifted with, not something one can develop. It almost seems to me like this extra perception was something that just came to you. I would like to know if anyone has tried to develop this on their own and if it has worked for them... EDIT: Paladius: Also, I am wondering what your sense tells you about me? Selfish question, really, but I am just curious...

Paladius is correct. Google "crystal radio". A crystal radio receiver is really nothing more than a coil, a crystal/ceramic rod that can be moved through the coil to tune the frequency and some wires to connect to a speaker of some sort. No batteries or other internal power source. They work just fine. We used to make them in school or at home when I was a kid. In WWII crystal radios were what the resistance forces in occupied Europe used to tune into BBC. POWs did the same in POW camps. In the 50's they were packed as emergency gear in survival kits. The entire radio can be held in the palm of your hand.

You may even have heard about people who hear radio in their ears but there's no radio. There have been cases where the edges of a person's silver or gold fillings were shaped "just so" so that they picked up radio transmissions that resonated on the jaw bone, which transmitted the sound to the ears: highly conductive metal (silver or gold), crystal/ceramic (teeth), perfect shape to tune the RF - viola! A true "radio head".

I understand the principles of crystal radio. But whether a 'moving coil' driver would respond in such manner, in a device with a transistor, with no actual electric current, is another matter.

The whole thing about fillings picking up radio was tested on Mythbusters....and was one that was declared 'Busted' no evidence could be found that it happened. I'm not so sure.
Re: Darby.

The crystal in the original crystal radio was a form of crystallized lead.A bent, springy wire called a "cat's whisker" was used to locate a station, which was audited through headphones.Aerial-detector-headphones--about as simple as you can get. I had a good sized chunk of this lead ore for years which came from Shullsberg,Wi., where much lead was mined. It's in the south central part of the State, and just south of there in Illinois is the city of Galena (which is the mining name for this ore). Galena is also famous for being the hometown of Ulysses S. Grant, a well-known "lead distributer" of his day.
twilight, I think the smaller you get in terms of physical components of a radio, the more precise the frequency resonance has to be. All of this has to do with wavelength and radio waves are huge (compared to light or sound waves). So the smaller the device, the finer tuned it needs to be to a resonant harmonic, and each harmonic step gets smaller and smaller of a sweet spot for tuning. Mythbusters does not have the budget to truly rule that one out.

roxy, I;m not a psychic, any intuitions I get just pop into existence on occasion only. I can cannot control it. the more I read your posts, the more I know about you, the more likely that extra information will arrive from it. Often when I have visions of such I have no way to verify the information so I do not know if what I see is real or not. On occasion, the truth is revealed. It used to give me tinglies, but now I just accept it. I spent years trying to figure it out and get better at knowing the unknown and all that ever did was make it harder and less frequent. I think the key somehow is to be a natural relaxed state, where you are receptive to something but not looking or trying for it. Just be aware of the universe around you. You should by this age be aware of things like movement of stars, patterns of wind around objects, how sound travels and bounces in the environment...all the physical traits of our world. Many people takes all these things for granted and do not view them, understand them, predict them in an advanced way. That is one part of being aware, the other part is being aware of yourself beyond your body. That part involves "feeling" outside your skin.
The whole thing about fillings picking up radio was tested on Mythbusters....and was one that was declared 'Busted' no evidence could be found that it happened. I'm not so sure.

Such conclusions are good example of careless debunking--which you can always find in the nearest bar, for example--which is often merely someone's opinion. It isn't plausible to exclude one-in-a-million anomalies because they aren't plausible.They're accidents of a sort.

Metal fillings are 1. metal and 2. of a specific size--it's quite easy to look at them as antennas and resonant frequency detectors. The mouth is acidic, hence quite possible to behave as a battery, and most fillings are silver-mercury amalgams--two dissimilar metals. And everyone from experience knows that the teeth have a direct access to the brain via the nerves. Given that, it is quite easy to speculate that someone, somewhere, ought to have received radio signals with their fillings.

I recall reading a article in a tabloid about a rural Texas businessman who picked up a radio program on a small gas space heater. :D
Blue is not a creation of us, it is the frequency that our sensors (eyeballs) pick up. To a bee, who sees more in the ultraviolet, the sky is a different color. To insects, a spider's web is brightly neon different colored hues, to us, it is gray.

The sky anyway is mostly gray anymore with all the moisture and the clouds, and a few flakes of snow that fell this morning as an Artic Cold Wave Front swoops down upon most of the USA this weekend.

We are sensors, and different animals sense differently, such as a dog who actually lives in more of a black and white (shades of gray) world.

With my new astronmical filter (moonglow and skyglow and light pollution filter) they filter out some frequencies and that so far makes the yellow of the sun say during the day taken out of the gray of the concrete pavement so there is less yellow and less glare and no yellow on the pavement, not really making it darker but more gray. It also takes out the Sun's color to the trees where during bright sunlight the leaves appear more yellowish with the sun shining on the leaves of the trees, but the filter filters that out and the leaves turn more greenish. It also makes the blue sky - bluer - so the filter works, making the sky a deeper shade of blue during a sun filled day. At night for viewing the stars, nebulaes, and galaxies, it will filter out that annoying light pollution making the sky darker but not really making it really darker, much like a polarizing filter might such as the two put together (twist to adjust the brightness looking at the moon but making it darker also like sunglasses do) but not the same with this moonglow (reflected sunlight) and light pollution filter.

It is a wonder why people refuse to want to see the night sky and the Milky Way Galaxy coming up with all the excuses usually because of this human or that human because of theft or other reasons blocking out the night sky with all the light pollution. It is broadcast into Spacetime like the NASA night photo of the Earth shows. E.T. the Extraterrestrial should visit humans here, and then what..........................humans thinking they give Orders to spacealiens that travelled through spacetime - ya, really! Give us your technology? I doubt that also.
Talk about want - how about wanting to see the night sky with your naked eye instead of glaring lights at night.

Sensors, that what we are all about.
leaves are green because the trees absorb the other wavelengths in the chlorophyll to make sugar energies in combination with absorbing CO2. The green is the dominant wavelength NOT being used by the tree, and thus reflected back.

The sky being blue is due to all the wavelengths passing through the atmosphere, but only some interact with the gas molecules in the air. On a typical day, longer wavelengths pass through, but shorter ones, like blue, hit molecules and get scattered, diffused, and reflected downward to earth, which you see. At a sunset, the angle of the sun is such that the light needs to pass through a longer distance of air molecules and "redshifts", (if I can use that term without some technicrat on this website defining it) and the longer red wavelengths are the ones scattered.

A black body absorber absorbs all visible spectrum, a mirror reflects all. Any color you see on any object is what the object is not absorbing. Sometime the light spectrum does not have all light frequencies, such as in artificial lighting. I bought a pair of beige cords at teh gap last week and when I wore them outside, they are most certainly, without a doubt, green. Go inside, and they are beige again. It makes picking out a shirt harder.
eaves are green because the trees absorb the other wavelengths in the chlorophyll to make sugar energies in combination with absorbing CO2. The green is the dominant wavelength NOT being used by the tree, and

Let's assume we know all that.

The question is, why is it that we perceive what we know as color? Without color vision, all of these frequencies would be different shades of gray to our vision. A person without color vision could tell these shades of gray apart, but they wouldn't have the experience of color.

For that matter, can we be certain that you and TimeNot 0 actually are able to see color? Many persons who are color blind think they can see color if they can match appearances. How can we tell that you actually have the experience of color? Maybe "blue" is just the word for the shade of gray your eyes see?

I know I can see color because I can see color: if you can, you know what I'm talking about.(I don't want to get into a long winded explanation).It's a purely subjective experience, which interprets shades of gray in a special way.

Put yourself in the position of a person who see ghosts. How can you prove that you do? A phenomenon can be real (produce a physical effect), but if the senses of the multitude are deficient, the general agreement will exclude it.

I think each of us see a color slightly different, but keep in mind our biological machines (our eyes) and computer processor (our brains) have very similar architecture. What I think is is more relevant is how we only ditinguish a few major colors ROYGBIV. In reality though, there are many many different shades of green between 535 and 536 nm. Our biology can not distingusih between the two, yet you may 536 the way I see 535nm. We both see green.

For those of you that see dead people,well, you are seeing a different wavelength all together. In fact, I do not even think that wavelength is measureable in distanaces we are accustomed to.
Blue is not a creation of us, it is the frequency that our sensors (eyeballs) pick up. is a conscious experience. Our consciousness does not exist in the external world, therefore none of its phenomenology can either.

Kant made the point....try to imagine the sky being 'blue' in the absence of a conscious observer to see it as such. And the point is further proven with black. How can you 'see' black...when black is the total absense of any photons ?? is an invention of the brain. It MUST there is by definition no sensory input. That makes it a little easier to comprehend how its the same with blue being a creation of the brain.
Our consciousness does not exist in the external world, therefore none of its phenomenology can either.

Quite true. We have to remember that we do not actually sense the exterior world directly. Our brains only know electrical signals that come to it via the optic nerve(s). We locked in our own little caves watching patterns of sunlight from the world outside coming through cracks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif