Is the key to Time Travel all in Electromagnetics?


Temporal Novice
Okay this is a question concerning what actually is the key to what may make time travel a possibility.

Would you people say Electromagnetic waves are the key to altering time and space? Certain electromagnetic waves are known to travel faster than light, now that in mind, everyone knows Time travel in theroey could only ever be accomplished by energy exceeding light speed. This in mind would it not be safe to say that as Electromagnetic waves can be faster than light, in particular scalar waves, then with this being the key or possibly the only answer, it could lie in electromagnetic frequencies when talking about making time travel a reality.

Please people your views on this.
I'm working on specific EM frequencies that cause the emission of gravity waves. I have seen strong evidence that gravity waves do affect the flow of time. But all research that I know about in this area is strictly fringe area science. So there is no cut and dried method yet to time travel.

1st of all the speed of light is relative. Therefore a set of frequencies that produce a gravitational feild in one location at one time will change to produce the same gravitational feild in another location or time. This all depends on the state of the universe at teh time of time travel. The universe i sever changing and the its affect on all energy within it is ever changing.

Electromagnetics do hold a key to time travel, but only the key to the technological (physical) aspect of traveling through time. The psychological aspect is held by another key, and it is the combination of the two that will safely allow controlled time travel.

It is a scared scientist that only holds the 1st key.