Is the future of Norway changed in the timeline?


Quantum Scribe
To time travelers of the future, from this or any other alternative timelines:

Year: July 2011

Son of a Norwegian diplomat, Anders Behring Breivik, self-proclaimed associated with Templar Knight (secret society) set up 2 bombs blasted off at two government buildings, in Islo, Norway. The 2 bombings were used as distraction from the police for his massacre of a youth camp with machine gun fire on an island. The youth camp was funded by the major political party of Norway - The Labour Party. Over 90 victims, majority of "elite" students in their teenage years was murdered on the island,

As the result, a generation of future politicians and Prime Minister candidates of Norway's ruling party Labour disappeared in one single day. Does it affect any of your timeline on the future political environment, ruler party formation in the future?

If any of you who claimed to be a real time traveler, please reply on this message board and discuss political changes of Norway in the process. Have anyone heard of a machine called "Chronovisor", if yes, is this machine being obtained by any secret societies with association of the Templar Knights?
For more information to study about this massacre case in history. - original document download below.

Please download the following 1518 pages PDF doucment, by Anders Behring Breivik, the killer of 2011 Oslo (in Norway) massacre, Breivik sent this document to other extremists 6 hours before the killing, detailing his motives and methods of creating bombs and preparations for the massacre.

2083 - A European Declaration of Independence (PDF) by Anders Behring Breivik (Norway Oslo Killer in 2011)

Breivik uses his english name "Andrew Berwick" on this document.

Notice the number "2083", and Knight Templar symbol on front page.

In page 649, Breivik addressed to create "the foundation for a Second European Renaissance, pre-2083", which means the number "2083" on his bombing plan document refers to a Year - 2083.

In page 766, Anders mentioned another book title "2083", perhaps the source inspiration of his action to kill off the future Labour politicians of Norway, as he want to prevent a European Civil War in 3 phases (mentioned in page 803).

Note: The author is a right-wing extremist and mass murderer, any point of views mention in the PDF should be politically incorrect.
The author is a right-wing extremist and mass murderer, any point of views mention in the PDF should be politically incorrect.

The author is a right-wing extremist

Maybe true - maybe not. What is "extreme right-wing" as opposed to extreme "some other wing"?

mass murderer

Accused mass murder

any point of views mention in the PDF should be politically incorrect

You didn't read the paper, did you? If you had you would see the ironic humor in your statement.

Jens Breivik's (Father of Anders) occupation: Economist at the Norwegian embassy in London
Number of student death: reduced to 68 people.
Prime Minister of Norway: Jens Stoltenberg
Who would know if the time line was changed?

I agree with most of your points of view. Yes once the attack is done the future will never be the same.

However, in Hugh Everett's many-worlds interpretation, a theory of interpretation of quantum physics, if this theory is correct, then there could be a parallel world of the other actions.

I believe that time travel of data can be achieved by Quantum teleportation using photons, but because of the many-worlds interpretation theory in quantum physics, the data can never be transport back to the past of the same world. So yes I think you are right about time travel cannot be occurred in the same world. One cannot go back to the past of the same world.

Wiki on Many-world-interpreation theory

Wiki on Quantum Teleportation
What is "extreme right-wing" as opposed to extreme "some other wing"?

The term "extreme right-wing" is used in media (many major newspapers around the world) about the killer's political view.

If you had you would see the ironic humor in your statement.

Please explain more and point it out clearly to me. I do not understand your statement. Please do not use any attack tone in this forum. This is not a political board.
As per your request I have checked my 'Chronovisor' (it was at the back of Creedo299's kennel, underneath the Chronoviewer and behind the Chronotoaster - still in it's box, for you fans of time travel technology! Anybody remember when Chronohistorian was threatened by deadly toasters from beyond time? It's still available to view on his very poor 'I am Chronohistorian' or 'He is Chronohistorian' website, which amazingly still exists to this very day - google it, time brothers! But I digress)
Ahem, As per your request I have checked my 'Chronovisor' and I am sorry to report it had some trouble even finding Norway as not a lot happens there, in fact apart from Abba and some vikings the Chronovisor could find nothing of note in Norway's history whatsoever. I even had to tell it Abba weren't Norwegian and it has now corrected it's database. So the answer is 'No, just more snow' - that is the cumulative effect the tragic shootings have had on the timeline. If you have any more queries you want me to plug into the Chronovisor let me know, I've also got that other Timeline viewer I could use as well, you know the Quantum thingy. I asked the CV if it wanted me to upload that massive pdf document you linked to as well, but it declined the offer.

Thanks Dave
As per your request I have checked my 'Chronovisor' (it was at the back of Creedo299's kennel, underneath the Chronoviewer and behind the Chronotoaster - still in it's box, for you fans of time travel technology!

I don't think Chronovisor is a mobile device. You need a lab to operate it. Please try your best, not to lie.

Proverbs 12:22, "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight."

Proverbs 13:5, "A righteous man hateth lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and cometh to shame."

Proverbs 14:5, "A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies."

Proverbs 14:25, "A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies."
Yes once the attack is done the future will never be the same.

The future will never be the same as what?

Your statement makes the assumption that there "was" already one future and the events above are contrary to the events leading to that supposed future without any profer supporting the assumption.
The future will never be the same as what?

The future will never be the same as attack did not happen. It was an agreement with TimeCrime1986's statement below:

As for change had the attack not happened sure yes the future of many people there would be different but after the attack their future will never be the same.

Your statement makes the assumption that there "was" already one future and the events above are contrary to the events leading to that supposed future without any profer supporting the assumption.

My assumption is based on a multi-world view, that there are multiple possibility for each event or action happened or not.
In regards to your comment about 'you don't think the Chronovisor is a mobile device' - you don't 'think'? Well my friend you 'think' wrong, as anybody on this forum knows I am a time traveller of some great reknown from the future, your future, and the Chronovisor is simply one product in a range of 'Chrono-' based services offered by Timetravel Inc. who are ironically based in Norway. How Chronohistorian howls in pain to think of all the marketing he's missed out on!
Anyway a Chronovisor may exist 'in a lab' in your primitive dark ages back in the murky caveman era of the early 21st century but in my future world of starscrapers, glittering deep space communities and attractive hologram shoulderpads a Chronovisor is simply something you pick up from the mall along with a half dozen cans of flaarg and the latest cyber-Britney interactive blue movie.
Furthermore, on the subject of the dark ages what are all those nonsense 'Proverbs' quotes you've tagged onto your post? Is that some religious thing from when you pre post-humans still believed in imaginary sky pixies? How very charming and quaint! Don't understand any of them though. Perhaps you could explain in greater detail, I am big fan of dead religions (well I'm not really but I like to humor you primitives)