Is John Titor.....Whitley Strieber ?


Quantum Scribe
Well.....quite by chance I found some interesting 'coincidences' between the two :-

Titor first posts to Art Bell on July 29th 1998.

Guess who launches his book 'Confirmation' ( alleged proof of alien visitors ) the very same day ?

And guess who is making predictions of 'coming global catastrophe'...on the Art Bell show, indeed with the co-operation of Art Bell, just a few months later ?

And guess who now runs a site ( ) where one of the topics regularly under discussion is.....time travel.

Indeed....only a few days ago Art Bell hosted a show with Streiber and Starfire Tor on the subject of time travel..

And here's a quote from a recent interview with Streiber....

" Strieber: Well, one example is the discovery that "faster than light travel" is possible, and two, that time travel is therefore also possible. And the fact that the "principle of least action" automatically prevents "the grandfather paradox" from ever occurring. Therefore, there's really no bar to time travel. If you travel in time, you will never get into a situation where you can kill your own grandfather. It can't happen. Because the principle of least action will prevent it from happening. That's the same principle that makes water seek the lowest possible path on its way down a hillside, for example. It never goes up, it always goes farther down. Because physics dictates that no more energy can be expended than is minimally necessary. Everything automatically takes the path of least resistance. "

Strieber, of course, pulled off one the best written hoaxes ( in my opinion ) of all time with his 1987 book Communion. He has steadfastly refused to say whether his 'visitors' were aliens, or just inventions of his own mind.

So most would consider that Strieber, who was already a prolific author, is also quite an accomplished hoaxer.

Interesting that Titor is faxing Art Bell at the very same time that Strieber is getting chummy with him. Also.....from the point of view of those who argue that Titor must have has access to a media company....well, Streiber was educated at the London School Of Film Technique, and of course has massive media access.'s another. Strieber postulating on time travel ( see half way down the page ) 1997....

Here's the interesting part :-

TGS: So what are the possible scenarios of what really happened there?

WS: Well, it gets to discoveries that have been made very recently about the nature of space/time. Two things have been discovered. One is that both signals and materials can move faster than light, and therefore, as Stephen Hawking said in October '93, movement in time must be possible also. Because faster-than-light travel necessarily involves movement backwards through time, this means that it's theoretically possible for someone to invent a time machine.

TGS: Theoretically possible?

WS: Yeah. But it has been postulated that time travel is impossible because of the grandfather paradox.

TGS: Which is what?

WS: If you could go back, you could kill your own grandfather, and since you can't do that, and it never happened, time travel must not be possible. Last year, however, a Russian physicist proved with equations that other physical principle, the principle of least action, actually guarantees that the grandfather paradox can never be con-fronted. In other words, time travel is possible, but it would take more energy than exists in the universe for you to kill your own grandfather. And it may be that this whole thing could be an attempt on the part of the future …

TGS: Time travel?

WS: …to communicate with us. And in fact, there could easily be an institute, or a whole section of some sort of future U.N. devoted to doing nothing but changing the past in order to make the present better.

TGS: But why deal with us?

WS: Because what if this future is only fifty or a hundred years from now? We may be talking about people who are alive today, and just don't realize what they're doing, what they will be doing in the future. See what I mean?

TGS: I do.

WS: And it could be an attempt on the part of the world to save itself from the consequences of things that we're doing now that we don't know are dangerous. That's just one of many scenarios, and it would be true that the presence of the grandfather paradox, as a bar to extensive invasion of past time, would mean that the time travelers would appear to us in very chaotic and equivocal ways. They would seem almost as if you could change them by the way you looked at them - They would not be fixed in reality because they would recede from any situation in which they would violate the grandfather paradox. So goodness only knows what they would actually look like to us - It may be that they even induce the assumption that they're aliens in order to give themselves more freedom of action.
The big glitch in this interpretation is that Strieber, who got a million dollar advance for Communion, is a very successful writer. He wouldn't waste his talents on a second-rate effort like the Titor saga which is barely acceptable as an amateur effort. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Strieber's words - 1997 : If you could go back, you could kill your own grandfather, and since you can't do that, and it never happened, time travel must not be possible. Last year, however, a Russian physicist proved with equations that other physical principle, the principle of least action, actually guarantees that the grandfather paradox can never be con-fronted. In other words, time travel is possible, but it would take more energy than exists in the universe for you to kill your own grandfather. And it may be that this whole thing could be an attempt on the part of the future

Titor's Words - 2000 : The grandfather paradox is impossible. In fact, all paradox is impossible. The Everett-Wheeler-Graham or multiple world theory is correct. All possible quantum states, events, possibilities and outcomes are real, eventual and occurring. The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse is 100%

So Strieber....a long time friend of Art postulating on time travel and the grandfather paradox ( and reaching the same conclusions as Titor ) a year before Titor even shows up. Then we have the remarkable 'coincidence' that Strieber's new book 'Confirmation' comes out the exact same day that Titor first faxes Art Bell.

Strieber also knows Florida well....having often been a key-note speaker at various Gulf Breeze 'UFO Conventions'....including one just 3 weeks before Titor's second fax to Art Bell.
The big glitch in this interpretation is that Strieber, who got a million dollar advance for Communion, is a very successful writer. He wouldn't waste his talents on a second-rate effort like the Titor saga which is barely acceptable as an amateur effort.

Sure, it's all cicumstantial....but I just get a gut feeling somehow there's an association of some sort.

Strieber also claims to have 'time travelled'. He also has an 'apocalyptic' vision of the future.......he and Art Bell were after all the authors of The Day After Tomorrow. He's regularly commented on Titor on the Art Bell show ( the most recent being only a few days ago ).....along with Titor 'official historian' Starfire Tor.

Strieber is currently cashing in on the 2012 hysteria in a new book. All very Titor-esque.

Bell and Strieber make a living from just such stuff. I would not put the Titor hoax past them.
The styles of the two writers are quite different, but WS could pull it off. That said, I doubt he did it - not his style.

Also, how would WS know future events, maybe his alien friends told him?

For example, predicting gold over $2000, is something many have done, but many of John Titor's predictions are unique. Who else has claimed that in 2036 they need an olskool IBM computer from 1975? :D
but many of John Titor's predictions are unique

Hmm. Not really. I can think of very little Titor 'predicted' that was not already in novels such as Alas Babylon......or already doing the rounds in conspiracy theories or other such forums. Half the trouble with Titor is that there really ISN'T anything new. There's absolutely nothing in Titor's posts that a smart or observant person in 2000 could not have 'predicted'.
The styles of the two writers are quite different, but WS could pull it off.

Titor's first fax to Art Bell is the exact same day WS launches his second major book ( hmm, I wonder was that book also mentioned on the Art Bell show ).

Titor 'disappears' back home, 2 years later.....just days before Art Bell 'retires'.

If there was a hoax.....I'd say Bell and Strieber were both in on it. The fact that Titor's style is a little 'dumbed down' compared to Strieber - well that's not hard to do.

My point is basically......look where and when the whole Titor saga begins. I would say, rather than suggesting Bell and Strieber were direct participants, that they may have been 'in on it' and known about it.
But, it would not surprise me at all that old equipment is badly needed in the future. Even today old computers find there way to poor countries or to people too poor to afford something better.

But that is not the Titor story, now is it? He wasn't coming back to get an ancient (by computing standards of his day) IBM PC to give to underprivileged kiddies of his time. No. He was coming back because the alleged "super genius computer scientists" of his day could not find ANY code that emulated UNIX machines. That, in and of itself, is a farce. And the capabilities that Titor SAYS were inherent in the IBM 5500 simply were NOT inherent to it at all. I have been thru this with many Titorites around here. What he said it was capable of doing, and what it is actually capable of doing are two different things. And they did not overlap.

the alleged "super genius computer scientists" of his day could not find ANY code that emulated UNIX machines.

A point I've often made. One does not need an actual physical IBM 5100 if one can emulate a virtual equivalent. These days it is possible to run an entire 'Virtual PC' on a computer. In is also possible ( and quite popular ) to run a virtual 70s arcade game like Brick Out or Space Invaders and have it run no different to the original.

Titor is like some guy claiming that the only way he could get Space Invaders functionality is to travel back to 1977 and steal a 6 foot high arcade device from some pub ! This is what makes me think ( despite what others claim ) that Titor ISN'T a computer nerd......because even in 2000 the idea of virtual devices was well known.

It's a hell of a lot simpler to create a virtual IBM 5100....than to create a time machine. And it's strange how the invention of time travel occurs just in time for Titor to 'save the day' with his travels.

I just wish I had been on the forum when Titor made the the very first thing I would have said would be ' You mean you cannot simply emulate the device ?'
Are you assuming he was telling the truth on all counts about all topics spoken about?
One thing to take into account is that timetavel_0 is a real person, male or female the question is what part of the story is real and what it means to you on a personal level as time goes by.

My topics of the disccusion made by timtravel_0 are,

I enjoy watching cerm as it unfolds.
On the music side many of the people i work with make there own music at home a topic spoken about by timetravel_0.

So some good points i got out of the hole so to speak topic no pun intended.
the question is what part of the story is real

I think the minute you start getting into the notion, espoused by some believers, that Titor was hiding the real 'truth'....then you truly enter the realm of make believe.

A person can only be judged on what they have said....not on what they might have said if they were 'telling the truth', as that leaves scope for people to invent and make up almost any permutation of the story.

So for me it is not a case of whether part of the story is real, but whether any of it is. It's all or nothing. And in my view of Titor, it's nothing.

Titor's hoax was a lot better than most. But at the end of the day...I have little doubt that it was just that...a hoax.