Is John Titor for real?


Temporal Novice
To the forumn,

Is this John Titor for real? and if so what is known about him, if this guy is for real then wow, but if he is a fake he is a pretty goodo ne I'll give him that.

Dr. Sam Beckett
He is in a parallel worldline... there are two main next to us on one side and two on the other. One being center. and eight other dimensional points that are similar, but not same. Yet only three parallels.

-------- John Titor 3rd world war. (sorry haven't studied too much of him lately.)

-------- Fixing to have PEACE

-------- Chronohistorian---->Peace with "I, Robot" Style environment that could lead into a Matrix style future.

One is Nuetral events a.k.a Peaceful other two are either negative or positive, yet have something missing.

Dealing with 3 dimensions and the 4th is time travel.

All pure hypothesis.

Mr. Skarpz
You continue to call John a hoax, yet most of you dont bother to read local correspondance. The US Government continues to abuse and assert authority on a daily basis. Johns "predictions" are very accurate and very relevant to this time line.
Fake, fake and one more time fake. This guy was and is a person that was picked during High school and nobody wanted to talk to him, so he decides to use internet as a way to communicate with people. For some time he really succeeded, but once he find out that too much is really too much he just stopped.
Both Gorener and Honda profess to be time travlers?

Well how did they get the technolgy so good, on the John Titor simulations?
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1146236298roorichard">

John Titor - Real or Fake?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Real
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Fake
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Undecided
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>