People always tell me I am a pretty honest person, I tell them the reason is I am too lazy to lie and it takes a lot of hard work lying. To cover up one lie you have to tell another lie and pretty soon you start to lose track of the lies. The NSA is nothing new, 100+ years ago similar organizations where opening mail and tapping into telegraph lines.Remember the old TV shows where it supposedly takes 3+ minutes for the police to trace a phone call. Well obviously that is bogus, even back in 1945 the phone call could have been traced immediately. The reason was if it took 3 minutes to trace a phone call, how would the phone company be able to bill you for a phone call that was under 3 minutes ?Again people underestimate the amount of equipment and analog computers that when into switching stations for telephone calls. ATT had 10+ story buildings full of mechanical switches to route phone calls. When the switching station was in full operation, the constant clattering on the switches routing phone calls sounded like machine guns firing constantly.
People who work for the government seem to be paranoid and anal retentive. I saw one guy wearing a government ID with his department name on it. I just asked him what does that department do to start conversation, The guy got all paranoid.