Is it safer that the government keep aliens a secret?


Temporal Novice
Do you think it helps or hinders society if a government is aware of aliens & hides that truth? I can see both sides of the situation. The government, of course, does not want to create an epic panic by revealing this. However, everyone is entitled to the truth.

Good idea to keep it in secrecy or bad idea?

I think it's a bad idea. And because of it, I now think our government is run by liars. No good can come from a society run by liars.

I think the government maybe does not want to admit it yet and may not want the people who have conspiracies to try and get in and see what they know and will maybe one day tell us about the aliens. I reckon that, the people should know one day and see what can be done if aliens approach you and some people maybe scared to face the aliens and also won't believe it could be a reason why the government is not telling the people. I reckon that, the government should have people who are honest and care about the people and not about themselves and should make some changes to the things that occur.

I don't see society storming the streets or getting out of control because of revealing this. Maybe (slight maybe) there was a time this was a potential (i.e. Orson Welles though also cited as an exaggerated myth). In fact, I see it more as just another thing mentioned on the news & ignored until they start talking about someone Kardashian or an elephant befriending a dog.

I've heard speculation that the reason the government doesn't release the UFO and alien info is because of the religious folks in the south. It is believed that there would be mass suicides and panic when those folks find out God is really E.T.

The existence of ET's doesn't indicate they are God. Also, last time I looked, there were religious folks in the north too...and the east... and the west.

Well the speculation I heard is saying that E.T. is responsible for the creation of man. How do you think that would go over with religious believers? All of a sudden E.T. becomes real. And belief in God is destroyed? Would you be comfortable with that kind of knowledge?

Well the speculation I heard is saying that E.T. is responsible for the creation of man. How do you think that would go over with religious believers? All of a sudden E.T. becomes real. And belief in God is destroyed? Would you be comfortable with that kind of knowledge?
That's the theme of every episode of Ancient Aliens. It's not like it hasn't been heard of before; only becoming apparent when ET's may be announced. Yes, some people may over react to the news but, I have no problem with it. Even if "they" come here and say, " Sup dudes? Wachabenduin since we created you?" Or something like that.I think the "most" disheartened reaction to that news would come from the evolution theorists. That shoots that idea all to hell.

Many people believe everything they see in movies and transpose the events from there into potential real life events. If governments frankly admitted that there are indeed aliens who are watching us from a far distance, a general panic would settle among humanity. Not only in a specific country, but the whole world. And given what we see in movies, I think you can imagine what people portray it might happen if they came to us.

So, yeah, I think that the governments should keep this a secret since the majority of us humans would panic a lot.

As a hypothetical argument, I'm not really certain why any Earth government would want to keep knowledge of extraterrestrial life secret--outside of the rather frequent sci-fi narrative in which the military obtains, incorporates, and reverse engineers alien technology. I don't think that the mere proof of extraterrestrial life would inspire panic and rioting in the streets.

More seriously, I'm quite skeptical that any government on Earth is capable of keeping something as significant as affirmative proof of extraterrestrial life a secret for the same reasons that I find most conspiracy theories involving Earth governments rather hard to believe. Our governments are barely compete enough to go about the actual, stated business of governing, maintaining infrastructure and social programs, etc. Moreover, the more people that are involved in a conspiracy: the more likely that there'll be a leak and it'll be exposed. After all, it only takes the likes of a single individual like Edward Snowden or Bradley Manning to expose a conspiracy and leak the evidence to the press, WikiLeaks, or what-have-you.

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It's more complicated than just saying panic will ensure - and I don't think that's the case at all.

The question is, what aspect of the public knowing this information scares our governments the most? Are they worried about some kind of revolution? What kind of repercussions would widespread knowledge of aliens have?

With all those question marks, I feel like my avatar is more relevant than ever. I don't know if there has been major contact yet. I suspect if there has been, it's been very limited - from the alien's side, not ours. It's more likely that the aliens are the ones being cautious because we're a warlike, nearly schizophrenic species, and they'd have no way of knowing how we'd react as a species to their presence. We're kind of xenophobic by nature so it stands to reason they're either letting us into the fold gently or trying to keep us from going postal on them.

Governments always seem to over react when it comes to secrets. The wikileaks and the snowden leaks are a prime example of this. Everyone was saying that the government is spying on us, the average person denied it. But even when the truth came out, there was a splash in the pan, but a month later everyone forgot about it. So with aliens it would be the same thing, people would talk about it for a month, a month later it would be forgotten.

So I think the government is over reacting as usually. They seem to have an obsession with secrets.

So I think the government is over reacting as usually. They seem to have an obsession with secrets.
Control the secrets, control the world. I think the major reason people didn't think the NSA was spying on us was because the technology seemed far fetched. I'm still boggled by the amount of hard storage the NSA has to have just to keep all of the text based communications, let alone them logging any audio or video feeds.With aliens, people more or less don't believe that they exist. If they were to show up and basically hand us the keys to a space ship, it'd be a lot different. We'd have some factions clamoring to get off this rock, some who'd want to go with the aliens if possible, and others who'd try to make sure we'd do none of the above. It's pretty complicated, at the least but I find it amusing to talk about.

Control the secrets, control the world. I think the major reason people didn't think the NSA was spying on us was because the technology seemed far fetched. I'm still boggled by the amount of hard storage the NSA has to have just to keep all of the text based communications, let alone them logging any audio or video feeds.
People always tell me I am a pretty honest person, I tell them the reason is I am too lazy to lie and it takes a lot of hard work lying. To cover up one lie you have to tell another lie and pretty soon you start to lose track of the lies. The NSA is nothing new, 100+ years ago similar organizations where opening mail and tapping into telegraph lines.Remember the old TV shows where it supposedly takes 3+ minutes for the police to trace a phone call. Well obviously that is bogus, even back in 1945 the phone call could have been traced immediately. The reason was if it took 3 minutes to trace a phone call, how would the phone company be able to bill you for a phone call that was under 3 minutes ?

Again people underestimate the amount of equipment and analog computers that when into switching stations for telephone calls. ATT had 10+ story buildings full of mechanical switches to route phone calls. When the switching station was in full operation, the constant clattering on the switches routing phone calls sounded like machine guns firing constantly.

People who work for the government seem to be paranoid and anal retentive. I saw one guy wearing a government ID with his department name on it. I just asked him what does that department do to start conversation, The guy got all paranoid.

Governments always seem to over react when it comes to secrets. The wikileaks and the snowden leaks are a prime example of this. Everyone was saying that the government is spying on us, the average person denied it. But even when the truth came out, there was a splash in the pan, but a month later everyone forgot about it. So with aliens it would be the same thing, people would talk about it for a month, a month later it would be forgotten.So I think the government is over reacting as usually. They seem to have an obsession with secrets.
With respect to Earth's governments spying on its own citizens en masse, it seems as if most people either already assumed that was the case and didn't see what could be done about it or really didn't care all that much (the latter camp being those who seemed to forget about Wikileaks and Snowden a month later).The verified existence of extra-terrestrials is considerably bigger news and I suspect would resonate surprise and interest within greater numbers, especially if we're talking about extra-terrestrials who could or even have visited Earth.

Regardless, while I do indeed believe in the existence of extra-terrestrials in general: I am skeptical that any have visited Earth and am especially skeptical that any of Earth's governments could keep such a large, revolutionary secret to themselves for reasons I outlined in an earlier post.

People always tell me I am a pretty honest person, I tell them the reason is I am too lazy to lie and it takes a lot of hard work lying. To cover up one lie you have to tell another lie and pretty soon you start to lose track of the lies. The NSA is nothing new, 100+ years ago similar organizations where opening mail and tapping into telegraph lines.Remember the old TV shows where it supposedly takes 3+ minutes for the police to trace a phone call. Well obviously that is bogus, even back in 1945 the phone call could have been traced immediately. The reason was if it took 3 minutes to trace a phone call, how would the phone company be able to bill you for a phone call that was under 3 minutes ?Again people underestimate the amount of equipment and analog computers that when into switching stations for telephone calls. ATT had 10+ story buildings full of mechanical switches to route phone calls. When the switching station was in full operation, the constant clattering on the switches routing phone calls sounded like machine guns firing constantly.

People who work for the government seem to be paranoid and anal retentive. I saw one guy wearing a government ID with his department name on it. I just asked him what does that department do to start conversation, The guy got all paranoid.
Another aspect about lying, on a personal level, is that it's easier to tell the truth about everything. Tell the truth about things even when it might cause you a minor inconvenience, or get you in small trouble. Because when you need to lie, to avoid something disastrous, nobody who knows you will think you're lying. You've established so much back credibility that you get a nearly defacto pass for any lie you'll need to tell.As far as governments go, that policy is already dead. They lost out on that chance as early as the Roswell Incident, and trying to change that now would be paddling a canoe backwards in white water.

Do you think it helps or hinders society if a government is aware of aliens & hides that truth? I can see both sides of the situation. The government, of course, does not want to create an epic panic by revealing this. However, everyone is entitled to the truth.Good idea to keep it in secrecy or bad idea?
The government keeps aliens a secret because of the ongoing agreement that may have existed since the founding of this country, and maybe before then. The conspiracy may not be a conspiracy at all, It may be an agreement not to disclose to preserve vital elements of our own timeline. The ability to travel through space also comes swith the ability to travel through time. Space-Time are inseparable, you cannot make changes to one without make the same change to the other, so sufficive to say that are also time travelers as well. Going on that assumption they have vital information on future event that have to be preserved to prevent paradoxing and I feel that they are here in part to prevent any paradoxes that can occur in the timeline. There may be a set point in the future in which the government is supposed to disclose their reletaionship with them, we have yet to reach that point in time.

I do not think there has been any conspiratorial cover ups of aliens. I think it is improbable to be able to cover up something like that so well. I dont think there will be any "mass panic" or anything like that if contact with aliens was announced. There would mostly be allot curiosity for while before it becomes accepted as normal. people might get a bit pissed at the aliens for not sharing more technology with us.

I do not think there has been any conspiratorial cover ups of aliens. I think it is improbable to be able to cover up something like that so well. I dont think there will be any "mass panic" or anything like that if contact with aliens was announced. There would mostly be allot curiosity for while before it becomes accepted as normal. people might get a bit pissed at the aliens for not sharing more technology with us.
You may wish to look at thing from the "Aliens" stand point. There is definitely a very clear reason, why there is a cover up regarding visitation from distant places. We as a people have accepted certain from of behaviour as part of the negative aspects of our society, such as Crime, given that this may be totally un-acceptable to "Alien" societies, even to the point abhorance. what we then come across is who's laws are our people subject to regarding any crimes against their people and what right do we have with them. This is just one of element when cultures meet. We don't want to be involve in a interstellar conflict arising from a "mode" of behaviour from a deviant members of our planet
