Is Chrono Crazy


Temporal Novice

Is Chronohistorian crazy?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Yes
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />No
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Maybe
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />He will be in 9 years
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />We are all crazy
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
I don't think he's crazy.. just a really bad liar and an annoyance to most. He's like that misquito that lands on the back of your neck and then flies off just before you strike it with the death blow and then it lands on your neck again repeating the process over and over. He's an annoying threadjacker.
I don't think he's crazy, but more befuddled.

There are some things he says, that makes me wonder and why he knows these points.

However the contrast between the future and past are very strong in this time traveler's instance.

There are few of us, that even know what the insides of as space ship and offworld culture are, let alone a beings who is supposedly in five hundred years of advancement of this societie's best minds.

What we have here, is a communications gap.

The errors he has made and this is certain, is to have a lethally armed time-guard with him, instead of a passive reactive one.

This seems as if he has no concept of what proper time travel is.

If his time guard were to kill someone, then this act could displace the future.

They would have to re-engineer in the future, to make up for that time guard's indiscretion.

Maybe after all, what this time traveler is, is a bunny.A travler who comes back here to sit and watch television, which makes no scene to me, unless he like another board, would have a social cipher key, that would disclose the black-outed parts of past history.

I do not understand his apparent lack of spirituality and his okay, that state sanctioned torture is acceptable.

Maybe this said traveler real or imagined, is nothing more than a drone who is sanctioned to do one particular job?
my time guard would not kill anyone. he would just injure them if they tried to rob the house.

I don't see anything wrong with torturing criminals as punishment.
Re:Chronohistor:It's a karmic principle, really' Chrono.

This has to do with do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

When I was a kid, I did many things that were the product of being under immense social pressure.

I have atoned for these acts sincerely, but wonder if I'm off the hook.

There seems to be a lack of connection with God and the angelic hierarchies in your time?

Maybe it's the lore of over-technologies, which promote this apparent lack of spirituality, in your time?

There is something I'm dealing with now and it goes like this.

Say God could only existon planets in the universe, that had a God-holding mainframe, much the way a computer would hold a certain program?

Say there was a certain point within this societies development, when there go to be too many people and the overaction of sociology started to eliminate man&amp;womankind's connection with what they perceived as God or gods?

After a while the computers would take over and mankind would be monitiortored by a system of logics, rather than mankind's own mind's eye.

Man if the future might be more physically and genetically superior to this days current man, however the spiritual connection, would apparently be lacking?

For all your societies advancement, it still has same sex marriages, which I have predicted in the future, would have been phased out.

Homosexuality was in-part a biological process, to where in the 1900s and 2000s, due to mass sized social pressures impinging on the whole and size of population, that more and more same sex couples united.

This may have been in-part to population size, which had a secret propelling effect, on more and more gay men being born with either diminished or non-present hypothalamic glands, rather than have only one or two gay men being born, per so many families per say?

This is an odd contrast against the government who is mainfully trying to instill controlling hierarchical controls, to effect some level of retention of what the hierarchie's status que is, rather than understanding the problem entirely.

In this time,. say if Earthbased mankind were socially shipped to the moon and Mars, then these social pressures on the no-birthed gennised births, might have lessened.

The old adage of Aryanism, as promoted by some sects of the Pleiadeans, was a social condition to where a one racial color was promoted, and this was for ease of caring with the width and breadth of society.

In otherwords, an easy way out.

The new ideal with reference to more stable societies, is to let the many differing kinds of races marry if they want, so that many varied imputes, would lead to more stable sets of genes.

The main problems with the Pleiadeans in their past experiments, was that after while, of having a population that could live five hundred years or more in time, there had to be visits to less advanced poputions on other worlds, in order to steal genes, in order to put back into a beginning to be stale gene poll population.

The source for this said if from the book, UFO Contact From The Pleiades book Two, concerning the Lyle abduction case, where a Midwest man was abducted to a morality play, so that his sperm could be subducted for the Pleiadeans use?
i see your point creedo299. lack of religion in another society can lead to different customs and beliefs. chrono maybe you should take some time to research the Bible.
Canon' He can't research the bible.

At his stage of the game, it would not mean anything, as the Heira complex, mentioned in Sitchins book, The twelfth Planet, has been used up.

Honestly, the way people are made here on Earth, is like autos.

You have a little from alien sources.A little from natural ape sources and some from the God Angelic hierarchy sources.

These inputs are all melded together.

From what I can make out here on Earth, the God complex was kind-of a people manufacturing deal that when its time was up, it moved on.

There is a key place here for this one Earth.

It is known to be a tunnel complex under the ocean, where what is said to be God exist?

I don't know if in his time, that the God Angelic hierarchies are still there.

Well I must mention this in the academic sense, even if I would expect the latter?
I already gave my opinion in the thread...This place has become more annoying than useful! Nothing more to be said no need to vote in the poll.
creedo299-hardly antone believes in a god.

I don't think people don't believe in god because of technology. I think it is because science can prove most things and if it can't, it is only a matter of time before it can.

Canon-I have read Mark's gospel. is that enough?
Have you guys not heard of time travel within the sacred geometry of the merkaba ????? Why would you need to move your body physically when you can do it without the body and just move your conciousness to the desired location/timeframe / you use the akashic record to view the past and the sum total of present choices to move to a probable future ...
Deanyoda' I don't think that you understand Chronohistorian in all his probabilities.

He may come from a computer controlled civilization, much more so than ours.

If he's here, then he can not understand what is going on, due to how he is structured.

He simply in the sociological sense, does not understand what is going on.

This would be similar to a situation where one sends a computer controlled automatic vending machine back one hundred thousand years, in order to discuss sociology with a small woodland creature.

The vend-o-mat would make internal noise and some items would be apparent to the vend-o-mat, the chipmunk would nod and wag its tails, however the deeper understanding between the two would not occur.

This is what we have on him.

Probable height, build and stature indicate genetics engineering from the prime birth point.

Intelligence is great in some areas, however not well rounded as is the factor with people of this era.

There is disease resistance built into one or two sectors of this persona, however what is not known, for the time he has been here, is how he has adapted to colds and other minor viruses, without chrono becoming ill?

It is as if this is a totally programmed person, which registers as a blank disk?

I am not certain why Chronohistrorian had no, or little understandings, of alien reports in this time, when they are so abundant on the web.

He may be able to read the bible, but being able to grasp the bible for its social worth, might be elusive?
I have been immunised against most diseases.

I am not a programmed person

you have not yet asked me about alien reports but I have told you about the aliens which have visited earth
He's not crazy. He certainly may have some psychological problems, based on his interactions on here, but I woudn't go as far as to call him certifiable.

I also wonder how many of these polls about him there are going to be. The last one was whether he should be banned, and I think it was about 60% in favour of banning him.
I hold by what i stated before . Why not use the merkaba? None of you seem to grasp the basics here . Time is not here or there . time is not linear only conciousness is in how it processes it .If you were a time traveller you would know that all moments exist in the now . That is to say that you can access all moments in history cos all of your past , present and future selves (incarnations ) exist now in this moment . time is an illusion . I have been to 2012 with many others and we all reported the same things . It is done using the merkaba which is a thought construct . Then one simply travels by focusing on the time and place .go there and see for yourself, anyone can do this....London will be underwater and the government will move to liverpool ... unless they change their minds . From my perspective as this incarnation , in this now,(or rather this part of my soul in this timeframe ) that is the most likely scenario ...... the merkaba is an ancient technique that is 1000 s of years old .
By the way the greys are just future selves looking in on past ones . probably to assist . yes they have craft but they can dimensionally shift also...