Re:Chronohistor:It's a karmic principle, really' Chrono.
This has to do with do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
When I was a kid, I did many things that were the product of being under immense social pressure.
I have atoned for these acts sincerely, but wonder if I'm off the hook.
There seems to be a lack of connection with God and the angelic hierarchies in your time?
Maybe it's the lore of over-technologies, which promote this apparent lack of spirituality, in your time?
There is something I'm dealing with now and it goes like this.
Say God could only existon planets in the universe, that had a God-holding mainframe, much the way a computer would hold a certain program?
Say there was a certain point within this societies development, when there go to be too many people and the overaction of sociology started to eliminate man&womankind's connection with what they perceived as God or gods?
After a while the computers would take over and mankind would be monitiortored by a system of logics, rather than mankind's own mind's eye.
Man if the future might be more physically and genetically superior to this days current man, however the spiritual connection, would apparently be lacking?
For all your societies advancement, it still has same sex marriages, which I have predicted in the future, would have been phased out.
Homosexuality was in-part a biological process, to where in the 1900s and 2000s, due to mass sized social pressures impinging on the whole and size of population, that more and more same sex couples united.
This may have been in-part to population size, which had a secret propelling effect, on more and more gay men being born with either diminished or non-present hypothalamic glands, rather than have only one or two gay men being born, per so many families per say?
This is an odd contrast against the government who is mainfully trying to instill controlling hierarchical controls, to effect some level of retention of what the hierarchie's status que is, rather than understanding the problem entirely.
In this time,. say if Earthbased mankind were socially shipped to the moon and Mars, then these social pressures on the no-birthed gennised births, might have lessened.
The old adage of Aryanism, as promoted by some sects of the Pleiadeans, was a social condition to where a one racial color was promoted, and this was for ease of caring with the width and breadth of society.
In otherwords, an easy way out.
The new ideal with reference to more stable societies, is to let the many differing kinds of races marry if they want, so that many varied imputes, would lead to more stable sets of genes.
The main problems with the Pleiadeans in their past experiments, was that after while, of having a population that could live five hundred years or more in time, there had to be visits to less advanced poputions on other worlds, in order to steal genes, in order to put back into a beginning to be stale gene poll population.
The source for this said if from the book, UFO Contact From The Pleiades book Two, concerning the Lyle abduction case, where a Midwest man was abducted to a morality play, so that his sperm could be subducted for the Pleiadeans use?