Iranian Scientist Claims to Have Built "Time Machine"

For the Twilight Zone aficionado's : Ali Razeqi best keep his most unusual device away from Chester & Paula Diedrich, don't tell Paula's brother, Woodward; hide it from Pierre, the waiter, and stay 'far' away from windows in tall buildings.
Interesting but Iranians seem to claim a lot of things. Most of the energy researches I know consider the claims of Iranian MT Keshe to be bogus and that he's full of hot air. His cold fusion in a coke bottle and other claims just don't ever seem to pan out and he keeps putting off showing any real proof due to a myriad of excuses. When I first looked at his work it all sounded great but after a while it became obvious it was just a lot of words with no real substance. If you want to see some of the hype here is his site: Keshe Foundation - Home I do wish for it to be real but IMO and nearly all the others I know following alternate energy he has nothing of real interest.