Do you think it is possible to be able to bend light around yourself thus making you invisible?
I recentaly saw a comercial for a laser level which said that it used light refraction technoligy to project a laser line up to 50ft. Thats beliveable, but then it continued to say that it could even bend around corners, they showed it and everything. This comercial was on the Spike Network, channel 39 on normal cabel. I know this may sound crazy, but I swear I saw the comercial, If you see it too please let me know.
If this is true, then couldn't we use this technoligy to refract light around an object, mind you this diagram is crude but it gets the point across.
Ignore the periods, they are there only to make the diagram form properly once posted
.(light beams)...............(1)./.......\.(4)
numbers 1-4 represent light bending machines, useing reversed and reconstructed laser level.
The single / and \ repersent beams of light that are being redirected.
If you cannot read it properly, copy it and paste it into word and remove the periods and make the lines line up.
I recentaly saw a comercial for a laser level which said that it used light refraction technoligy to project a laser line up to 50ft. Thats beliveable, but then it continued to say that it could even bend around corners, they showed it and everything. This comercial was on the Spike Network, channel 39 on normal cabel. I know this may sound crazy, but I swear I saw the comercial, If you see it too please let me know.
If this is true, then couldn't we use this technoligy to refract light around an object, mind you this diagram is crude but it gets the point across.
Ignore the periods, they are there only to make the diagram form properly once posted
.(light beams)...............(1)./.......\.(4)
numbers 1-4 represent light bending machines, useing reversed and reconstructed laser level.
The single / and \ repersent beams of light that are being redirected.
If you cannot read it properly, copy it and paste it into word and remove the periods and make the lines line up.