

Temporal Navigator
Do you think it is possible to be able to bend light around yourself thus making you invisible?

I recentaly saw a comercial for a laser level which said that it used light refraction technoligy to project a laser line up to 50ft. Thats beliveable, but then it continued to say that it could even bend around corners, they showed it and everything. This comercial was on the Spike Network, channel 39 on normal cabel. I know this may sound crazy, but I swear I saw the comercial, If you see it too please let me know.

If this is true, then couldn't we use this technoligy to refract light around an object, mind you this diagram is crude but it gets the point across.

Ignore the periods, they are there only to make the diagram form properly once posted

.(light beams)...............(1)./.......\.(4)

numbers 1-4 represent light bending machines, useing reversed and reconstructed laser level.
The single / and \ repersent beams of light that are being redirected.
If you cannot read it properly, copy it and paste it into word and remove the periods and make the lines line up.
im sure if you could indeed do that, the most you would appear is translucent. what you see is not light being given off by objects, such as objects behind you, but light reflected off of things, everything. you would still see the light being reflected off of you, except that you would no longer block the light from behind you being reflected to you... so you would see both images. you would have to do something to make this work, like block any and all light from getting to you somehow. only way i can see is with extreme gravitational forces. Gravity has been proven to bend light. Much the same(but opposite) way that static electricity can bend a stream of water from a faucet. i spose if you could bend light liek this, you would have a field strong enough that (assuming you rigged up a way for it to not kill you) it would bend the light enough to make you invisable, and you wouldnt need the lasers.
I dont believe you can make an object invisible with the bending light technique without inadvertently causing it to leave space time.
I dont believe you can make an object invisible with the bending light technique without inadvertently causing it to leave space time.

Are you referring to the Philidelphia Experiment?

Otherwise I can't exactly see your reasoning. If light were to bend around you, you would simply be oblivious to the fact that there was light at all - no light would hit your retina. It would be like been in a dark, windowless room. An observer would be oblivious to the fact that you were there(if it was perfect) or you would look like the Predator or something /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Nevertheless, interaction between you and the universe should still occur on the other senses.

If light had the funtion of 'holding' objects in real time then the possibilities of exploiting this feature would be fantastic.


Actually, the easiest (and most straightforward to understand) means to make someone/something appear to be invisible is being worked-on by the hi-tech industry in conjunction with the US Army. It was described and shown on a Discovery/History Channel/TLC show awhile back:

With the advent of nanotechnology...imagine a person wearing a uniform covered with lots of tiny light sensors and lots of tiny color LCDs. The light sensors are inputs to a wearable computer, and the LCDs are the outputs. Now assume someone is standing in front of you while you are wearing this "suit". The computer reads the light coming from behind you and hitting the sensors on your back. It processes that light into an image, and distributes that image as an output to the LCDs on the front of your suit. So the person looking at you sees (to a rough order of magnitude) exactly what the view is behind you that your body would normally obstruct.

Of course, the design parameters that would affect the quality of the perceived "invisibility" are the size and number of LCDs used for projecting (i.e. overall resolution of display), and the distance from the observer to the person wearing the suit. Rumors of test results claim that the visual effect one sees is not terribly different from the way the Predator looked in the movie of the same name.

Kind Regards,
Kinda like the principle for James Bond's car in Die Another Day - man, that made me cringe.


The eye can't see what the brain tells it not to see. I wouldn't know how this would be done but just a thought.
In my humble opinion, the holy grail of 'invisiblity' will be rather more mundane. Light is merely EM radiation, as we all know. Certain geometries have been designed to render aircraft invisible to specific EM radiation, coupled with RAM (Radiation Asorbing Material) - the 'stealth planes' we have today. One day, a mixture of both geometry and descendants of RAM will include the visual spectrum without the need to actually bend light in some convoluted way. All that is required is to ensure the light does not reach your retina.

Why bend light around your plane? the reason we see planes is because light hits the craft and bounces back and hits peoples eyes, but what if the plane merely absorbs all light therefore no light bounces off it therefore people wont see it. Also the plane could send out its own light fooling a person, for example the plane could send out light waves making the plane look like nothing more than the sky it is flying within.
In my humble opinion, the holy grail of 'invisiblity' will be rather more mundane. Light is merely EM radiation, as we all know. Certain geometries have been designed to render aircraft invisible to specific EM radiation, coupled with RAM (Radiation Asorbing Material) - the 'stealth planes' we have today. One day, a mixture of both geometry and descendants of RAM will include the visual spectrum without the need to actually bend light in some convoluted way. All that is required is to ensure the light does not reach your retina.

Why bend light around your plane? the reason we see planes is because light hits the craft and bounces back and hits peoples eyes, but what if the plane merely absorbs all light therefore no light bounces off it therefore people wont see it.

You're both really talking about the same thing. The only problem is that with with rader, the spectrum we see is actually quite bland. We know something is there because the microwaves bounce of it and return to our station. Doing the same with visible light is different. Newton believed that what we saw was developed by invisible beams of light emitted from our eyes and then bounced back. If this was the case your ideas would work - unfortunately I think it's reasonable certain to say that Newtn was wrong on this count.

If no light bounces off an object, it appears black - the light of whatever is behind it is visible around it.

Also the plane could send out its own light fooling a person, for example the plane could send out light waves making the plane look like nothing more than the sky it is flying within.

The parts of the plane sending out these waves wouldn't really be able to absorb the reflected... Or do you already have an idea how this can been done?

well, light absorbing paint.... you meen...

... flat black?

because that *is* what you are talking about, you deffinatly see it, as the absence of color and light
Thanks a bunch james, I didn't want to post just to explain that.

If the light is headed toward you and you have a "device" that will bend it around your body and make it keep going in to same direction then you will be invisible to the human eye. It will not make you dissapear or shift to another plane or anything, you'll just be invisible.
plain and simple.
Keven...the laser in the commercial did not bend....the surface that the straight line was projecting onto bent. I have one of these lasers. It isn't anything special at all.
The problem is this, in order to bend light around an object theres no knowing what other effects this bending might do, lets say you use a strong magnetic field to bend the light, this strong magnetic field may cause other effects that our current scientific knowledge wouldnt understand.
Im not saying the philadelphia experiment is true or false but its a prime example showing something can happen when you dont expect it.
The parts of the plane sending out these waves wouldn't really be able to absorb the reflected... Or do you already have an idea how this can been done?

Hmmm I didnt think hard enough and neglected to realise the obvious problem with absorbing light, that it would make the plane black.
The second example I gave was to be seperate from the absorbtion capability, the surface of the plane would send out specific light beams mimicking the sky on the otherside of the plane and vise versa. Same as the idea of the prototype suit that I believe some japanese designed and built, it was capable of taking the light from behind the person and transmitting it out the front of the suit via I believe minute optic cables, the person wearing the suit appeared semi transparent. I will try and search the net for some info on this.
Yea but the japnese probaly have giant fighting robots like Gundam Wing, lol.

Wait a sec, a while back me and my friend were trying to build a giant fighting robot, or at least make plans for it but we came across many problems, would anyone like to help me solve some of these problems?

1. The arms and legs would be too big to be able to move fast enough to be of any use, so we need to find a way to move them faster while keeping the amount of armor needed to protect the internal systems.

2. They would not be very balenced so we would have to find a way to balence them out so they could run/walk.

3. The amount of progaming needed is beyond my abilty to make, so we need someone to cover that section of it.

4. we need to create a new metal or plastic that is lighter, harder, and can be built into sheets and used as armor.
1. composite materials, maybe aluminum and titanium. carbon fiber
2. you can balance it well with clevar planning, that the easiest part of the puzzle. also think about gyro's
3. depends what you want. abio?
4. no you dont, there are many hard and light plastics and metals available. metal can almost always be obtained in sheets, or at least in bars and rolled into sheets. plastic too