Introduction from new member - Another-Worldly-Device


Chrono Cadet
Best wishes everyone!

My focus in this field is in the actual physics of time travel, and what exactly we can do with time travel.

I have been studying this subject for quite a number of years, and have a propensity for often going to the physics libraries at the Universities closest to military Industrial complexes, and/or their contractors, as these are the resources the actual contractors scientists would be inclined to go to for reference. In other words, I have wanted the real and accurate information. (I also find field work very important-one should actually get involved in experiencing that which they study, if they would be inclined to have any level of expertise.)

My profile will tell a little more about me.

My first real post will be in the General Time Travel section, and will be asking you all to tell me -What exactly would you do with time travel if you had it available to you?-.

I consider it an important question, and you should too.

I fully expect to challenge your thinking, and for you to do the same with me.

It is a more complicated world than we might expect, and a truly grand design.

Looking forward to the interactions here!


Oh, boy-- someone with whom to discuss physics (nonmathematical suits the majority of, though not all, TTI members).

I heard a statement today in regard to quantum physics that I can hardly wait to replay, quote and, if you wish, discuss,

i.e. after I get through my to-do list for today.

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Time travel is very good for military.

Send commandos to target, kill it, and escape safely.

Everything looks like target made suicide.

Bravo, no casualties.

Seesaw, while many of my compatriots and I aren't foolish enough to believe our corrupt government answerable to the people, evidence reflects the fact that the power-crazed corporatocracy generously funds anything conceivably strategic. So, since it is they who would keep the populace at each other's throats, please do not blame fellow pawns simply for seeking state-of-the-art information. Give AWD and others the benefit of a doubt necessary for them to prove friendly.

AWD, after starting a number of threads related to physics-- string theory/wave functions, gravitational waves, MWI/the multiverse, free energy ...&c, I shouldn't have presumed you'd be specifically interested in the following:

Therefore, respond as will you. And, once I've had a chance to read your posts, I'll do likewise.

0:) MGby'all.

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