B Blair1 Temporal Novice Oct 8, 2013 #1 Time travel Communication D Wave involvement More info to come.
B Blair1 Temporal Novice Oct 10, 2013 #2 Well that was kind of how i thought quantum state communication would work, the thread on and off at the same time.
Well that was kind of how i thought quantum state communication would work, the thread on and off at the same time.
P PaulaJedi Rift Surfer Sep 21, 2014 #3 Could you please define "quantum state communication" or describe how it works?
B Blair1 Temporal Novice Sep 21, 2014 #4 Could you please define "quantum state communication" or describe how it works? Click to expand... Spooky action at a distance.
Could you please define "quantum state communication" or describe how it works? Click to expand... Spooky action at a distance.