Internet Religion and Resistance to Progress *DELETED*

Re: Internet Religion and Resistance to Progress

I have found that many, if not most, web sites dealing with time travel, alternative science, and similar topics, have a common problem: they are religious. I do not mean this in the sense of christianity or buddhism, etc., but rather that people obsess about a few individuals to the point of religious infatuation. This inevitably hinders progress and thinking about things in an objective way. Some examples include those mesmerized by titor & zeshua here, john keely and tesla at other sites, and any other one can find. People become too attached to an individual and lose sight of the goals which brought them to the stories of those individuals. It's time to stop. Ok.

Yes, some people get too absorbed for non-scientific reasons and like you said obsessed about it. Not being objective and scientific. Now for the flip side. There are those that will try to expose any crack possible in a claim and are obsessed about running it off and not letting it be looked at objectively. Even running those trying to investigate it off. Claims here are not handled very well at all. This is more of a mill if you will. Bring it in, run it through the shedder, get it out and in the trash bin type of place. And I can,t prove it but I think someone is keeping a score card for every claim ran through the shedder. It would not hurt to have some more leadership around here.

On the religious end I have always believed it should be kept at home or in the place of worship but yes people do bring it with them to their post and I have done it a time or two myself.