Infinite Parralel Realities


Temporal Novice
I personally believe that there are parralell realities to our own. But of couse we will never really know if this is true as By deffinition two parralell things cannot ever meet or intersect and therefore something from this side could not jump into the other. That being said my question to others whom share my beliefs is how many are there? and are they signifcantly different or not?

I think that there are infiniate multiple realities And I mean INFINIATE. Some could be Majorly different like say a reality where we can fly. But then there would be some where my mane is Jack as Opposed to Roughneck. But then there would have to be another in whick my name is Jack and we can fly.

I remeber once when I was young I tripped on the sidewalk. There would have to be a reality where I didn't trip at all, Or one where I Tripped one step sooner, or one where I tripped One step Later, or two steps sooner, or one block later. I think you get what I am saying. Ad to that all of thos combinations if my Name was Jack. OR if I was a girl. Or the reality where we all can fly and I am a girl and have a mustache as in this reality ladies grow facial hair like men o here. Then there is the realtiy where yellow id blue. And the one where yellow is still yellow but we call it Blue, or green, or red, Then multiply that but all the names I couls have had, And All the places I could have tripped. What did I do after I tripped, and number of things. Would that make a difference if I was one year younger? Not neccesarely but there is a reality parralell to ours that exists on that principle.

But is isn't just me it is also you.

So in this reality My name is Roughneck, Yellow is yellow and we call it yellow, We cannot fly and men have facial hair and I tripped when I did. But you. I don't know you. But there is a reality where My name is Roughneck, Yellow is yellow and we call it yellow, We cannot fly and men have facial hair and I tripped when I did. but you and I are friends. And anothr where we are lovers, and another where you are my parnet, and another where I am yours. Multiply all that by a world where yellow is green but we call it creel. And I tripped four blocks sooner, and you are a kangaroo in the zoo, and Marvel comics has Green Lantern.

There is a world where I am the last human, there is one where you are, there is one where somebody else is. There is one where you and I are the last 2 or me and Billy Graham (I hope not) Multiply all of this combinations of everyone on earth by the number of other planets we couls live on in another reality byt the number of colors that couls be different by the number of namebrand products that could be called something else.

For every name we all could have had, for every little thing that could have been different in each of our lives. Multiply that by everyone on the planet. Then there are major things as well. Mutliply the combination of each of them byt the different colors, by the different planets, byt eh different shoes, hell by the difference of one hair on each of out heads, with that combination to everyone on this planet.

So if you find yourself in another realtiy with me as you pet snake, pleae be nice to me.
Me personally, I think there is only Finite realities. Sure there'll be so many that we probably don't even have the numbers to represent the true total. OR it might actually be, there are not as many as most people think.

I do certainly believe that Both time and space are finite, that there origin is infact Infinite - But not time and space themselves (of course i also mean 'material' here too). Which i would only class as a product of this dimension of reality/being.

Some scientists say that there may well be parrallel universes where just one photon might be out of place when compared to another universe. John titor also thought that the beign (soul) of everyone was connected to ALL alternate selves. I believe this to be wrong as well - though i won't bother going into it now!!

Things like me having 100% of ALL superficial differences being simultaneously carried out at the same time i think may be a false statement. I do think that All possibility of significant 'Emotional Events' will be carried out in parrallel time lines.
I'm affraid that I have to disagree with you there, but isn't that the beuaty of an opinion.

I recently had a similar conversation with someone and he told me of his theroy that we exist as a seperate entity for each and every nanosecond in time. And that Each seperate version of me is connected to all that came before it, therefore giving us our memories and no knowledge of the future. This works with what you said of Titor's thoughts.
As a being - we live outside of time/ space anyway. However we are in our material bodies. So we must obey the limitations of this life-style. One of these is to precieve linear time instead of vertical time. There is good reason for this. Horizontal time (linear time) gives way to memories, and speculation of the future.

This gives way to material 'emotional' development. You couldnt do this if you knew exactly what was happening all the time. What you had done in the past and what you had done in the future. Where you came from, where you are going. It just wouldnt work. So this is not the design. Material beings life in linear time for a reason.

of course at a deep level you already know everything in vertical time. Good luck trying to unlock that perception while you're walking around in a material body though. Some people i'm sure can do it. But it will very very limited. Perhaps only over on life or a few centuries. Not billion and billions of years of linear time. Though there is a part of you that will actually know about this. There is a part of you that will know everything!

John titor claimed to have known a bit on timet-ravel. This sort of stuff - like the rest of us - he has not claim to have authority on. The reason why the being doesnt control all alternative selves doing all possible combinations of good and bad every life time. Is simply because it would mean emotional wisdom would be pointless. What the point of developing if on the next life you do all the same things mistakes over and over again. It makes no sense. Many Alternate selves will most likely be housed by other beings. Just because its 'you' on the outside, doesn't me it has to be the individuated 'you' on the inside.

Unfortunately Titors comments in this regard really do make create a bit of a paradox. Didn't he also say there is no such thing as a paradox. He can't have it both ways....
Hi Roughneck,

Please indulge me for a few moments as I analyze your statements copied below:

"I personally believe that there are parralell realities to our own."

First, one should not confuse "parallel universes" with "parallel realities". They are very different. Within our universe there exist parallel realities in the form of different harmonic frquency states that exist in the same physical space. We call them dimensions - which require different methods to visit than does time travel in the same corporeal plane. So for the sake of this discussion lets stick with the parallel universe moniker.

Belief is one thing. A scientific understanding of the possibilities is another.
A generally accepted theory of parallel universes posits the existence of worlds within our technologically-extended senses, that must connect or relate with our own. In otherwords, they must be eventually detectable and provable. I share the opinion that there are parallel universes.
Here are two informative texts on the subject you might want to read:

Parallel Universes by Fred Alan Wolf (Simon and Schuster)
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory, (NY: Vintage Books, 1999)

"I think that there are infiniate multiple realities And I mean INFINIATE."
"For every name we all could have had, for every little thing that could have been different in each of our lives. Multiply that by everyone on the planet. Then there are major things as well. Mutliply the combination of each of them byt the different colors, by the different planets, byt eh different shoes, hell by the difference of one hair on each of out heads, with that combination to everyone on this planet."

If this is true and it also true that this universe is infinite and if it is true that there are multiple dimensions (or frequencies) within this universe then I have a few questions:

1) What is the product when you multiply infinite possibilities by infinite possibilities?

Well first one has to understand infinity. It is not a number. It represents a number set that is unkown above any representable, measureable or quantifiable finite number.
Example: You have the worlds best calculator that can multiply 1 googleplex times 1 googleplex and disply the answer. However this is the biggest number that it can display. So then you multiply 1 googleplex times 1 googleplex plus 1, and the instrument cannot provide a definitive answer (maybe an error code). At that point the only way to represent the number is by placing a > (greater than) sign in front of the last true number that it would produce. Since, theoretically, the number could be any number above that, and there are an infinite number of numbers above that; then even though the number "might" be just one digit higher, it must be seen as infinite. Consequently, the number above which infinity starts is really just a product of or limitation of technology.

2) Were all these infinite universes created from the same singularity or do they all have their own source?

3) If they come from the same source, where/when did the divergence occur and how?

4) If from different sources, how could they be even remotely similar?

5) Why? Yes why? What would be the logic, reason, neccessity....for an infinite number of parallel universes?

6) Referencing conservation of energy - what would be the net gain for the univere(s) to have an infinite number with only minor nuance differences?

7) If there is a creator, why bother? (probably shouldn't have added this one - big can o' worms lol).

In closing a few more things:

I cannot totally rule out the possibilty of an infinite amount of universes, but the theories I've read and my own experiments in the laboratory between my ears thus far have not resulted in convincing me. I am not close-minded on this...just need more data.

Thus far, my current view is best exemplified by the following picture from a spectrum analyzer:


I see our universe as the largest peak in the middle and the parallel ones as diminishing equally on each side. As the distance (and relevance to our universe) increases, the parallel universes eventually reach zero (from our perspective).

Philosophically speaking: We use the sideways eight symbol to represent infinity. The symbol is simple, yet revealing. It shows the progression of both positive and negative infinity as it crosses a zero point (draw a horizontal line through the center of the symbol and view it as "zero" on a graph). However, after its zero crossings and movement through time, it returns to the point of origin.

Our reality is limited by our perceptions which are formed by our culture and our technology.
The Piraha tribe of Brazil have words for "one" "two" and "many". So, for them anything over two is for all intents and purposes "infinity". Perhaps we are the Piraha of the universe(s) and until our technology, culture and language evolves we are left to debate this issue without resolve, ad infinitum.

Thanks for the interesting thread.
Oppinions are appreciated but As it states right in the beginning I Belive. It is just a belief as I feel there is no way to prove or disprove this theroy of mine.
Roughneck - I agree, we are all expressing opinions, including me. I was just trying to lay mine out coherently to further the discussion. Other members' posts (including yours) make me think outside of "my box" and are therefor beneficial. I hope my posts do the same. As I said earlier - Thanks for the interesting thread /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

By the way - do you have any opinions or comments on the substance of my comments posted above?

I tend toward the idea of a trans-finite number of realities. An infinite number, as fun as that may sound at face value, would tend towards collapse of the wave-function when n and n(0) are infinitisemal (meaning so close in value to one another that they would possibly superimpose on one another, causing a rather uncomfortable living example of the Pauli exclusion principle).
Ok let me explain this to you roughneck, it is impossible for there to be infinate timelines, listen, zero and infinity are opposites, 100000000000 x 0 = 0, 100000000000 x inf = inf, so if you could explain this inf in you theory to be then maybe ill understand. The only things i understand to be infinete is the energy that the universe is made of and numbers 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 x 0 = 0
its not the infinity that gets me, or the science part, its the thought that, if there is an infinite number of realities/universes out there, then as someone said, in some we could maybe fly, in some we would have fingernails for eyelids, carpet for feet, binoculars for eyes, could walk on water etc etc etc. and i think that, is just ridiculous. there may be a hell of a lot of universes but there isnt an infinite amount imo.