Epochal Historian
Help us please, call the police or emergency officials immediately!:
In this era, mankind is now starting to faze in with electronic devices.
There is the cell phone, the I-Pod and a host of other carry-along electronic devices, which are now starting to phase into man's being.
In this time, there is some placidness, however under the realm of overexpansion, without the adage of space travel, for mankind.
Society becomes infinitely more complex, however mankind on Earth, as we know him, still stays in one place.
The sea of electronic devices, is now what denotes mankind.
There are earmarks that man has certainly changed.
You wimen no longer care about their private affairs and profess intimate details of their lives, much the same way a cow poops openly in a pasture.
At airports, you see people waiting to board airliners, hooked up to their business offices and they never quit talking.
If you want sex, or a companion, at this time, there is little problem in find this need, due to the glut of offers that floods into ones private e-mails, as part of the everyday mails.
There is now no-fault police brutality, to where if the police suspect even the wrong person of doing the crime, and over-react, then his or her lawyers, can sue for recompense.
There are spin doctors, whose job it is, that when the military does something horrible, that these specialist will come in and make it appear as either a calculable risk, or a misunderstanding.
Music is certainly odd, taking a macabre back road to normalcy, with the characters performing the music, to appear as either degenerate, or to be something from a horror film.
There is allot that is odd about this time, however planes still fly, trains go to their destinations and people, in some form of economy still buy things.
This is the era of the pre, or actual superhuman, which is the for-runner of the genetically altered person, or the nano-made person, which is due to arrive on the scene.
& The odd thing, as I remember, that all contrivances, that are artificial, do take on a life of their own.
In this case, they digress, crawl up on the top shelf and then jump on the person that it was supposed to have helped.
In this era, mankind is now starting to faze in with electronic devices.
There is the cell phone, the I-Pod and a host of other carry-along electronic devices, which are now starting to phase into man's being.
In this time, there is some placidness, however under the realm of overexpansion, without the adage of space travel, for mankind.
Society becomes infinitely more complex, however mankind on Earth, as we know him, still stays in one place.
The sea of electronic devices, is now what denotes mankind.
There are earmarks that man has certainly changed.
You wimen no longer care about their private affairs and profess intimate details of their lives, much the same way a cow poops openly in a pasture.
At airports, you see people waiting to board airliners, hooked up to their business offices and they never quit talking.
If you want sex, or a companion, at this time, there is little problem in find this need, due to the glut of offers that floods into ones private e-mails, as part of the everyday mails.
There is now no-fault police brutality, to where if the police suspect even the wrong person of doing the crime, and over-react, then his or her lawyers, can sue for recompense.
There are spin doctors, whose job it is, that when the military does something horrible, that these specialist will come in and make it appear as either a calculable risk, or a misunderstanding.
Music is certainly odd, taking a macabre back road to normalcy, with the characters performing the music, to appear as either degenerate, or to be something from a horror film.
There is allot that is odd about this time, however planes still fly, trains go to their destinations and people, in some form of economy still buy things.
This is the era of the pre, or actual superhuman, which is the for-runner of the genetically altered person, or the nano-made person, which is due to arrive on the scene.
& The odd thing, as I remember, that all contrivances, that are artificial, do take on a life of their own.
In this case, they digress, crawl up on the top shelf and then jump on the person that it was supposed to have helped.