In the past I dreamed of the future, and when I reached the future...


Temporal Novice
...I dreamed of the past!

I knew a girl who inspired me to look for what was missing in me and her. When I found it, I missed her, and couldn't find her in no place but only in that particular time.

If we can move in space backwards, why can't we move in time?

Why can you say to the mountain, "Move from here to there", but you cannot say to yourself, "Move from this time to that time"?
Many find the passage from Mark 11:23-24 to be metaphorical. "This mountain" would then represent Israel as it stood under control of the Pharasees et. all. However, prophets could have used time as a metaphor as well, I suppose, suggesting that the members of their faith could "turn back the clock", so to speak. Certainly, many old testament personas wanted to turn back to times before idol-worship that existed in their present.

Aah, the confines of physics...