It seems, that the main theory of traveling in time can be divided into several sub - theories. Each of them has its chance to be true or not. Time traveling may be possible only by traveling into the future, or to the past. Furthermore the thing, that travels may be only a particle or a beam of light, or even an electromagnetic field. Each of them has its chances to be correct or not.
Recently I developed the idea about how to achieve immortality if the time travel, and the human immortality become true one day.
The science as general is being developed on the base of facts and avoids being build over theories. When something is a scientific theory, it has only a chance to be true. Building further theories on the bases of other theories increases more and more the chance for each next theory to be wrong, and this actually can be calculated mathematically. Real scientists as a rule, avoid building further theories over an existing theory. This is why when building theories about how we will be able to be immortal through time travel, at this moment (2014th year), it is impossible to talk about that with a certainty. The chance of being immortal through time travel depends on two main theories - first the time travel will be achieved some day, and second - people will be immortal one day. Thus the way for us to be immortal through time travel can be achieved only if these two main theories will be achieved in the future.
However, I think, that I developed the way for us to become immortal if some day these two things both happen.
I will not waste your time with details about my recent works, but in brief, I will represent the ideas about how I see the possibilities of immortality through time travel.
If time travel to the future is possible, we may go to the future, when the human immortality is already
developed and use the technologies, to become immortal.
If time traveling to the past becomes possible, then a time traveler from the future may give us the
technology for the immortality, so we to become immortal.
If small particles or energy becomes possible to travel in time, then it can be used as an information
transfer, in order to be transferred the information about how we to become immortal.
If time travel in the both ways becomes possible, then people from the future may come to our time, and when someone of us dies, the time traveler may replace the corpse with an equal biomass and send out body into the future. The last thing is required in order to be avoided the time paradoxes and the butterfly effect. To become possible, this way needs the information about who wants to be immortal to be saved until the time, when people will discover the time travel and the immortality.
The time travel to the past options, no matter for humans or information, as also the both ways time travel option require also to be saved the information about who wants to become immortal, plus eventually the dates, times and places of their death.
In another forum (for immortality) some different option was suggested - taking only our soul from future time travelers. Though at the bases of my knowledge and interpretation of the world at this moment (2014th year) I deny the existence of transferable soul and represent the consciousness as the work of the neural network of our brain, the believers in this idea also require the possibility of our future generation to know whose soul to get, where and when.
This is why I decided to generate a database of people, who want to be taken from future time travelers, and immortalized after their death.
You may send me a personal message, if you want to be included, or you may post in this topic, if you like.
I wonder what is your opinion on that? Please comment.
Recently I developed the idea about how to achieve immortality if the time travel, and the human immortality become true one day.
The science as general is being developed on the base of facts and avoids being build over theories. When something is a scientific theory, it has only a chance to be true. Building further theories on the bases of other theories increases more and more the chance for each next theory to be wrong, and this actually can be calculated mathematically. Real scientists as a rule, avoid building further theories over an existing theory. This is why when building theories about how we will be able to be immortal through time travel, at this moment (2014th year), it is impossible to talk about that with a certainty. The chance of being immortal through time travel depends on two main theories - first the time travel will be achieved some day, and second - people will be immortal one day. Thus the way for us to be immortal through time travel can be achieved only if these two main theories will be achieved in the future.
However, I think, that I developed the way for us to become immortal if some day these two things both happen.
I will not waste your time with details about my recent works, but in brief, I will represent the ideas about how I see the possibilities of immortality through time travel.
If time travel to the future is possible, we may go to the future, when the human immortality is already
developed and use the technologies, to become immortal.
If time traveling to the past becomes possible, then a time traveler from the future may give us the
technology for the immortality, so we to become immortal.
If small particles or energy becomes possible to travel in time, then it can be used as an information
transfer, in order to be transferred the information about how we to become immortal.
If time travel in the both ways becomes possible, then people from the future may come to our time, and when someone of us dies, the time traveler may replace the corpse with an equal biomass and send out body into the future. The last thing is required in order to be avoided the time paradoxes and the butterfly effect. To become possible, this way needs the information about who wants to be immortal to be saved until the time, when people will discover the time travel and the immortality.
The time travel to the past options, no matter for humans or information, as also the both ways time travel option require also to be saved the information about who wants to become immortal, plus eventually the dates, times and places of their death.
In another forum (for immortality) some different option was suggested - taking only our soul from future time travelers. Though at the bases of my knowledge and interpretation of the world at this moment (2014th year) I deny the existence of transferable soul and represent the consciousness as the work of the neural network of our brain, the believers in this idea also require the possibility of our future generation to know whose soul to get, where and when.
This is why I decided to generate a database of people, who want to be taken from future time travelers, and immortalized after their death.
You may send me a personal message, if you want to be included, or you may post in this topic, if you like.
I wonder what is your opinion on that? Please comment.