Immortality of the Soul


Temporal Novice
Immortality of the Soul
Physical death is a transition to a greater awareness and is not an ending. People who have gone through Near Death Experiences (NDE's) & Out of Body Experiences (OBE's); ancient Tibetan, Hindu, and Egyptian writings (Book of the Dead); Past Life Regression; Remote Viewing; Channeled Spirits and Aliens all corroborate the same story: Under the advice of spiritual guides, we decide on the course our lives will follow before birth. The consensus is that we are immortal, Spiritual Light Beings who experience physical life over and over again. Earthly life is described as a schoolhouse where we learn lessons, following a curriculum of our choice, while on a journey towards higher spiritual maturity. This theme seems to be the purpose of physical life.
People with OBE's know that physical life is an illusion and that the real action is on the other side. When out of body, you retain your appearance (in astral form), your personality, your memories, your likes & dislikes, all your senses, etc.. In fact, you retain everything that makes you, you! While we all have an obligation to the Creator and to our higher selves to participate in life, learn lessons, and attend school to its natural end, there is no reason to fear death as a finality. We don't really die. Many authors cover the subject, but Danion Brinkley's two books: Saved by The Light and At Peace in the Light, tell the story as well as any.
The rising increase in UFO sightings, alien contacts, abductions, crop circles, frequent appearances of The Virgin Mary, widespread dreams of cataclysmic events, etc. are connected. The human race is presently undergoing an Awakening to dormant memories about our place and role in the universe; as well as an understanding of the true origin of our species. Many people are arriving at this realization, with some fully informed of the approaching changes while others are grappling with pieces of the puzzle. Most people, however, aren't taking notice of the signs (E.g. crop circles, emerging diseases) and are mostly unaware of the momentous change that has started to occur (with no small thanks to the mainstream media who continue to ignore these important events which are reported daily).
The ever-increasing frequency of unusual phenomena (bizarre & severe weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, alien contact, UFO sightings, Chupacabras, new disease outbreaks, etc.), are signs of impending change. Some indigenous native people like the American Hopi Indians and Australian aborigines have had contact with certain alien groups throughout their history and are aware of the events (with some variations) about to unfold. Hopi prophecies, particularly, align with the events predicted by the Zetas

well i respect other people but this is what i think

You've just got to change your reading habits. With your nose stuck in all this "esoteric" garbage that is being spoon fed to those who would believe that "spiritual" changes are coming. All of this stuff is ANTICHRIST. The Bible says plainly and CLEARLY that the soul that sinneth DIES. This is nothing less than the lie that Satan told Eve in the Garden that if she ate of the tree of good and evil that she would be like God and would NOT die as God had said. The Bible PLAINLY teaches that the dead "know not anything under the sun". "They go into the grave and their thoughts PERISH". All these posts about Sitchin and the other ALIEN crap is nothing more than the attempts by groups like the UNIVERSE-PEOPLE to flood this forum with more of the same ole crap. You fail to note that it ONLY takes several months or MORE of intense meditational "vibrational" CHANGES as dictated by the "MASTERS" so that we can be INDOCTRINATED into the "new" spiritual knowledge and eventually be whisked away into their huge spacecraft to a better existence. Why do people have to go to such lengths to explain away things that are clearly understood from Biblical points of view without ever having to rely upon "aliens", hyperdimensional resonators, vortex dousing rods, etc. etc. ad nauseum. To ME, this is just a very complex way of doing what most Christians are doing--WAITING for their Messiah to show up and take away all their problems--without having to go through the SIMPLE STEPS as outlined in the Bible. Most of the alien followers are readily willing to accede their sovereignty over to an ALIEN species but will fight God all the way to hell. The Bible CLEARLY states that there will be overmastering DELUSIONS catching the imagination of the people at the end time. Maybe it's MY imagination, but it sure seems like there is ALREADY major climate changes going on that doesn't need any "12th planet". The Bible states about a time when the sun will "scorch" the planet and people will curse God for it. It states of a time when "noisome and grevious sores" will plague the people.(Aids) It tells of a time when war will rule but to not "hurt the oil or the trees". It tells of a time when ethnic violence will prevail against nations. It tells of pestilence, poisoned waters, pollution on a grand scale, families turning each other, earthquakes in diverse places like never before in history. Why do we need a 12th planet to do all this when we are already experiencing it? Why do we have to make up all these other excuses for the events that are happening when we've had the answers all along. Could it possibly be that we don't want to hear things like: "Fear God and give glory to HIM for the HOUR of HIS judgement HAS COME!!" <hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zerubbabel--The Seed of Babylon
SonofBabylon, that’s the way to handle New Age crap. Blind’em with rays of truth and good ole’ fashion dosages of reality.

How is it that bible bashers seem to appear everywhere,ive commited every sin,funny how ive only broken a few of the commandments.
Ive definatly commited all 7 sins,and ive never once repented,ive only been to church 3 times in my 22 years,and they were school trips

Im satans child,cos i sin,cos i dont worship god,bwaaahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaa.

Big deal,i go to hell or dont exist,so what!.

You miss the whole point. It's not about going to hell--though you may make the trip for a while. It's not about ceasing to exist--though in the end you may--by your own request. It is ALL about seeing something so beautiful, so incredible, so wonderful that you want to see it and study it and BE with it for eternity. Be assured that you WILL see it and lament the loss of it for all eternity--provided, of course, that you are NOT found in the book of life. That is not for me or anyone else to decide--even if you seem to be thumbing your nose(literally according to your picture) at the whole concept of truth. You seem to be a truthful if rebellious person and interested in sharing your ideas and opinions. If you ever get a change of mind by whatever experience which comes your way, by all means--please share it. If not--go in peace--I will not judge you lest I be judged by the same method.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zerubbabel--The Seed of Babylon
<<It is ALL about seeing something so beautiful, so incredible, so wonderful that you want to see it and study it and BE with it for eternity>>

Looking into the future, I see the need to create this condition, and be one with it. And that this need to elevate to it, will outweigh the risks.

Including abandoning what we know and care about doing the right thing. Using our enlightened senses to exploit man to create this wonderful blissful state.

But isn’t it in reality what we are truly creating here, is a form of symbiosis?

And is that right?

Where for this “beauty” to exist, it would need to feed off of everyone’s efforts to obtain?

And is that not, by the very means to create this, if found out to be unethical down the line truly Godly divine, or man-made divinity?

Would then possessing all the wrong, shame, and guilt and absorbing it into something receptacle like Jesus Christ, cancels it out to create something more then man, but in turn is what makes the scapegoat to create pure beauty & divinity?

Then so all the lies and deception to obtain this state, allowing good and evil to exist, to excuse manipulating man, all merely a ploy set up to build up to this in the first place?

-- -- -- --
PLEASE NOTE and FYI: The TimeTravelActivist does not accept any reality and or religious doctrine until it’s broken down to its lowest common denominator. My mind cannot accept anything without truly understanding it’s true motive for being. Unlike my counter parts who are accustomed to looking at that motive through: biblical and scientific means, my field falls more along the lines of looking at it with common sense and human principles.

And unlike NATAS here
some people are just pridefully @$$holes about it.

<<It is ALL about seeing something so beautiful, so incredible, so wonderful that you want to see it and study it and BE with it for eternity>>

***Looking into the future, I see the need to create this condition, and be one with it. And that this need to elevate to it, will outweigh the risks.***

The concept of “elevating” to it is a total misunderstanding by most people. There is nothing that we can say, do, be or perceive that will place us in the correct position to “create the condition” as you say. As far as “risks” are concerned, there are none—at least not personally unless you see the way others treat you as a result is a “risk”. This is a gift that only needs to be accepted. We see our own “condition” as a preventative to being in this “one” situation. God’s standard of perfection is so high above our understanding of it that we could try for a million years and never even approach it.

***Including abandoning what we know and care about doing the right thing. Using our enlightened senses to exploit man to create this wonderful blissful state.***

I have some difficulty with this recurring theme of yours to “abandon” what you know and care about. One of the greatest delusions of the last days is that man will be thinking he is doing right when he is actually doing wrong and will call good evil and evil good. There is no need to abandon anything unless it is brought to your senses that what you have done or said is counterproductive to the real sense of truth and not just a fulfillment of your own selfish ideals. Then it will not be abandonment at all but a shedding of baggage. The truth remains, the error flies away. Any major realization made in our lives adds to the “blissful” state. To a very real extent, your self realization as THE TTA is a very blissful one for you. At some point in time, it is written that a state will be realized that “now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall be seen even as we see”. This takes a spiritual “eyesalve” that can not be accomplished by any attempt of our own—this is a gift.

***But isn’t it in reality what we are truly creating here, is a form of symbiosis?***

Are you afraid of losing your individuality? The scriptures are pretty clear about that. If God just wanted robots, he would never have allowed free will and therefore the possibility of sin and evil entering in to the equation. It is said we will see God face-to-face. This certainly implies an individuality to me.

***And is that right?
Where for this “beauty” to exist, it would need to feed off of everyone’s efforts to obtain?***

It seems to me that most of your experience with “religiosity” has been of a hypocritical nature—as has been many other people. We’re not talking Tammy Fae and Jim Baker, Billy Graham, televangelists, healing crap and all of that. To me, this is all part of the apostate state of religion that has long been foretold about. “There must come a falling away—then the end shall come.” If you visit your “brother” in prison, is this feeding off them? If you look after the widow, or the fatherless—is this feeding off them? In other words, it has everything to do with giving with no thought of return—even in thanks or respect. When you “give” of yourself by trying to make people understand about temporal manipulation or what I like to call “demonic manifestations”, is the reply back of a THANKS JAVIER what you are looking for or are you truly trying to raise the awareness of the other for their own welfare. Only YOU know the answer to that question and only you can feel the hypocrisy of it if you are just looking for self-aggrandisement.

***And is that not, by the very means to create this, if found out to be unethical down the line truly Godly divine, or man-made divinity?***

Again, I think you have seen too many people looking out to be mini-gods or “holier than thou”. You’re attitude sometimes comes across this way too—or haven’t you noticed? However, you balance it out lots of times by showing your weaknesses and everyday problems. Most who have tried to show themselves as exemplary examples have purposely hidden the other sides to themselves that they feel would somehow make them less acceptable of others. This obviously shows me that you are contemptible of “self” and know your own shortcomings. Whether you realize it or not, this is a trait that is not natural to man. To me, this is a way that God says, “you know you can’t trust yourself, come to me and I will give you REST.”

***Would then possessing all the wrong, shame, and guilt and absorbing it into something receptacle like Jesus Christ, cancels it out to create something more then man, but in turn is what makes the scapegoat to create pure beauty & divinity?***

You have a pretty strong grasp of the truth of the matter—but it seems that you can’t quite “see” it enough to have faith in it. This is the story of the robe of righteousness. Isaiah 61:10 talks of a robe given to us as a gift and a NECCESITY to stand in the prescence of a Holy God. The entire story that Cat speaks of about the Merkaba is useless without the robe. You have probably—like most of us—been beaten to death with this whole Jesus took your sins thing. If we could see with clear eyes, this is just a simple way of saying, “stop beating up on yourself—I have overcome this natural hatred of self and the world. Just put on my robe and you will be able to see yourself as you really are—not as you have been accused”. You truly are a god-like being if you could but just see it and not take for granted that you have abilities that are truly amazing. You walk through space-time as though it didn’t even exist. You perceive the past and the future as tangible things instead of the ghosts that they are. You are traveling through space on the huge ball at thousands of miles per hour and it is merely a “breeze” to you. You eat sunlight in its many forms like water and the water you drink which can erode mountains is easily broken down by your body to replenish the “kazillions” of tiny creatures inside of you that depend upon your every move. You really are an amazing creation and you just take it for granted—not to mention the ONE who created you.

***Then so all the lies and deception to obtain this state, allowing good and evil to exist, to excuse manipulating man, all merely a ploy set up to build up to this in the first place?***

The place where you have put yourself is one of the greatest warnings the Bible speaks of. You have been focusing on the DARKNESS my friend and cannot see the great light shining down. You, like so many others, have blamed all the lies and deceptions on the creator instead of on the angel who was created with free will and chose to subvert that free will. This was ALLOWED with all of its evil ramifications so that YOU could eventually apply your free will to OVERCOME this world just like our example before us who came in fleshly form so that we could understand our incredible potential.
-- -- -- --
***PLEASE NOTE and FYI: The TimeTravelActivist does not accept any reality and or religious doctrine until it’s broken down to its lowest common denominator. My mind cannot accept anything without truly understanding it’s true motive for being. Unlike my counter parts who are accustomed to looking at that motive through: biblical and scientific means, my field falls more along the lines of looking at it with common sense and human principles.
And unlike NATAS here some people are just pridefully @$$holes about it.***

Please note, and I say this with no malice, you’re role as TTA is FULL of pride. I have a much easier time with people like Natas who pretty much say what they really think and you don’t have to figure out if there is any hidden agenda. True, people like him have a certain shock value to some, but every generation that I have seen since the 40’s has had their own shock value for the previous generation. I kind of relish it in a way. My long hair and beard of the 60’s was certainly a shock to those of the generation preceding mine but that didn’t mean that I was “demonic” or that I didn’t have beliefs and ideas that I felt that generation needed to know to be more “true to themselves”. In a very real sense, Natas—much to his probable horror—would probably come closer to a “true Christian than many self-styled Christians—much to their horror. You mention biblical and scientific means above as somehow separate from common sense and human principles. To me, they are all one and the same. I hope I have somewhat “broken it down” to the lowest common denominators and have not become, in your eyes, another prideful “@$$hole!!
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zerubbabel--The Seed of Babylon
<<The concept of “elevating” to it is a total misunderstanding by most people. There is nothing that we can say, do, be or perceive that will place us in the correct position to “create the condition” as you say.

As I said, looking in to the future, I see the need to create this and elevate to it. Not speaking in present terms of what the doctrine entitles.

<<As far as “risks” are concerned, there are none—at least not personally unless you see the way others treat you as a result is a “risk”. This is a gift that only needs to be accepted.>>

Being in the military once opened my eyes to seeing that nothing is free, not even our freedom in this land. And this “gift”, comes without a price, I find that difficult to see.

For accepting this gift, means allowing whatever it needs to take place to it to be just that, to happen. Including temporal manipulation.

<<We see our own “condition” as a preventative to being in this “one” situation. God’s standard of perfection is so high above our understanding of it that we could try for a million years and never even approach it.>>

Hence my point, i.e. temporal manipulation.

<<I have some difficulty with this recurring theme of yours to “abandon” what you know and care about. One of the greatest delusions of the last days is that man will be thinking he is doing right when he is actually doing wrong and will call good evil and evil good.>>

Like when I first made my point, I am speaking in terms of looking into the future, you are still speaking in corporeal 3 dimensional terms of the present. I am actually looking at all possible angles of humanities course, and I see that abandoning what it used to hold dear is prominent to happen.

<<There is no need to abandon anything unless it is brought to your senses that what you have done or said is counterproductive to the real sense of truth and not just a fulfillment of your own selfish ideals. Then it will not be abandonment at all but a shedding of baggage. The truth remains, the error flies away.>>

Yes, but when the truth of the condition dictates that the ends justify the means, that truth is put on hold for the greater whole.

<<Any major realization made in our lives adds to the “blissful” state.>>

As does the major realization of what Time Travel can do, and the “bliss” it can bring by altering mankind for spirituality.

<<To a very real extent, your self realization as THE TTA is a very blissful one for you.>>

Actually it’s quite the opposite. It’s a realization that has brought me much burden. But needs to be done.

<<At some point in time, it is written that a state will be realized that “now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall be seen even as we see”. This takes a spiritual “eyesalve” that can not be accomplished by any attempt of our own—this is a gift.>>

No one will be looking a gift horse in the mouth I see? Accept without truly knowing the motive and reason for it? Now that’s a shame.

<<Are you afraid of losing your individuality? The scriptures are pretty clear about that. If God just wanted robots, he would never have allowed free will and therefore the possibility of sin and evil entering in to the equation. It is said we will see God face-to-face. This certainly implies an individuality to me.>>

I’m sorry, let me clarify what I meant. I meant that our minds must all be in tune to this state, having us feel this savior in us, is what will take us to face God.

<<It seems to me that most of your experience with “religiosity” has been of a hypocritical nature—as has been many other people. We’re not talking Tammy Fae and Jim Baker, Billy Graham, televangelists, healing crap and all of that. >>

Actually I was never brought up religious, I was raised being a middle child seeing all that goes on. I saw many things growing up, and I questioned it all. Never accepted it. And when I did, I learned fast, and knew better.

As for religion, I didn’t find any interest in it. I’ve sat through a couple of church sessions and respected their beliefs, and found it very interesting. But as for joining it, that was something my soul could never bring my self to doing. Not that I wanted to anyways, I was on a different path of truth.

<<To me, this is all part of the apostate state of religion that has long been foretold about. “There must come a falling away—then the end shall come.” If you visit your “brother” in prison, is this feeding off them? If you look after the widow, or the fatherless—is this feeding off them?>>

Well I grew up without my father not always present, and I turned out fine and straight.

But feeding off me, no I can’t say it did. I recognized the feeling early on though, and saw others who it did feed off from.

I’m sorry to say that it drove many to live a life of violence and gangs. I’ve seen many of my childhood neighbors whine up in prison before high school.

To this day I don’t know what made me exempt from falling just like they did.

<<In other words, it has everything to do with giving with no thought of return—even in thanks or respect. When you “give” of yourself by trying to make people understand about temporal manipulation or what I like to call “demonic manifestations”, is the reply back of a THANKS JAVIER what you are looking for or are you truly trying to raise the awareness of the other for their own welfare.>>

I only make obvious the facts, and encourage a dialogue. And if it is to be found that this theory needs revision, then revised it will be. But accepting it will not be an option. Getting to the heart of the matter, getting out it out in open and seeing the facts is all I am doing.

If someone wants to thank you Sonofbabylon for raising their awareness and making them see what the scriptures really have to say about the New Age movement, regardless of being thanked being the case for doing what you do, your just merely doing what you know what you have to do.

As is the TTA.

<<Only YOU know the answer to that question and only you can feel the hypocrisy of it if you are just looking for self-aggrandisement.>>

Then why do we seem to answer all those questions that come our way, and we seem to give them a clear view of reality of the error it brings?

<<Again, I think you have seen too many people looking out to be mini-gods or “holier than thou”. You’re attitude sometimes comes across this way too—or haven’t you noticed?>>

No, please enlighten me.

<<However, you balance it out lots of times by showing your weaknesses and everyday problems. Most who have tried to show themselves as exemplary examples have purposely hidden the other sides to themselves that they feel would somehow make them less acceptable of others.>>

Your almost making me sound like if I am intentionally being misleading.

Please, enlighten me and point out how I have been.

<<This obviously shows me that you are contemptible of “self” and know your own shortcomings. Whether you realize it or not, this is a trait that is not natural to man. To me, this is a way that God says, “you know you can’t trust yourself, come to me and I will give you REST.”>>

Not natural to man? I don’t seem to understand? Rest? Sure, I’d like a rest, as would everyone else. But I am just being me; this is how my experience has brought to program my mind to be. I am sincere and do not see my self higher then a homeless man on the street. Every life is significant, no matter how disgusting it may seem.

<<You have a pretty strong grasp of the truth of the matter—but it seems that you can’t quite “see” it enough to have faith in it.>>

There is a reason for that. I guess you can say I just know to good for my own good
. How can one rest when you left the iron on, might start a fire? Do you go on with your day thinking that it will be okay, only to come home to a burned up house?

You see I cannot let something such as New Agers and Time Travelers off the hook for that very reason. The hell and havoc they can cause, is worth sacrificing my faith in having God take care of them later on.

I’m a result kind of guy, I am ambitious to get things done. Not wait around for a few millennium till the big guy comes back to deal with them.

I am in the now, striving for the tomorrow. By the time something actually gets done (through faith), the ratio of New Agers and Christians will be dramatically altered. I guess if I can’t live with both of them, I rather just live with one of them. And I sure do not want to live with New Agers, do you

<<This is the story of the robe of righteousness. Isaiah 61:10 talks of a robe given to us as a gift and a NECCESITY to stand in the prescence of a Holy God. The entire story that Cat speaks of about the Merkaba is useless without the robe. You have probably—like most of us—been beaten to death with this whole Jesus took your sins thing.>>

Like I said, religion really doesn’t interest me. I find it’s history fascinating though. As for the Christians who I’ve faced they don’t phase me. It’s very clear to me that they do not grasp a reality like I do, and that’s okay. They are doing their job. Just as long as they keep their distance from me, and don’t try to coerce their Jesus did this for you stuff, I have no problems with them.

<<If we could see with clear eyes, this is just a simple way of saying, “stop beating up on yourself—I have overcome this natural hatred of self and the world.>>

I treat the world with eyes that see their true nature. Some I treat with compassion and understanding, for I see they are worthy of it and really don’t know any better. Others I see are just lazy and intentionally screwing it up, and those I do not go easy on.

<<Just put on my robe and you will be able to see yourself as you really are—not as you have been accused”. You truly are a god-like being if you could but just see it and not take for granted that you have abilities that are truly amazing.>>

As for putting on the robe, you kinda lost me. But rest assured, I take nothing for granted. Others close to me do, and that brings me down with them.

<<You walk through space-time as though it didn’t even exist. You perceive the past and the future as tangible things instead of the ghosts that they are. You are traveling through space on the huge ball at thousands of miles per hour and it is merely a “breeze” to you. You eat sunlight in its many forms like water and the water you drink which can erode mountains is easily broken down by your body to replenish the “kazillions” of tiny creatures inside of you that depend upon your every move. You really are an amazing creation and you just take it for granted—not to mention the ONE who created you.>>

Since you put it that way, I guess I am. But I am quite content in being who I am, and if I would have to reach this state by selling out what I once new, I rather not.

<<The place where you have put yourself is one of the greatest warnings the Bible speaks of. You have been focusing on the DARKNESS my friend and cannot see the great light shining down.>>

Spoken like a true Christian

Please show me where in the bible it states that the neutral, like the TTA are focusing on the dark side, when in fact they are fighting it allot more then those who claim to be as well

<<You, like so many others, have blamed all the lies and deceptions on the creator instead of on the angel who was created with free will and chose to subvert that free will.>>

I am not blaming God. Nor am I talking about religion. I am talking about Man playing God.

But if by the angel you mean Satan, and since you said you see Temporal Manipulation as demonic manifestations, I don’t see how I am shifting any blame at all?

I’m consistent then in your eyes of battling Satan

<<This was ALLOWED with all of its evil ramifications so that YOU could eventually apply your free will to OVERCOME this world just like our example before us who came in fleshly form so that we could understand our incredible potential.>>

Freewill to overcome this world huh? Well some of us are trying to overcome this world, and those attempts show them selves to be futile when they are associated with a double-digit marker. Hence the TTA’s campaign for freewill and independence.

Get it?

<<Please note, and I say this with no malice, you’re role as TTA is FULL of pride.>>

None taken
SonofBabylon righteous religious doctrine scholar.

TTA is just my name, as is yours SonofBabylon. No role, just people.

My approach about Time Travel would be no different if I had another name. Would then my compassion of helping mankind still be one of pride, or understanding?

<<I have a much easier time with people like Natas who pretty much say what they really think and you don’t have to figure out if there is any hidden agenda.>>

Same here
. But a change is nice.

<<I hope I have somewhat “broken it down” to the lowest common denominators and have not become, in your eyes, another prideful “@$$hole!!>>

No of course not SonofBabylon. I would never think you’re a prideful @$$hole, I’m a big fan of yours
I like the way you put the truth to people, very unique.

However, I know that I questioned everything you said to me in your post, but getting to the lowest common denominator doesn’t stop with just 1 cycle of dialogue. Now I know this can go on for quite a while, and take most of us a lot of our time, but at the very least an attempt was made to bring these both sides to seeing what the other means. And I’m all for another sequel

<<I agree,ive had 2 suicide attempts in the past based on that fact.>>

I'm very sorry to hear that, but why don't you think about taking responsibility and making a change in your self so that this won't happen again.

You only have your life to save if you do.

><<I agree,ive had 2 suicide attempts in the past based on that fact.>>
>I'm very sorry to hear that,
>but why don't you think
>about taking responsibility and making
>a change in your self
>so that this won't happen
>You only have your life to
>save if you do.

Well i say suicide attempts,but they wernt as bad as i made out,on both occasions i were quiet drunk...well very drunk,one was where i decided to get to the top of my block of flats and jump,i got to the top was about to jump then chickened out(although it was close,i could have fell accidently),the other was where i decided to overdose on aspirin,really didnt do nothing,yeah i swallowed the pills,passed out from being drunk then woke up vomiting really badly,that was the end of that,no more heavy drinking and stupid self pity.

I did change my self though thats why i got tattoos,the problem was and still is a bit lack of confidence,it was that decision to permanently alter my body,to make such a rash decision and own something that no one can take away.

When you change your outward appearence you change inside aswell,people think this is bullshit,ITS NOT,look at women who get breast implants and such,they have to resort to changing there outward appearence or theyll never be happy,there confidence increases,although for some reason thats more accepted its no different to what i do,i feel i dont want plain skin so i go out and change it,and its that act man that made me realise that if i can do something as bold as that i can change other things too if im not happy.
I see. In that case, I really don’t know what to say to advice you. But from the sounds of it you are on some kind of path of figuring it out on your own as it is.

As for the way women’s outer character change as there bodies change. Is really a sad thing to see unfold. God forbid if my confidence in the way my body appeals to the oppositesex, changes that who I am. I don’t exploit my body in that way, nor do I see a need to depend on its appearance other then the appearance of my character.

Thanks for giving me something to think about NATAS
despite your disrespectful demeanor you don’t seem all that that bad after all.

Yes i agree,dont you think it strange how people accept body mods such as breast size changes and plastic surgery,yet find body art and piercings less tastefull?.

The reality is that they are all mods,ANYTHING that changes your physical appearence is a mod,be it hair,clothes,jewlery,
some of coarse are permanent,but everyone will base opinions on you on how you look.

I noticed people treated me different when i started to wear glasses at school,you get called 4 eyes or whatever,and if you have a crappy haircut,or if youre smaller than the other boys in class ya get picked on,you see it all the time,people who are fat,people who are tanned,people who are black and people who are ugly,appearence is a big factor.

Women wear make-up as an aesthetic to attract a mate,or just simply cos they feel they look better in it.
However if one women decides that shaving the sides of her head and colouring the top of her hair pink makes her feel better people will look at her weird.

To me tattoos are great cos i like the artwork and i especially like the fact that they are permanent,thats the point,its like a gift to yourself,you own it,your keeping it to the day you die and no matter what happens to you in life you are always gonna have it,it cant be sold,it cant be stolen,you cant lose it.
Thats the appeal man,the art,the imagery in skin,the permanent gift to yourself the only product that you can buy in this world
that does not need insurence or garentee,does not need repair and maintenence (except when its healing of coarse,just takes 2 weeks).

In this life you get the feeling sometimes you dont even own your own body,someone will make a living out of your birth and death,your chucked from birth into a world where you are forced to follow rules,to run along with the rest of the sheep,
sometimes ya gotta find something that seperates you from the sheep.
Im a good person basically,i have hope of a better world,one without pain,unfortunatly lifes experiences have taught me otherwise,as such i feel like im here to be punished,like everyone else i guess,i see wars,i see destruction and i see hate everywhere,i see peoples children being murdered by extremely nasty individuals,but its us man,all of it,even the christians and religous people its all part of this mess thats been going on since we were cavemen,and its never gonna end,everyone thinks the grass in greener the other side,everyone thinks theres gonna be a turn around any second and they die with that thought man,but it never happened and dont look like it will happen.
So i guess it can push you to be rebellious yes,when you dont see change,or if your life is going in a bad direction.

To quote a slipknot lyric,which applys to how i feel sometimes:

Here we go again motherfucker!

Come on down,and see the idiot right here
Too fucked to beg and not afraid to care
Whats the matter with calamity anyway?
Right? get the fuck outta my face
Understand that i cant feel anything
It isnt like i wanna sift through the decay
I feel like a wound,like i got a fukin'
gun against my head,you live when im dead

One more time motherfucker

Everybody hates me now,so fuck it!
Bloods on my hands and face,and i
Dont know why,im not afraid to cry
But thats none of your business
Whose life is it? get it? feel it? eat it?
Spin around so i can spit in its face
I wanna leave without a trace
Cuz i dont wanna die in this place

People =shit
people =shit(watch gonna do?)
people =shit(cos im not afraid of you)
people =shit(im everything youll never be)
people =shit

It never stops-you cant be everything to everyone!
Contagion-Im sittin' at the side of satan
What do you want from me?
They never told me the failure i was meant to be,
Overdo it-dont tell me you blew it
Stop your bitchin' and fight your way through it

C'mon motherfucker,everybody has to die x2

repeat chorus
<< your chucked from birth into a world where you are forced to follow rules,to run along with the rest of the sheep, sometimes ya gotta find something that seperates you from the sheep. >>

Hey I’m all for individuality and freedom of self-expression. However the only problem I can find with that idea, is when its taken to an exaggerated extreme.

The sake of being different for spite of just being different is what we are forced to accept to make them feel accepted and comfortable that their freedom of speech is not being trampled upon. Even though they are abusing of it.

And like Sonofbabylon mentioned every generation has their “shock value” and doesn’t entirely make them bad people.

But I’ll tell you what though. What does make you a bad person is when you’re so self absorbed in the way you look. The appearance of your flesh and style; idoltrying it, having it become your religion.

I see it everyday, even at the Catholic hospital that I work at. You become snotty and conceited to everyone you encounter. Some you don’t even dare look twice at simply for the fact that they don’t drive a nice enough car, don’t have nice clothes to wear, or aren’t skinny or attractive enough to offer a smile or a simple hello.

They couldn’t be farther from the truth, thinking that this approach will result in a happy future. I stay as far away as possible from these types of people, for I see them as the epitome of the very dark nature of humanity, and it saddens me

And let me guess, you can relate to these disturbing lyrics?

I can only imagine to what lengths is needed to drive a man’s mind to be wracked to this point.

I hope I never find out personally

What can drive you to it,is if everything around you actually gets to you,if you have compassion and empathy for other people it dont take long before you get angry,this is fuelled if you have no religion and doubt gods existance or that of an afterlife/immortality.

Everybody thinks the same as me;"if this is all there is,what is the point".

Well imagine the universe just exists and life starts here unintentionally,all we are is a walking talking intelligent bacteria on a planet called earth,a sort of growth no different to mold on bread,
birth-live(sleep,eat,shit,piss,fuck)-die,just add some things for personal amusement and hobbys and thats it,
of coarse it would be better if we just got along and accepted this,but nah,wars and killing and a load of shit to be viewed everyday,for every good thing it seems to be opposed by something bad,its all bollocks.

If you see it how it could certainly be,it could drive you over the edge of sanity,you could be right who can prove anyone wrong?

Religion is a paradox,yeah be good to all dont sin dont do this dont do that,then when it happens "oh its all a test",
"turn the other cheek"
you can be forgiven,"eye for an eye"...blah blah blah.

Contradictory hypocritical bullshit,with no proof of otherwise.

Man is the source of the problems,and man invented religion
which was a sort of law and order of the day,morals of the time
of an idealistic approach to world peace,and an answer to the big questions,and out of fear of no life after death.

Trying to find a reason? maybe there aint one.
Oh yeah i got a new tattoo 2 days ago on the inside of my arm,ouch!! going up a little as you can see to my armpit:


Well talk about bringing it down to the lowest common denominator

I’m really not sure how to answer your post. I guess if you see it that way, and have these factual reasons to back up how reality truly is, I can’t really argue with you, since I too bring out facts out in the open in a similar fashion.

But I guess what truly separates my approach from your bleak one, is that I actually have a reason to appreciate what this life has given me, and what it can offer to others. Not based on any religious or spiritual belief, but of just understanding the reason for things for being.

Sure things can get a little heated and unsettling, I don’t think we be human if they didn’t

But I do not see it as a reason to place all your blame and refuse to take responsibility.

Try looking into the concepts of intelligence and sentients. You are self aware of being both, but are you living up to the most you can of them?

I think that’s probably what the point is.

I’m not going to tell you that the meaning and point to all life is simply to see something so beautiful and perfect that you would want to always be with it.

But I will tell you that it’s a need to find happiness and meaning to exist.

What do you need to do in order to find that? What in your life is keeping you from that? Only you can answer that?

Either strive for it and change, or be lazy and continue on the path of irresponsibility for the reasons of: “what’s the point anyways.”

Nothing at all, if that’s how you’re going to be about it.
