In the meanwhile:
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A MESSAGE FROM OLIVER WILLIAMS: It's hard to believe it's been six years since I first put this website together. For those of you who make regular trips here, I apologize for not keeping up with it lately. Like many of you, I run hot and cold with John and I tend to update the site when I get that creepy feeling he may have been exactly who he said he was. Well, I’m getting that feeling again.
Please notice the new video I posted (click here or in the window to the right). It’s the full length version of the podcast tease I had up for a while. I know its a bit old but I’m considering trying to put a full length version up on a regular basis.
In the news, take a look at what’s happening at CERN. It now appears there may be some real concerns about an artificial black hole being created. Again, it’s another example of what John had said all along while scientists pooh-poohed the very idea it was possible.
With the collapse of the stock market, the changing economy and the loss of jobs, isn’t it just a little jolting to see how many people are discussing the possibility of civil conflict in the United States?
Also of interest, a very committed debunker named Razimus claims to know who John Titor is. A few weeks ago, he started a blog and posted evidence he claimed narrowed down the people who made the original posts. I’m proud to say I made the top ten. Unfortunately, he admits to making a few mistakes that may have muddled his results and cost him some credibility. I would suggest trying to figure out “how†it was done which would probably lead to “who†did it. If John wasn’t a time traveler, whoever he/she or they were knew about physics, the IBM 5100, they had an ability to create documents or at least hide the true nature of real documents, and they had a pretty good knack for making statements about the future that people still argue about. [/COLOR]
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