I'm Sick of Poorly Put Together Time Travel Claims

Troy Titor

Chrono Cadet
Honestly, I don't think people even try anymore. Their stories suck! If they're going to try and "fool" us into thinking they're time travelers, they could at least make the experience entertaining.
Honestly, I don't think people even try anymore. Their stories suck! If they're going to try and "fool" us into thinking they're time travelers, they could at least make the experience entertaining.

I agree with you in many aspects. Perhaps they are those who need a friend (who of us doesn't at times?) Then again, people come in all shapes and sizes, therefore it stands to reason that while there may be more humble time travelers who wish to guide the us through gentle hands, there are also those who seek to gain merit and get gain through their actions.

The bottom line is, unfortunately, electronic posts do not do the human race much justice. There is nothing quite like physical communication. Confusion is bound to exist where there is a lack of personal interaction.

Electrons such as forum posts are easily manipulated, but real-world experiences can be infinite. Electrons may translate into real-world experiences, but they must be processed by the mind before translated to action. The human mind is a fascinating catalyst for creating physical wonders.

I can only hope that our actions away from these forums are best suited to benefit the human race. We each have as much of an impact on time as does a time traveler. Each affects time through their actions.
Honestly, I don't think people even try anymore. Their stories suck! If they're going to try and "fool" us into thinking they're time travelers, they could at least make the experience entertaining.

I brought one down. I figured one man out. He retaliated and posted my personal information all over the internet. The police told me to contact the FBI Cyber Crime division, so I did. It stopped. Needless to say, I'm a little shy about being a time cop, now. LOL.