I'm no time traveller but I do know...


Temporal Novice
I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

I'm no time traveller but i do kind of know (i just know i don't know how, i've known for a long time) just how things will play out and have done for many many years

Basically there are 2 scenarios....

Scenario 1
stage 1 will be the collapse of all the banking systems
stage 2 will be some kind of pandemic (no not swine flu!)
stage 3 will be Mr Yellowstone Park (it's overdue)
stage 4 things will really go to [censored]

Scenario 2
Much like time_travel_36 predicted, with Niburu approaching will cause the pole shifts which in turn will cause all sorts of chaos (Yellowstone will go off) but will ultimately be good for us all to go through.
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

Scenario 1
stage 1 will be the collapse of all the banking systems

Cause "they" use great amount of Money to Cover UP -Nibiru- Too Many Dead Scientist...

stage 2 will be some kind of pandemic (no not swine flu!)

These are Programed Population Reductions Stages By TPTB, They like Playing Chess...
Today they Said to the World "Check"

stage 3 will be Mr Yellowstone Park (it's overdue)
It Will Try to Ignite, but at these time all the others Changes induced by The Anomaly will Stop Yellowstone! Don`t Worry About this one!

stage 4 things will really go to [censored]
The Main Pole Shift Event...

You will start wondering what is the Secundary Pole Shift Event?...
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

sounds about right 2 me mate.

sounds like u r sure of what will happen? how is this?
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

I'm no time traveller ...

Then WHY are you posting in the TIME TRAVEL CLAIMS section ? Like we need another thread on this "stuff" !

Much like time_travel_36 predicted, with Niburu approaching will cause the pole shifts

Time Travel 36 ? Who is that ? Or do you mean Timeline 39 ?

Does anyone bother to notice that the material posted by the "consiracy theorists" are based from authors that make up their own "facts" without any "actual" support ?

Posted by Timeline39 - 09/15/08 11:14 AM

"Originally sent to November 2003 to try and coax John Titor out of hiding..."

John Titor was proven a hoax a long time ago...so doesn't any one ever connect this fact with posts that include such a statement ?

... Niburu approaching will cause the pole shifts

Planet X disproved

" Planet X was a hypothetical ninth planet believed to be beyond Neptune from the late 1800s until the discovery of Pluto in 1930, and a hypothetical tenth planet beyond Pluto from 1978 before finally being disproven in 1993 "

"1993 Myles Standish used data from Voyager 2's 1989 flyby of Neptune, which had revised the planet's total mass downward by 0.5%—an amount comparable to the mass of Mars — to recalculate its gravitational effect on Uranus. When Neptune's newly determined mass was used in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Developmental Ephemeris (JPL DE), the supposed discrepancies in the Uranian orbit vanished. Moreover, there are no discrepancies in the trajectories of any space probes such as Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 that can be attributed to the gravitational pull of a large undiscovered object in the outer Solar System. The overwhelming consensus among astronomers is that Planet X, as Lowell defined it, does not exist.

" Today, the astronomical community widely agrees that Planet X, as originally envisioned, does not exist "

" Planet X is a planet or brown dwarf believed by some internet conspiracy theorists to be on the verge of destroying Earth. For information on this see ZetaTalk . "

" Zecharia Sitchin (born 1922) is an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts.

Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the "Annunaki" (or "Nephilim"), a race of aliens from a planet he [Stichin] calls Nibiru , which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System.

He asserts that Sumerian mythology reflects this view , though his speculations are entirely discounted by professional scientists, historians, and archaeologists, who note many problems with his translations of ancient texts and with his understanding of physics.

In recent years, the work of Zecharia Sitchin has garnered much attention among ufologists, ancient astronaut theorists and conspiracy theorists. He claims to have uncovered, through his own retranslations of Sumerian texts, evidence that the human race was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from a distant planet in our own Solar System. Part of his theory lies in an astronomical interpretation of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, in which he replaces the names of gods with hypothetical planets. However, since the principal evidence for Sitchin's claims lies in his own personally derived etymologies and not on any scholarly agreed interpretations (including scholars among the Sumerians themselves) , his theories remain at most pseudoscience to the vast majority, if not the totality, of academics.

Beginning in 1995, websites such as ZetaTalk have identified Nibiru or "Planet X" as a large brown dwarf currently within our planetary system, soon to pass relatively close to Earth. Sitchin [ Himself ] disagrees with the timing of passage. "

So exactly what "facts" are you left with to support ANY claims of supposed TIME TRAVELERS ?
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

Then WHY are you posting in the TIME TRAVEL CLAIMS section ? Like we need another thread on this shi* !

not bein rude mate but if u don't have anything nice or constructive to say don't post
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

not bein rude mate but if u don't have anything nice or constructive to say don't post

I have nothing against you, personally, Choas1986, and I could have phrased things a bit differently. The reasons as to why I oppose posts similar in nature to your original post in this thread is written eleswhere in TTI.

This continuous stream of "doom" doesn't fit into the scheme of what TIME TRAVEL includes, as stated on the INDEX page.

Time Travel Claims

Claims about success and experiments in time travel.

I'm just curious how you feel this topic fits into this category ?

Rude ?

I apologize for my rude comments, and will edit my post.

Constructive ?

Um, possibly the fact that most of the information used to support claims from time travel claimants is based on rumor's, distortions, hoax's, false information, playing on people's fear's ? pointing this out could be viewed as "constructive" if people bothered to look into the sources of the claims from so-called Time Travelers.
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

You wouldn't happened to have read the comments regarding the video posted below it, did you ?

Kind of goes along with what you said ...FEAR can be a mind-killer, AND possibly financially rewarding for those who are out to make a buck on increasing people's fears to the point they panic, and will shell out some cash to "save themselves" from all the impending doom...or do something worse.

The arm-chair "conspiracy theorist's" might not be holding the gun, but they are loading the ammunition.
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

The so called coming apocalypse WILL ultimately be a good thing for humanity.

We cannot continue the way we are going it just isn't possible. There is only limited resources, limited patience and limited money, and it is ALL running out fast, either the apocalypse will stop this or it will become the apocalypse itself.

a lot of people will unfortunately die, but a majority of these will be the people who stay in the cities rioting, looting or staying with their families. it will be very sad but for the world and humanity it will be a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things and it will be very very good for all survivors & future generations.
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

I'm no time traveller but i do kind of know (i just know i don't know how, i've known for a long time) just how things will play out and have done for many many years

Basically there are 2 scenarios....

Scenario 1
stage 1 will be the collapse of all the banking systems
stage 2 will be some kind of pandemic (no not swine flu!)
stage 3 will be Mr Yellowstone Park (it's overdue)
stage 4 things will really go to [censored]

Scenario 2
Much like time_travel_36 predicted, with Niburu approaching will cause the pole shifts which in turn will cause all sorts of chaos (Yellowstone will go off) but will ultimately be good for us all to go through.

Yeah and don,t forget that we can,t measure future events with 100 percent accuracy specifically because it is kinda of like the uncertainly principle. As soon as you look at it then that changes everything.
Re: I\'m no time traveller but I do know...

uh hu!

The Torquemada of Time Travel....


Both W.H.O (World Health Organization) and C.D.C (Center for Disease Control) are reporting that this strain of Swine Flu is:

"Mutating and Spreading At An Alarming Rate. Never Before Seen."
They are also very concerned of a Pandemic at this point.