I'm from the year 2039

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Temporal Novice
I\'m from the year 2039

hi everybody, i'm a time traveler from the year 2039. in my worldline i live in rome,italy. After John and Ethan Titor's trvels the european union decided to spend money on time travels research and sent me back here in the year 2007. I've never met John and Ethan but i can tell you that the Unix timeout bug is giving us a lot of problems, more than what Titor expected and the IBM 5100 didn't resolve the bug. In this future we all use Mac, windows is dead and linux became illegal for copyright and file sharing problems. Unix was bought by Apple and we use it to write codes to program mac and all other softwares. Titor said europe was completely destroyed but i was lying. Anyway i'm here in 2007 to bring back in 2039 a particular machine. It's a time travel machine projected here in italy by Fermi...it's something that we call "cronovisor"...pratically it's something like a tv that works with maths equations and alloud people to see the past on its screen. It's been secretly kept in the vatican for 40 years and now we want to study it and bring it back in our future for some reasons i don't know. I'm a soldier, i only know what to bring back in 2039 but not what's the reason the government want it. I'll give you all the details later. I wait your answers. Sorry for my english, it's not perfect but now in 2039 we speak an english dialect...it's a crossover...every nationality got his own english dialect infulenced by its own official language of the past...something like the spanglish that south americans use in the usa in your worldline...
Re: I\'m from the year 2039

You are posting in the wrong forum, hoaxer. All TT claims go in the forum so named.

Ths thread is locked. Go post this in the other forum.

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