Re: Ghost of Christmas Presents!
I believe that the correct combination/manipulation of frequencies of sound and light will result in a vacuum of time and space. A portal if you will
You're on the right track. Part of the answer will come down to vacuum solutions. We can have some very weird (and helpful) phenomena occuring in "perfect" vacuums.
We've already discussed in a general way Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty. It underlies all of QM. It even applies to a "perfect" vacuum.
In Titor's story he and I were discussing the problem of hard gamma ray emissions in the Hawking radiation surrounding his black holes. He gave a quick and dirty, "We control Hawking radiation because no extraneous matter falls into the black hole."
He didn't know what he was talking about.
In a perfect vacuum we are still under the effects of uncertainty. We cannot say that the velocity, charge and mass of the particles in the vacuum are precisely zero. There has to be some uncertainty even if absolutely no particles are present (Did I mention that vacuum solutions can be weird?).
The vacuum is actually boiling with virtual particles. These virtual particles pop into existence and disappear. How do they accomplish this magic? They are created as virtual particle/anti-particle pairs of opposite charge (like an electron and positron). But the energy has to be zero in the real world. So, one of the particles has positive energy, the other has negative energy. One is gravitationally attractive, the other is repulsive (the negative energy particle).
They are created, their opposite charges attract them back to gether and they annihilate. But one had positive energy. The other had exactly the same negative energy. Sum: zero real energy. No problem with energy conservation.
(You might ask what assures that they come back together. Can't they just zip away from each other and avoid annihilation? The answer is generally, no. They have so little energy, almost absolute zero energy, that their velocities are almost zero relative to each other. They simply don't have sufficient velocity to overcome the electrical attraction that brings them into contact.)
These virtual particles are popping in all over the universe - everywhere. They are what becomes Hawking radiation. If you can directly control the virtual pair creation you don't need comething as crude as a black hole. You've already managed to directly manipulate spacetime.
If you introduce a black hole into the vacuum then you have introduced a huge gravitational energy boost at the edge of the event horizon. When the virtual pairs are created in that area they gain huge amounts of energy - enough to become real particles. The positive energy particle can escape from the black hole because it has sufficient energy and velocity to do so. The negative energy particle, instead of speeding up when it gains energy, it slows down (for it to gain energy means that its energy is getting more positive, i.e.approaching zero energy). It then enters the black hole and adds its negative energy to the BH. That's where the evaporation comes from - the negative energy from the heretofore negative energy virtual particle made real due to the massive energy of the gravitational field. Energy = Mass. This speeds up the reaction because the temperature (which is based on the virtual pair creation) is inversely proportional to the surface area of the BH. When it loses mass the radius from the singularity to the event horizon decreases - thus the surface area of the event horizon decreases. The decrease in surface area results in an increase in the rate of virtual pair made real creation. This is a runaway reaction that only gets hotter as time goes forward. Eventually it will liberate the energy of millions of hydrogen bombs in a single instant.
Micro-black holes can't be used for time travel. Not all of the virtual pairs created manage to avoid mutual annihilation. Most of them come back together. But they no longer possess close to zero energy. The sum of their original mass is still zero but the gravitational energy gained is real - and huge. The black hole would not be black. It would be white hot. In the case of the upper limit set by Titor (the mass of a small mountain - he took that ditty directly out of Hawkings "A Brief History of Time" almost verbatim) - the temperature of the BH would be many millions of degrees - and would have a lifetime of about 15 billion years. Not a good thing for Earth to have on-board, let alone two of those suckers.
So, we need a large BH or we need to be able to manipulate the vacuum directly. Huge theoretical and practical problems in either case. The vacuum is a sum zero game. Manipulating it to extract the virtual particles, under most conceivable circumstances, still yields a zero sum game.
That's why there are quite a few real physicists working on the problem and publishing their findings on ArXiv/LANL.. You keep pluging away with well founded and researched ideas, put them out for your collegues to read and comment on and inspire them to take your work just one baby step at a time forward.
We don't know if general relativity actually allows TT. But we won't find the anwer unless we ask the question. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
How is this Hawking radiation issue "helpful"? If you could find a way to harness the micro-black hole and use it for a spaceship's power you really would have an endless supply of virtually free energy - lots of energy - with an exhaust velocity very close to the speed of light.
Now, turning the engine off might be a bit of a problem, Mr. Titor's assertion aside. But you could use it as an expendible booster drive. When you attain the velocity that you desire you cut it loose.
Crude - but effective.
You'd have to have the ability to create another booster at your destination if you wanted to go home at any appreciable velocity.