Temporal Novice
Hello, my name codename is Timeslider. I am from the year 2065. I am 28 years old. I was born in the year 2037. I came back to try to prevent the occupation of the United States by the Islamic Federation. It starts when the United States abandons Iraq in 2008. What happens then Iran and Syria occupies Iraq.
With the oil of Iran and Iraq and the Nuclear Bomb developed by Iran in 2012 Irans's sphere of infuence spreads through out the Middle East. The Arab League disbands in 2020 and forms the Islamic Federation. Mass riots and coups starts in Europe supported by the Islamic Federation. The United Nations is eventually disbanded. Israel is occupied by the Islamic Federation.
In 2035 the United States refuses to adopt Islamic Sharia Law. In responce the Islamic Federation imposes Full Economic and Political Sanctions aginst the United States. By 2045 The US Economy collapes New depression begins. 2046 the United States signs treaty excpeting Islamic Sharia Law. 20 states refuses to recognize the treaty New
Civil War begins.
Islamic Federation launches Nuclear Attacks on several of the states.
2058 Civil War ends. Islamic Federation occupies United States. by 2060
the Islamic Federation controls 2/3 of the world.
There is a World Resistance. It was poorly organized by 2065 it is close to beaing whiped out. The North American Resistance learned of a Temporal
Research Facility in the north western sector of the north american zone.
We launched one last attack to try to send someone back to prevent this timeline from happening.
Hello, my name codename is Timeslider. I am from the year 2065. I am 28 years old. I was born in the year 2037. I came back to try to prevent the occupation of the United States by the Islamic Federation. It starts when the United States abandons Iraq in 2008. What happens then Iran and Syria occupies Iraq.
With the oil of Iran and Iraq and the Nuclear Bomb developed by Iran in 2012 Irans's sphere of infuence spreads through out the Middle East. The Arab League disbands in 2020 and forms the Islamic Federation. Mass riots and coups starts in Europe supported by the Islamic Federation. The United Nations is eventually disbanded. Israel is occupied by the Islamic Federation.
In 2035 the United States refuses to adopt Islamic Sharia Law. In responce the Islamic Federation imposes Full Economic and Political Sanctions aginst the United States. By 2045 The US Economy collapes New depression begins. 2046 the United States signs treaty excpeting Islamic Sharia Law. 20 states refuses to recognize the treaty New
Civil War begins.
Islamic Federation launches Nuclear Attacks on several of the states.
2058 Civil War ends. Islamic Federation occupies United States. by 2060
the Islamic Federation controls 2/3 of the world.
There is a World Resistance. It was poorly organized by 2065 it is close to beaing whiped out. The North American Resistance learned of a Temporal
Research Facility in the north western sector of the north american zone.
We launched one last attack to try to send someone back to prevent this timeline from happening.