If you were told about your death...?


Quantum Scribe
If you were told about your death from one time traveller would you divert your death?

And another time traveller told you to never time travel but it would go towards your eventual death?

Or would you find ways to time travel when you knew of ways to go and do and you had three options, knowing a government agency had it, visit some random people, or somehow come up with your own method that could take 20 years longer than your death date?

Just some thoughts on the situation. It might seem fictional or just hypothetical. Anyways, would you face your death or find a way to time travel?

By facing death it could also mean hatred of the world or even eventual peace of the world as well.
Definitely live, but living is merely procrastinating death, avoiding death. Sooner or later though, old age will take you. But if I could prolong my life by even two weeks, I would. Because those two weeks might give another possibility to lift the imminence of death. If me living would cause a tsunami or another world war though, I would accept my fate, there is far more at risk that I care about than is worth living for.
Or would you find ways to time travel when you knew of ways to go and do and you had three options, knowing a government agency had it, visit some random people, or somehow come up with your own method that could take 20 years longer than your death date?

Here's the problem with your scenario:

1) The time traveler apparently witnessed some event in the future that was the proximate cause of your demise. If that's the case then that is your future (and his for that matter - he was a witness).

2) You can avoid the event somehow by time traveling or by use of any other mechanism. If that's the case then it was not your future that he witnessed. Who or what he saw is a bit of a mystery. We assume from the scenario that he was convinced beyond any doubt that it was you.

3) He actually did witness the event and you actually avoided the event. You both surmise that it had to be some other universe where your look-alike/live-alike resides. In that case it wasn't you at all and it wasn't your future.

The real issue of witnessing what appears to be the future is that what was witnessed to occur did actually occur. There are witnesses to and other undeniable physical evidence of the event. That one person traveled in time and then went back to his "present" and told someone the details that he witnessed - all of this totally unbeknown to the other non time traveler witnesses - can't possibly change their knowledge of the event nor can it somehow whisk back the photons (the visual record) from the event that had been traveling away from the origin at the speed of light. If just before your passed away you sent out an SOS with a super-duper laser pointed at Alpha Proxima I assure you that, in theory at least, 4 years later they would receive the SOS irrespective of any time traveler intervention.

I said "in theory" because we really can't imagine a "pocket" laser so well focused that the beam could travel 4 LY distance and be received intact. Maybe with a huge giga watt laser it could happen but not a hand held AA battery laser pen. But in theory as a gedankenexperiment it is possible. :)