If you were 5 years old again

Probably just lie on the ground and convulse. A 5 year old child's brain could not contain the years of knowledge you have acquired over your lifetime dumped into it instantly. Imagine your brain trying to encode billions of new synapse pathways in seconds verses the years you had to do it naturally.

How would you go about doing that?
Why? Where to?
Why? Well because I would soon die then to live my child hood all over again and where? Well I would present my self to others and get known would be the smartest 5 year old in the world then go to collage and at a young age and then go find the person that sent me back in time and kick their butts and then who knows what I would do but I sure would hope I would end up where I am today because I could not be happier

How would you go about doing that?
Well, I will try to contact people, dealing with science, and will explain them technologies from the future. Like the microwave oven, a washing machine with a drier, how the lcd monitors work, new medical operations, the endoscopy and the pill cam technology, new for them architecture designs, etc.

Probably just lie on the ground and convulse. A 5 year old child's brain could not contain the years of knowledge you have acquired over your lifetime dumped into it instantly. Imagine your brain trying to encode billions of new synapse pathways in seconds verses the years you had to do it naturally.
Maybe the the skull will need t be stretched a bit but by 5 the human brain is almost as big as the adult.

Maybe I could of even used 3 as the detination age. I dont think anyone is sure how memories are stored, I heve read theories about quantum states in nuerons. As there is always spare nuerons a mind can probably be compressed to a smaller size although that would limit the ability to learn new things. But can we just assume whatever magic is required rearrange your neurons so that they are identical to your current configuration happens quickly without a hitch. I intended this to be a fun what would you do thread.

Well, I will try to contact people, dealing with science, and will explain them technologies from the future. Like the microwave oven, a washing machine with a drier, how the lcd monitors work, new medical operations, the endoscopy and the pill cam technology, new for them architecture designs, etc.
No offense but this must make you quite old perhaps people should give the context of which year this would put them in in there replies.

My 3rd birthday was in the year 84. I would explain to my parent my knowledge of physics which should clue them in that I am not kidding, and tell them the history to the present day. I would then do the boy genius novelty act of a small child that talks like an adult with allot of knowledge, dont think I would tell anyone outside the family that I know future events although certain disasters would make that tempting, try to become a child actor so that I can get some money to buy Microsoft stock, in the late 90's shift from microsoft stack to apple just before the Ipod comes in but by then the butterfly effect will probably kick in. Hopefully in the 90's I have succeeded in creating the first paypal, ebay, facebook, amazon, google website with a user friendly interface, so I have enough money to create my own mp3 player/smart phone company and operating system.
