If TT is real....


Chrono Cadet

If time travel is real...meaning it is invented in our future...

what is the likelihood this website and any others related could and would be crawling w government, CIA, &whatever/whomever else in hopes to gain knowledge...or worse

Could the sites themselves be....corrupted??

Remember the movie 'men who stare at goats'....

And we know they were largely involved in remote viewing....

What are the odds they would be snooping around here??

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I imagine anything that can be used to dissolve their power would be monitored. And as time travel could (depending on its true nature) be used to essentially disrupt anything, the discerning politition would no doubt be concerned with sanctioning such activities. And our affiliation with a certain future Floridian militiaman will have made us a target for investigation I'm sure.

Question:If time travel is real...meaning it is invented in our future...what is the likelihood this website and any others related could and would be crawling w government, CIA, &whatever/whomever else in hopes to gain knowledge...or worse

Could the sites themselves be....corrupted??

Remember the movie 'men who stare at goats'....

And we know they were largely involved in remote viewing....

What are the odds they would be snooping around here??
No, the site is not corrupted by super secret government agents. People keep looking for conspiracies that aren't there. Becomes annoying really. As far as what any government agents would probably be looking for is an un-balanced person who claims to be a time traveler, and then goes out and does something dumb ( like set off a bomb ) to create proof of his or her claim.As far as I know, there was one Dept. of Justice agent here for awhile, but, he was up front with who he was and who he worked for...but he hasn't participated in any discussions in years.

And you forgot to mention the theory that Time Travel Institute is actually a message board for real time travelers. The posts are encoded, as messages are being passed between the time traveling group.


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My relatives are focused on outside terrorism and cyber attacks from places like Russia and China, not silly message boards. I'm sure the government has software that scans the internet for them. They wouldn't waste their time signing up. There are no top secrets posted here. Just sayin'.

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My opinion is based on the popularity of the subject between fairly intelligent people throughout history.

They are watched and were watched when they lived. Think of the most intelligent people ever and this subject ,

Do we as a forum have enough relevence to attract those mathmatically inclined or scientifically interested in the subject?

I think we attract them but they are not participating.

No, the site is not corrupted by super secret government agents. People keep looking for conspiracies that aren't there. Becomes annoying really. As far as what any government agents would probably be looking for is an un-balanced person who claims to be a time traveler, and then goes out and does something dumb ( like set off a bomb ) to create proof of his or her claim.As far as I know, there was one Dept. of Justice agent here for awhile, but, he was up front with who he was and who he worked for...but he hasn't participated in any discussions in years.And you forgot to mention the theory that Time Travel Institute is actually a message board for real time travelers. The posts are encoded, as messages are being passed between the time traveling group.

Not 'looking' for conspiracies haha just trying to get people thinking.And I could see how individuals thinking outside of the box is annoying....

people don't normally like to have their view point challenged.

Look at how nuts people get about things they are passionate about/believe in....

hence why religion and politics are a 'no no' hahaha

Point is we are thinking....and talking....correct or not.

However...I will say, wheres theres smoke...there is usually fire :)

I may not be 100% correct but I have proven something in the bath water isn't clean here.

(remember our private mod discussion about the deleting/editing of posts...I proved myself then as well)

As far as the dept of justice person lurking about.....very interesting!!!!

I love that he was actually here and open about his intentions.

So cool.

Also, I didnt forget to mention that theory :)

I believe the people who believe TT will be invented at some point already know and accept that as fact.

If ya snoop around and you'll find it to be true.

(not you...you meaning any/every one)


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My relatives are focused on outside terrorism and cyber attacks from places like Russia and China, not silly message boards. I'm sure the government has software that scans the internet for them. They wouldn't waste their time signing up. There are no top secrets posted here. Just sayin'.
It has been mentioned many times that this forum is known in the future....so I wouldn't necessarily call it a "silly message board" haha

Also, I agree...I do not think 90% of them would sign up...but

I do however think the other 10% that signed up would just be trolling around bulling/being aggressive to the kind hearted people who believe in hopes to control/change things.

China is building a hydrogen/particle collider....

I think that says more about the science of TT than randoms on the internet.

No. I don't think they care. If 10% or 20% of the population get totally screwed, I think its an acceptable casualty number.
Thats what Ive always said.scientists, government officials, doctors, physicists.....

they can afford to be wrong about TT.

What do we....

you, me, the majority of humanity..have to offer the future if we are wrong and this war actually hits....hence them not caring about our opinions on TT and the physics behind it haha

again, we are currently in an arms race w China to build a collider.

WHY if none of this is real......

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I agree.I believe they are watching...and thinking...and creating :)
I was thinking we could create an organization comprised of a database of missing person's so that we could retrieve them to a later date and time. A form of temporal reconnaissance....

There was that wrist watch in the tomb thing in China. I might have interpreted it wrong in the past, or been half right about it. The open hands stood for the possibility of something happening. Now I have seen that the hands have moved down to the 4 o'clock and 7 o'clock positions in some of their postings, which means the probability is now much lower, or perhaps I have it the other way around, but I don't think so. So it has turned into a virtual red robot at this point, unless we are in that little wedge left over. This is a concept of misconception I talked about before in another post.

I'm still not really sure what they were trying to do, but it appears to be waning in influence. I am calling it the Chinese Time Travel Scam though, and you should watch out for it.

It seems like there would be a lot more sites dealing with time travel, but this one barely stays afloat.

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