If there are aliens, why would they bother talking to us ?


Chrono Cadet
For aliens to reach earth, their technology would have to be far more advanced then ours. Also possibly they might have evolved so they no longer even need physical bodies. Maybe they no longer have the capability of speech as we know it, but have evolved to use a much more advanced method of communication.

So if there are aliens, why would they actually bother contacting us ? Everything they need to know about us they could find out just by observation.

Not necessarily true. We observe all sorts of things but never truly understand them. I would think intellegent beings would seek us out for the same reasons we do, to further our knowledge and understanding. Its what they observe from the outside that worries me. We are not a welcoming or compassionate species ...

I would imagine that a hyper-advanced extraterrestrial civilization capable of interstellar travel would have a fairly anthropological interest in studying us, so as to situate their probable natural curiosity regarding what would be to them a strangle new albeit less advanced alien species--comparable to how we humans study the social structures of apes and mere-cats.

To that end, I would suspect that they would keep their presence a secret at least at first, perhaps following the equivalent of Star Trek's Prime Directive. Eventually, they may attempt to integrate one of their members into our society for closer observation and perhaps even attempt communication as such--as per Jane Goodall and the chimps that she famously studied.

Beyond that... I highly doubt, in our current state, that such advanced beings would see us as close-enough-to-equals to establish diplomatic relations or any such thing. Certainly, its unlikely that we could teach anything with respect to science--but they again may have a natural curiosity about our history, mythology, etc.

And, of course, there's the potential of an interest in Earth's resources... which would probably not go well for us.

And, of course, there's the potential of an interest in Earth's resources... which would probably not go well for us.
Humans are extremely paranoid, unless planet earth has some sort of resource that is not available in the rest of the universe why would the aliens bother ? Assuming we have some sort of resource, the aliens would have far more advanced technology, so they could just trade with us for this resource.Ants are interesting to study, but if humans could open diplomatic relations with ants I am not sure what type of things we would discuss.

When I capped off my earlier post by referring to things not ending well for humans if aliens were interested in Earth's resources, I was thinking of this commentary from Stephen Hawking on the subject: "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans." Admittedly, I was fairly remiss in not including the article and Hawking's quote there at the time.

Regardless, if Earth had some resource that a highly advanced extraterrestrial species were interested in, and the visiting species were so far advanced compared to us that we would be like ants to them: why would they open up diplomatic relations with us or trade advanced tech with us for our resources? (Peaceful aliens would quite likely not trust us with such advanced technology whereas hostile aliens wouldn't bother with trading or diplomacy at all.) Consider how poorly Europeans treated the indigenous populations, ecology, and wildlife of their colonies in past centuries, and note that was humanity exploiting a relatively minor technological advantage over other members of our own species on our own planet. Why would we expect better from beings to whom we are mere ants?

Personally, I would suspect the anthropological Jane Goodall-esque response I mentioned earlier from a species so far advanced as to perfect interstellar travel--but I would hardly call it paranoid to consider the alternative, and reflect on who we would act and had acted in similar situations ourselves.

I’m someone who thinks we may not be able to perceive aliens. Either because we’re not psychologically ready, or we’re not physically ready. So I think it’s entirely possible that they might be trying to contact us, but because their mode of communication may be something we cannot comprehend, we simply think they aren’t communicating with us. And I do agree that peaceful aliens would probably be more interested in communicating with us from an anthropological standpoint than a diplomatic one.

For aliens to reach earth, their technology would have to be far more advanced then ours. Also possibly they might have evolved so they no longer even need physical bodies. Maybe they no longer have the capability of speech as we know it, but have evolved to use a much more advanced method of communication.So if there are aliens, why would they actually bother contacting us ? Everything they need to know about us they could find out just by observation.
So, if we found another intelligent (though way less intelligent than us. Along the lines of sheep, cows, etc) species on another planet do you see us just observing them for far away or actually going there to make contact? Simple question isn't it.

I think they may take a interest in the earth women like in old movies they show that they need earth women or man would be surprising if it happened that way. I think they may take a interest in, our technology and see what we can do and what earth is like as well and may want to understand it as well. I hope that, they come in peace as if they have superior technology than we don't have a chance at fighting them and winning the war.
