Temporal Novice
ok, we all talk about would it be possible to travel through time forward, backwards whatever, would'nt it be simpiler to send a text message back through time. an electronic message to a destination defined by a phone number it's co-ordinate say, ok so sounds simple i can send a message in real time but we would need to defy all the known laws of time and space. but seems more realistic than goin back in a police box /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif this is just a suggestion, i have no idea how to do it but its an idea at the moment. Imagine sending the winning lottery numbers to your mobile phone. or warning urself of sumthing. obviously paradox's would emerge but that wud happen anywhere. just think about it. any idea's how it would work wud be appreciated. don't get into an argument corsality and paradoxes thats not the discussion just wud it be possible.