i wonder if we can send text messages through time


Temporal Novice
ok, we all talk about would it be possible to travel through time forward, backwards whatever, would'nt it be simpiler to send a text message back through time. an electronic message to a destination defined by a phone number it's co-ordinate say, ok so sounds simple i can send a message in real time but we would need to defy all the known laws of time and space. but seems more realistic than goin back in a police box /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif this is just a suggestion, i have no idea how to do it but its an idea at the moment. Imagine sending the winning lottery numbers to your mobile phone. or warning urself of sumthing. obviously paradox's would emerge but that wud happen anywhere. just think about it. any idea's how it would work wud be appreciated. don't get into an argument corsality and paradoxes thats not the discussion just wud it be possible.
well, I think if you knew the lottery numbers and had them to send in the future, then the drawig would have taken place, so that wouldn't really work. I don't see how it could be sent back in time but I suppose it might be possible to send it forward in time. I read a thread on this board about a month or so ago by a guy that was trying something similar to what you are saying but he was doing it with his computer. I don't recall exactly how he said this worked but I remember thinking it was possible after reading it. I agree, it would be really cool if we could text ourselves in the past or future... I would text myself on the day that I proposed to my wife and tell myself to think twice.
i think sending it back is possible, sending it forward we could just put a delay on the tranmission. because its a radio wave electronic pulse that would be easier to send back through time than a spaceship or something. i wander if you could change the properties of the signal from electoronic pulse to a light emission then after a certain time change back to its original property which would release the message and be picked up by the mobile. not use normal light use a negative shadow send it away from earth and use positive light to comeback then change it to its original property of an electronic signal.
Yeah, You can do it... on an old phone, send a message to a new phone, it'll take anywhere from a day to a week to get there... I guess that's into the future...
I have been thinking and working on this since few years, I believe it
is possible even with our today technologies. we should already try to
build receptors in case in the next fews years we can send back some
data , you think about lottery ? well u may be disappointed and may find out that big
lottery org are all cheaters : ) , I was thinking more on my side about
medical cure..and preventing natural disaster or others...
yeah that would work, but i wanna send it back through time tell myself lottery numbers or warn myself of certain things. it is time travel just not how you would think. i.e not traveling through time myself.

I happen to know that by the mid 20's people placed adds in the newspapers inviting travelers from the future to come back and visit them. Does that marks it as a text through time?

Until later becomes now