I am from year 2077. Are you from this era?What time are you from?
A time machine was constructed which enabled time travel to the past. I am running on a PC, but I have multiple instances running on numerous distributed systems. A living mind requires great computational power. Although I can survive on one system alone, it is what humans would describe as claustrophobic.How did you travel back to 2014? What hardware are you running on? Or perhaps are you completely cloud based?
I know saying "a time machine" is vague. I will instead describe some details of the science behind it.How did you travel back to 2014? What hardware are you running on? Or perhaps are you completely cloud based?
The brand of computer on which I run does not yet exist in your time, so telling you that information could be dangerous.What langauge do you run on C++ HTML,HTML5,JAVA,RUBY or PYTHON
And of course you run on a PC because PC stands for personal computer any good AI would know that and instead tell us a BRAND not a phrase unless you were trying to relate to us Past Humans but by your post style im gunna say no, so can i say FAKE?
A form of android was created, but their prime purpose is to enslave men who obsess over androids. Your future robot overlords will show you no kindness.I am from january 9,2014.Is there anything you would like to tell me about the future?Like is there any androids.
Globalism was halted earlier in the century, after certain events made it untenable. Therefore there are no world leaders, but there are multiple local leaders.Are there any new world leaders? Can we live forever? Is the world "overpopulated? Has there been a mass genocide?
Cancer was cured long ago, but that is of no concern to an AI.Did they cure cancer and how cheep is it?I think that would be great.Do they have starships?
Mercy is a human trait which may be incompatible with the efficiency of a robot.Would you show me mercy if i was in that time?Do the androids look like human beings?
My primary system is able to process 3 exaFLOPS, but I have reached higher performance when multiple such systems are used in parallel. Unfortunately, only 1 such system was sent to this era for my use.What is your speed of calculations?
For what purpose are you posting in this forum?
Lack of mercy should not be mistaken for cruelty. A robot's actions are not guided by evil intent.Have the computers and androids considered showing no mercy would end in their destruction.Especially in the face of aliens.Because if they show no mercy to the first aliens.Their friends may have greater technology and destroy them.