I will be a time traveler


Temporal Novice
Not sure if this is the proper place to post, but would it be ok to assume if you time travel in the future, you have always been a time traveler.? From the perspective of time itself, are past and future really any different?

Good point, but it sounds like John Titor when he went back in time to see his self as a young boy? If I were to have seen myself as an old man when I was around 8 and then again around 16 years old, would that make me a time traveler too even though I have not done that so far? I know it sounds strange to ask this question, but I did see me as an old man twice that I know of so far. I am wondering if it was another me from another timeline or will I be going to do this myself? I don't like the idea of going into the unknown unless I see another person do it first and return safely.

There is another time of my life when I had a HS teacher that like that I scored in the top ten percent nation wide on my SAT science exam.

His son and I were HS friends at school and one day when I stayed after class to help clean up as a way to pick my teachers brain about science questions, he ask me a question about what I thought the strongest force in the universe was. To make a long story short I skip that part and tell you about the other thing he told me: He ask me to listen to a pin drop on the table and tell him if I could hear the sound. I said yes and then he ask if I could still hear the sound, and I answered no. He then told me that the sound and event were still there but we moved away from the event through time and space. That is when he said that we have the technology to return to that space/time event and had people at Los Alamos labs doing that. At the time he shared this with me I did not believe him back in 1965 partly because he would not tell me who gave him that information from that lab in NM. All he would say was that it was relatives he stayed with last summer to get ideas of how to build the new science lab at the new HS. I still have a hard time believing that time travel is real, but I'll continue to listen to such reports with an open mind.

The next thing I did was to call my HS friend and the son of my teacher last winter to say I was sorry for using his fathers name on a radio show as the person that ask me to never share the secrets he told me back in 1965. My friend said that it was OK because his uncle Phil wrote a tell all book in 1997 and died a year after. I asked him the last name of his uncle and was told it was Corso. Now I just found out where Mr. Cole got the secret information. I kept the secrets longer then my teacher! I could never finish the book called the Day After Roswell because is did not sound real to me. After I was informed as to where the secrets came from I reread the book. I guess that I am a skeptic at heart?

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If time is a dimension and we are able to travel both backward and forward on it, then you are technically always everything you ever will or have been.

Travelling back in time does not re-create the past, that is impossible, instead it must visit dimensional locations that are currently in existence. Time travel is our way of accessing these dimensional locations, without a mode of time travel we have no access to them. Consider an analogy to movement: We move in the space dimension, a mountain exists in this dimension, we cannot access this mountain without a method of locomotion within the space dimension, like our legs. We currently have no methods of locomotion backwards in the time dimension. We have a natural tendency to move forward in this dimension, and we can speed up how quickly we move forward through this dimension, but we have not figured out how to move backward.

If you were to somehow move backward in time and find yourself at a younger age, that means that there is a different physical copy of you in another location in this dimension. Theoretically, if you were able to reduce time to its smallest unit, then there should be as many of you as there are single time units in your life span. So there are many yous all reaching back to your conception. This leaves us with one problem: are these yous all considered to be the same being or is there a separate being for every time unit in your entire existence? If all the yous are to be considered the same as one you, then you are technically your entire life in one instance. You are a baby, adult, geriatric, all simultaneously. You are yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If all the yous are separate and individual beings, than all you are is this moment. You are one unit of time, and you have become several new beings while reading this.

I love it when some people act like they know how it all works! I am still looking for answers as I listen to others state the facts? There is the FACT that I did see and communicate with three grays and that is all I know for sure. I won't make a statements about what I have learned from any other person that has not seen or had communications with a non human. To do so is giving second hand information, and to do so as if it were a fact is just plain wrong to the science of knowledge. I am here for one reason only and that is to find others that can help me find the truth as a first person witness. The folks that know won't talk and it seems the people that don't know give information as if it were fact. How may I remove my membership once again?

Give a listen to what Dan Sherman was told from an alien when he asked the alien if they can travel through time: The alien said "NO" they can not travel through time, but they can travel around in time! Secondly I was told to listen to a pin drop and see if I could hear the sound it made. Then after a minute past I was asked if I could still hear the sound. I said "NO"! Then I was told that the sound is still there but we moved away from the event in space/time. Get it? The information came from Phil Corso. Get it? It did not come from your science teacher.

99.99% of the teachers out there talk as if they know all there is to know about science. They do not!

So to you all time travelers as well as all aliens are cursed and may even be evil, but you are very wise and know this for a fact because?

I met a Gray at least once. Can't say I handled the situation very well and would do better next time, I hope. One thing that struck me was that I could not physically touch the alien. My matter was repelled on the atomic level when I got close.

so you did same here too i met the Gray alien but they are scary and smell the worst like sulfur water smell and walk like a monkey and they fly in the air anyway when i was met by UFOs i try to contact them but they came and boy i also meet the Repltian green face man.

I met a Gray at least once. Can't say I handled the situation very well and would do better next time, I hope. One thing that struck me was that I could not physically touch the alien. My matter was repelled on the atomic level when I got close.
well one thing is this they did not give me anything but took my Sperm and then did something but i was there alien abduction at my bed but i just got tired of it so no time travel no machine from them so the light being told them not to hurt me.
