I want to know why I jumped realites.


Quantum Scribe
I figure this is the right place to speak of my problem without fear of riddicule for my honesty.
Since about 96 subtle but noticable things have happened to me. Not often but to frequent for my taste. I am not on my original timeline and I want to know why?

My evidence for my belife.

Event one: I stole the DVD "fight club" from target in my younger days...I thought I was doing a good anarchist thing. Reguardless of the error in judgement I thought it was very funny and true to the anarchist spirit that the feature film was on the disk labeled extras and that the extras were on the disk labeled with the feature film....Today I have lost the extras disk but the feature film is now on the disk labeled feature film... a minor difference but a fact. Not a laspe in memory or a hallucination but something that should not be.

Event two: Ralph Nader is dead. I watched it on the news in 2006 Jan. I was amused (forgive me) because an ex-girlfriend of mine was a huge Nader supporter and I wondered what she was going to do now/then. Now the 08 elections are almost here and Nader is alive. Politics is a big part of my life. This is not a false memory. He should be dead of natural causes but here it is 07 and he lives and my history and the history of this world don't match.

Why is this happening to me? Did I get too close to a philidelphia experiment? Is something I did in the future messing up an finite number of mes' here in the past? Why am I reality hoping? Can anyone help me with my questions?
My theory is we live in a finite multiverse that allows for free will by causing the mind/consciousness/spirit/whatever to pass seamlessly between realities, facilitating every possible choice but still resulting in a vast but fixed structure. Maybe it just hurts my brain too much to imagine an infinite number of universes springing into existence every time somebody makes a choice. With a finite quantity of worlds, there are bound to be minimal differences that are noticeable. Those differences would raise to a "high strangeness" level whenever someone interacts with a time traveler or time communicator. There is a distinct physical sensation when this radical change occurs. A powerful deja vu type feeling and an out-of-place sensation occurs. After that, you will notice dramatic although seemingly irrelevant changes to reality - changes that nobody else notices unless they too had interactions with time travelers/communicators. I call this sensation an Altervu. It's possible to have an altervu experience while sleeping, which makes it harder to be aware of when things have changed. The death, life and death again of celebrities seem to be common altervus for many people. I've had those also and can't be sure there was any other source. It's easy to dismiss those altervus as a brain burp at work. Seeing buildings popping into existence is much harder to dismiss, but the mind still tries to rationalize it away.
Jim and I have had very personal experiences in this area. It was not an easy thing to go through
but you do adjust. May I ask why you have chosen the name "Titorite"? May I also ask why you think you may have got too close to an experiment ..Is there an event that sticks out to you?
I would never make fun of someone for experiencing these things its not easy because for one it is hard to explain to people and most of the time they really don't understand or believe you because nothing like that ever happened to them. I actually tried to confirm several things to make sure it was really happening to me. I asked lots of questions and I actually had people contact me because of the things I shared on line and learned quite a bit of stuff. What made it easier for me was to learn there were several other people who were going through the same thing and that I was not alone in it.
I choose the name because I belive his story...Say you wouldn't happen to know about a secert site called www.americanfederalempire.org would you...Most likely not...after I found it it was erased from the web along with its mirror site.

Anyways I wonder if I ever got to close to an experiment because I don't have an explination for things like the fight club dvd or Nader...Its disturbing to know your not where you were born into. What else has changed that you don't know about. Are all your family memories still true? Questions like that haunt me. Oh well like the man said...shrug it off and try to keep going.

Still some sort of answer for the strange phenomina would be nuce.
your mind is staying the course. The environment is not.

to help you understand further, I don't even knwo why I'm telling you this, butthere is small percentage of people (an animals too actually) that can sense alteration in time/space. You are not supposed to remember past lines, but certain memories stick with certain people. Rest assured that you are ok and that you did not get too close to an experiment. You just live in a time frame that has changed.

There have been many alterations, and long before you, your grandparents, this country have been around. The current USA is actaully a resultant of an alteration that happened in I think 1483, if I remember correctly.

My computer is beingtracked now, so take care.
Paul Eno (http://www.newenglandghosts.com/) has espoused some interesting theories on the nature of life, death, time and ghosts with regard to the multiverse. As an extension to your question ruthless, I wonder if "close calls" or near death experiences are big triggers for altervus. The "death" of you on another world forced your consciousness into a parallel world where you survived, but perhaps things were somewhat different. Titor talked about this subject as a result of traveling in time along different worldlines. He said it was due to "divergence." He didn't explain the sensations involved or the reason for the seemingly random differences. Since time/dimensional travel is a young science in his 2036, he might not have known everything about these phenomena.
Interesting web site. I see where he talks about multiple lines and even multiple personalities.

I have always wondered about people who have multiple personalities.I guess its actually rare.
If many world lines do exist and they have just had such a bad experience without really dieing
physically is it possible for them to open the door way to other lines as an escape? I would have to study it more because it doesn't make sense then for the new person who comes through to actually know what is going on wouldn't they be confused at all the newness around them Just popping into a whole new everything? But they do not appear to be and from what I have read they
even know of each other.
Or are they actually so weak from abuse that another spirit enters them? I think it is more than scientists think because I read a couple of times that each personality can even have different allergic reactions. How can that be a physical manifestation if it is just the same mind screwed up and trying to protect itself by sectioning off each personality itself? It kind of interests me.
Then you have someone like Nash (beautiful mind) His brain thought like a quantum computer.
He came up with things that no one else could but he also was starting to see physical stuff no one else saw. Like pieces of another reality. His brain could not tell the difference.
How is it his brain functioned at such a high level and be screwed up at the same time?
Bet you didn't know that Einstein had a schizophrenic son? Tesla saw futuristic visions?
You will probably find many quirky things about people considered great inventors and had great minds that could think about things far more than any of us.
They say there is a fine line between genius and insanity perhaps it is not really that far from the truth. The trick is to stay on the genius side.LOL But who can really describe insanity? Its simply a label slapped on something no one really fully understands.

Thanks alot Jim now I got off topic. lol
IT is true about the fine line. Genius runs in my family but so does insanity...It cost my father his life. Personaly I haven't done much yet with my mind...but I have a plan to lead this nation into true liberty with the proper constitutional amendments during the next constitutional convention. Right now I'm just building up quarks to go into the history of my life.....The scariest thing about the Titor story is the reformation after the civil war and N day. Haveing 5 presidents for five regions does not protect the nation from tyranny....It is possible to close the door on tyranny but first you must get the fraternal brothhood out of politics and that is an uphill battle considering they founded this country and control the majority of world politics.

One amendment Barring those in fraternal brother hoods from holding any office.

One amendment doing away with the electoral colleges and relying on the popular vote to elect the executive branch.

And one more amendment disolving the House of representives replacing it with the house of the people...vesting legislative authority directly into the hands of the people who are willing to take the time to participate....The idea is that we keep the senate to represent us and check us as a balence of power, while at the same time allowing us to speak for ourselves and truly be represented as opposed to todays congress which ignores the will of the people.

Also ending lifetime appointments to the judical branch would be a good idea too. They should be elected just like everyone else. Preferable with 10 or 20 year terms so that the transite passions of the people don't affect the elections like the founders feared.....

You know as I study the begining of the nation the constitution looks more like a stop gap measure meant to hold a fledgling nation together rather then the grand idea its espoused to be...Its saving grace is its amendablity.

Of course none of that has to do with reality hopping...I just got lost on a tangent.
Ethier 1; You smoke to much weed.
Or 2; The Electrical Stimuli Signals in your Brain are Misfiring.
I'd go with 1.
Oh and by the way, Thievery is not Anarchy.
So who are you and why do you tell me about what anarchy is and isn't? Why bother to inform about some basic political understanding? What does weed have to do with anything? Who was that masked stranger spouting off sardonic half quips?
I have been slipping between two timelines also. The way I know this is when I flip between them my eye position is in a slightly different position or that my head is not in the exact same position. The trick is not to go unconscious between the flips.
Wow, compared to that, my life is boring. Anyway....regardless.....LOVE is a strong force on your behalf. "The Light of God surrounds you." As for an explanation.....I simply don't know....But I'll tell you what I want to do.... I have said some unkind things to people in the past. I do want to go into another timeline and be kinder. I think more and more of us are going to experience similar things. Best wishes. I wish I could be of more help.
Hello, I tend to believe that the more one questions this reality, the deeper the search, the more one begins to seperate or filter out the disfigurements, and in doing so, cleans the clutter from time, become more aware and near what might be seen as the doorway, to say, the cluttered doorway cannot be seen, the more one moves the clutter the closer one comes to knowing the doorway (time) though for myself at least there is a point where i(physical) become the clutter. And So, if the jumbled time around one changes, your another step nearer to the truth.

First post, good to be here!!.. .
I wasn't around when JT was here, but there was something strange that happened that happened to me. Years ago I remember Merv Griffin passed away. I recall Eva Gabor talking about how much she loved him and missed him.

Anyway, I was completely shocked one day, a couple of years ago or so, I started hearing that Merv Griffin was alive...and then I saw him on TV, magazines, etc. That was strange. Back in 2005 when I was reading about some of your experiences, I related what happened with Merv Griffin.

Does anyone have any memories of Merv Griffin passing away a long time ago?
My favorite return from the dead people are Siskel and Ebert. Roger Ebert put on 200 pounds and died of a heart attack a very long time ago. But now I find out he is undead. And it appears Gene Siskel is now dead as of 1999. Yet I just seen him on TV last year alive and well. Now it did occur to me that people in the entertainment industry could be playing with us. Of course that would suggest that someone went to alot of trouble to change the color of Pamela's car. That is of course if I'm still in the reality where she woke up one day to find her car to be a different color. It does seem as if the awake reality state of mind is sometimes subject to dream state rules.