I time travel.


Temporal Novice
I hold the key to the world's mysteries, I've stared through gods looking glass. I am looking for others who are willing to travel with me to gather more information from the future so we can change the way we end.
Has it occurred to you that others have already done what you propose? And those others are already controlling things to their liking.

But if it's information you are seeking. Look to the past.
I believe I may be doing something called astrol projection. I am unsure of what is to come, but this theory describes my experiments in the fullest. I will be taking another trip to another plain.
From what I understand when one astral projects into the astral "sea" , as it were, that it is an "emotional" realm. A reflection of our realm in some ways, and can reflect emotions of events that actually haven't or won't happen, but contains a lot of emotional "energy". For instance, a threat of war, many people have emotional turbulance, and this "charged" turbulance is reflected within the astral realm. Thus, what may be seen isn't necessarily something that has happened or will happen.

What becomes difficult, is determining what is real or imagined. At least that's what I've been told by those who experiment with astral projection.

Other than astral projection - can you explain in greater depth this : " I hold the key to the world's mysteries, I've stared through gods looking glass. " ?
Thank You for your post, but I do not believe your clams the World is not ready, i believe many countries are doing Time Travel ready.
Any High School kid could build a real working Time Machine, with the right tools and information. This will be the case sooner than later.

"This will be the case sooner than later."

On what basis do you make this assertion?