I sent something to my future self.


Quantum Scribe
In 2004, I was able to have a company send me a letter to my future address, which was just one of my aunt's houses that I didn't live at that house in that time. I received that letter in 2008 in the mailbox at the house I was living at in 2008, which is the same house I'm living in now. After 2004, I lived in 3 other houses before living in the house I'm living in now. I didn't know I would be living in this house. It was by accident. I needed a place to live and I asked my aunt if she had any houses available and this house and exact address that was available and she let me live here.

Is this merely coincidence and a good guess?
I don't know if it is a coincidence or if it matters if it is, since the ability to send information forward is rather easy. It is the principle behind most time capsules.

Try sending a letter back to yourself in 2004, or even 2008. That would be more along the lines of time travel.
In 2004, I was able to have a company send me a letter to my future address, which was just one of my aunt's houses that I didn't live at that house in that time. I received that letter in 2008 in the mailbox at the house I was living at in 2008, which is the same house I'm living in now. After 2004, I lived in 3 other houses before living in the house I'm living in now. I didn't know I would be living in this house. It was by accident. I needed a place to live and I asked my aunt if she had any houses available and this house and exact address that was available and she let me live here.

Is this merely coincidence and a good guess?

It seems like you've left something out of the post. Do I have this correct:

1. In 2004 a company blindly sent a letter to one of your Aunt's properties (You didn't live there then and they promptly sent the letter in 2004 - they didn't delay sending it. The company was not your employer. Employers tend to demand their employee's real address. The IRS gets miffed when W-2's don't go where they are supposed to go. ;))
2. It took four years but the letter was finally delivered in 2008 (You were living there then)
3. Alternatives to 2: The Postman, knowning the house was vacant, delivered the letter sometime between 2004 and 2008 before you moved in and it sat in the mailbox for up to four years (the house was vacant all during that time) and when you moved in in 2008 it was in the mailbox. The house was not vacant in 2004. The Postman, knowing that no such person lived there, delivered the letter and the occupants left it in the mailbox for up to 4 years waiting for "you" to take delivery.
4. You asked your aunt to put you up in one of her properties and she did
5. You were completely unaware of the addresses of her properties in 2004 (specifically the property she let you move into)
6. You have a relatively close relationship with your aunt or you wouldn't have been in a position to ask for a place to live
7. When you asked the company to deliver the letter you PFA'ed the address (picked it "from the air" at random)
8. There are no other pertinent details left out of the story

Coincidence? I don't know. Especially surprising? Maybe, a bit - without knowing more about the complete facts. Was chosing an address belonging to a family member involved in real estate less likely than a truly random address? Not at all unless your aunt owns millions of properties. I'm assuming that #5 above is not completely accurate and you were aware of at least some of her properties and that she doesn't own millions of properties. I'm also assuming that it was very likely that you would end up living in one of her properties regardless of any change in circumstances. Am I reading too much between the lines or am I correct believing that you've lived in one or more of your aunt's properties before?

Given that you could reasonably expect to be living in one of her properties, the chance that you coould predict your future address is on the order of 1/n where " n" is the number of properties owned by your aunt .
I won't lie to you but I just don't tell the full story at first. A lot of the times it's not on purpose because i don't know hwo to write a detailed enough story (this is true to me and my experience). I will tell you how it's not so unimaginable and is closer to what you have replied back in some guesses of yours and in some ways it's not close in a way. Company was not my employer. In 2004, I lived at 3 addresses legally (paid some rent on two with roommates and the other I was still living with my dad. South, West and North parts of town. and that address was not one of them, but it was a little close to where my dad lived at that time that I wasn't paying rent for but still slept there if I needed to some nights.

1.) They didn't blindy send to the address. I told them to but under a fictional name which I only used at that time and no one really knew at that time except maybe some people online. I did it in 2004 by calling an infomercial to send me something in the mail. I didn't know that they would keep sending to that address until 2008 exactly 4 years later. I put it in a fictional name so my aunt did not know. She didn't know I was having a company send me mail to that address. I was not picking up mail at that address and I thought possibly that in the future I would live there again someday but I didn't know.

2.) True but don't know. They could have kept sending mail but don't know why they stopped in 2008 and I was able to see their last mail. So yes and no I don't know.

3.) The house has been occupied all during that time when I found out that my (two) friends found out that (One) a family member had lived there right before I lived there in 2008 and I moved in right after them. I did not know this until 2011. And another one of my friend's ex-girlfriend lived there during that time.

9.) None of them knew that I lived there in the past. I have lived there in 2000-2001.

4.) I told her I needed to move out of my apartment with my roommate in June 2008. She said no. I was without a place after that and living with her soon after. She didn't know or realize the situation at the time or that I wasn't going to be living at the lace I was at for very much longer. I didn't know either but felt something was going to change. I also wanted out of there quickly. Not giving full details on that one but events unfolded to have me living with her form July until September 2008. In September 2008 is when a property of hers was available.

5.) I didn't know how many properties she had for rent that I could rent from. I only knew of two which were the same location. She might have more for rent I don't know. In my only knowledge this narrows down to two possibilities. From what I know, 1:2 chance to which one to rent from. I'll ask her tomorrow what others she has if I can remember to ask her that.

6.) close but she was strict and when I asked her in June 2008 it was a firm no with no way of convincing her otherwise. The two places I knew she had she said were unavailable. she might have more than that I don't know. All of what she had could have been unavailable. I don't know the whole story. She doesn't give me a list of her properties.

7.) Not really random, but more like 3 infomercials and that was the only company that had a mailing to me in 2008 that I was able to get out of my mailing box. I guess more chances to make it less surprising but still a little bit.

I was not really thinking of living there when I did that in 2004. My thinking was unclear. My thought was that I would receive a mailing somehow someday but it wasn't logically sound to me at that time. I was testing something that I didn't know if it could happen. Now it seems according to you that it would have most likely happen. I didn't know this in 2004. Your thought is more advanced than me. it's a lot of probability I guess, but I don't think I was that smart to know at that time that I would ever see any of those mailings. I thought I could read them someday but I couldn't have any logical explanation to say how that would be possible like you just explained to me now. It's like thinking of the answer but not figuring out how to get to the conclusion or the way to get there. I just knew the answer, but not really for she and in 2008 I was surprised that I was correct. But you are telling me that it's more likely possible that it happened that way. Maybe but I didn't know for sure. I couldn't back up my thoughts. Some of what I'm saying I'm repeating in different ways. I don't know how to fully explain things clearly.

Thanks Darby for helping me understand this better. Any further input would be nice too.
I won't lie to you but I just don't tell the full story at first. A lot of the times it's not on purpose because i don't know hwo to write a detailed enough story (this is true to me and my experience). I will tell you how it's not so unimaginable and is closer to what you have replied back in some guesses of yours and in some ways it's not close in a way. Company was not my employer. In 2004, I lived at 3 addresses legally (paid some rent on two with roommates and the other I was still living with my dad. South, West and North parts of town. and that address was not one of them, but it was a little close to where my dad lived at that time that I wasn't paying rent for but still slept there if I needed to some nights.

1.) They didn't blindy send to the address. I told them to but under a fictional name which I only used at that time and no one really knew at that time except maybe some people online. I did it in 2004 by calling an infomercial to send me something in the mail. I didn't know that they would keep sending to that address until 2008 exactly 4 years later. I put it in a fictional name so my aunt did not know. She didn't know I was having a company send me mail to that address. I was not picking up mail at that address and I thought possibly that in the future I would live there again someday but I didn't know...

[big snip]

In 2004 you chose to have mail sent to one of your aunt's properties, even though you didn't intend to pick it up. You were replying to an infomercial and you didn't want them to have your real name or address. Four years later, still knowing that it was one of your aunt's properties, you chose to live there. In the mean time, the infomercial company was still spamming that name and address.

If so, there's no sign of precognition or time travel here. Is it still possible? Sure. But the evidence indicates nothing especially unusual. You had an aunt who owns rentals. You needed a place to have letters sent under a self-chosen pseudonym. An infomercial company was still spamming you after four years. In 2008 you chose to live there.

Correct so far?

It's an object lesson on why to avoid giving real names and addresses, email addresses, etc. when doing "random" work on the Internet with retailers of questionable character. If you click on the wrong site and give them any information about yourself you are committed to Spam Hell until you get off their list - assuming that your information hasn't been sold a thousand times to a thousand other spammers. And that assumes that your IP isn't already in the que and they have your information from other sources.
I don't fully understand how my choice or decision was denied at first. You snipped everything out and taking a quote out of place and taking what you want but forgetting other points to the story. Number 4 explains that yes it was my choice at first, but I was denied. It was a firm no and then I was kicked out of that place with my roommate with no where to live and my aunt had me stay at her place for a little while. During that time there were no vacancies. If all I knew that there were two rentals then it was still a (#5) 1 out of two chance that I would be living the same place since it determined that one of them had to be available in order for me to be there, but I did not ask her again. I was finding other places to live and after she said no my new choice was not that place because I could not have that place since she said no. It takes two on this one to make a decision work. Me to choose a place and her to choose to let me in. She denied aka #6 and #4.

So, let me ask you this:

Do you like making a final answer based on not all of the evidence and just scrap what only you think is right for what the answer should be and not take everything into consideration when making a decision? From looking at that quote, you deciding by only looking at #1. Is that scientific? How can you base something to be true or not on only one piece of the puzzle?

I just don't understand how you are choosing to make this decision. Maybe I'm just dumb but I don't understand. Can you help me understand this?
You snipped everything out

I snipped most of the post out because the entire quote is in the previous post and the snip was there just as a reference to the entire context, i.e. "snip for brevity". The XenForo forum software defaults to quoting the entire post when you click "reply" thus every time someone replies the entire post is recreated over and over. That's a lot of HDD space on the server.

Anyway, your question boils down to was receiving mail there related to time travel or your own actions over the course of several years? Clearly, based solely on your story, your actions (contacting spammers and giving them the address, asking your aunt to rent one of her properties, etc.) are the most likely cause here. I just don't see anything unusual or unexpected.
I wasn't expecting to be there but I guess you knew just by me ding the experiment that it happened. If I told you this when I first came onto the forum when I did it would you have said the same thing before anything happened?

It's a type of predicting the future then and if I really knew then I knew the future and if it's not physical time travel then it's astral time travel? how else is it to be explained since I didn't know it would happen or didn't really expect it to happen? I more or less thought and created it to happen?
I wasn't expecting to be there but I guess you knew just by me ding the experiment that it happened. If I told you this when I first came onto the forum when I did it would you have said the same thing before anything happened?

It's a type of predicting the future then and if I really knew then I knew the future and if it's not physical time travel then it's astral time travel? how else is it to be explained since I didn't know it would happen or didn't really expect it to happen? I more or less thought and created it to happen?
It is interesting example. To my mind it`s a kind of accident . But we shouldn`t deny that some things are ahead of our decisions. It`s energy which influenes our future. I suppose that people can understand only thigs which can be heard seen ot touched. But in fact there are a lot of things which exist apart from us. It seems that we understand that something happen but can`t explain. The great secret of our brain and substence is still undiscovered.
Yeah I mean, I did not know for a fact that I would actually move back to the place, but now I'm leaving there soon. Don't know when or if I shall move back again, but Darby seems to know the answer to that one too because I really don't know. Thanks. It's just a weird experience to me.
I am Jack Thorn. I"m here because John Titor was and John Titor has now changed the timeline here forever.

But that's my fictional story for another time if anyone is willing to listen.
I'm willing to listen Jack Thorn. But be aware that the MIB are also listening. I'd be willing to let you in on this game as long as you do not fear an encounter level 4 event.
This is a great website. The only problem is, it needs to stay active through the years.

I think I'll send a message. "I am John Titor from the Year 2015"

I have suggested that to Mop a few months ago about this time capsule message function in this board, but there was no reply. Anyway I can start up a site like that and make sure it last as long as I live. Do you think it is a good idea?